


Valve是一個英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞。作名詞時意為“閥;[解剖] 瓣膜;真空管;活門”,作動詞時意為“裝閥於;以活門調節”等。 [1] 
詞    性


n. 閥,活門;(小號等樂器的)閥鍵,活塞;(身體器官或管道的)瓣,瓣膜;<英>電子管,真空管;<英>熱離子管(thermionic valve 的簡稱);殼板;裂爿
v. 裝閥於;以活門調節
【名】 (Valve)(俄、芬)瓦爾韋(人名)
[ 複數 valves 第三人稱單數 valves 現在分詞 valving 過去式 valved 過去分詞 valved ] [1] 


check valve 止回閥 ; [機] 單向閥 ; [機] 逆止閥 ; [機] 檢驗閥
gate valve [機] 閘閥 ; [機] 閘門閥 ; 閘板閥 ; [機] 插板閥
safety valve [機] 安全閥 ; 安全泄氣閥 ; 安全門 ; 進口高壓安全閥安全閥
RELIEF VALVE 減壓閥 ; 溢流閥
throttle valve [機] 節流閥 ; 節氣門 ; 節璃 ; 節省閥
solenoid valve [機] 電磁閥 ; 電磁活門 ; [機] 螺線管閥 ; 螺線管操縱閥
control valve [機] 控制閥 ; 調節閥 ; 控掣閥 ; 控制閥閥門
ball valve [機] 球閥 ; 球形閥 ; 浮球閥 ; 球形活門
Globe valve 截止閥 ; 球形閥 ; 球心閥 [1] 


  • The valve has jammed shut. 閥門給卡住了打不開。
  • This valve regulates the flow of water. 這個閥門調節水流。
  • The pump sucks air out through the valve. 氣泵通過閥門把空氣抽出去。
  • A valve immediately shuts off the gas when the lid is closed. 當蓋子合上時,立刻會有一個閥門切斷煤氣。
  • A spurt of diesel came from one valve and none from the other. 一股股柴油從一個閥門噴湧而出,但另一個沒有。
  • Residents heard an enormous bang as a safety valve on the boiler failed. 當鍋爐的一個安全閥失靈時,居民們聽到了一聲巨響。
  • One of the long-lasting effects of the infection is damage to a valve in the heart. 感染的其中一個長期後果是使心臟的一個瓣膜受損。
  • Every finished valve shall be taken the electriferous blowing test. 每隻成品閥都會進行通電噴吹檢驗。
  • Before leaving, Mr. Seymour turned off the vacuum cleaner and the water valve. 在離開之前,西摩先生關掉了真空吸塵器和水閥。
  • Loyalism thus operated as a safety valve to remove socioeconomic discontent that existed among the rebels. 因此,忠誠就像一個安全閥,消除了存在於叛軍中的社會經濟不滿。
  • Finally, Dad turned off the stove, the pot began to cool and the pressure relief valve sprayed out a cloud of steam. 最後,爸爸關上了爐子,鍋開始降温,然後解壓閥噴出了一股水汽。
  • Threaded through a person's blood vessels, the sensor can provide blood pressure readings at the valve of the heart itself. 這種傳感器可以穿過人體的血管,提供心臟瓣膜處的血壓讀數。
  • Crying is a natural safety valve. 哭泣是一種自然的釋放壓力的手段。
  • He replaced a dud valve. 他換掉了一個無用的電子管。
  • Exercise is a good safety valve for the tension that builds up at work. 鍛鍊身體是排解工作壓力的好辦法。
  • Catharsis is theorized to be a safety valve. 經理論證明,宣泄是一種疏導情緒的方式。
  • The analys is about the maximum safety valve load on each flare header. 這項分析和單個火炬頭的最大安全閥負荷有關。
  • The valve failing closed could be due to an internal blockage or failure. 閥門無法關閉的原因可能是內部堵塞或故障。
  • Green gas is released through a rather large valve into two helicoil tubes. 綠色氣體通過一個相當大的閥門釋放到兩個螺旋油管中。
  • Conrad dies but Troy survives with a punctured lung, requiring a flutter valve in his chest to relieve pressure. 康拉德死了,但特洛伊活了下來,他的肺被刺破,需要胸腔裏的一個翼閥來釋放壓力。
  • This will mean installing a three-way motorised valve, a cylinder thermostat and making some changes in the pipe layout. 這將意味着安裝一個三通電動閥,一個氣缸恆温器並對管道佈局進行一些更改。
  • Valve at Risk is unable to measure the risk exactly and lack of subadditive. 基於風險價值不能準確度量風險以及缺乏次可加性。
  • The valve is actually still open. 閥門事實上還開着。
  • There's a valve between them. 和一個連接它們的閥門。
  • There is, admittedly, a safety valve. 可以説,有一種安全閥還是存在的。
  • If you smell gas, shut off the main gas valve. 如果你聞到煤氣味,關閉總閥門。
  • The PORV 'backup valve is opened to lower the pressure. 減壓閥的備用閥門被打開,減少壓力。
  • Laughter is a pressure valve which releases muscle tension. 大笑是一個壓力閥,它可以釋放肌肉緊張。
  • Indeed, he sees the veto system as a kind of pressure valve. 確實,他認識到否決制度是一個壓力閥。 [1] 