
turn up the music


《Turn Up The Music》是易烊千璽在TFBOYS兩週年粉絲見面會上表演的一段舞蹈solo。 [1-3] 
Turn Up The Music
Turn Up The Music
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時    間


turn up the music簡介

2015年8月15日,在TFBOYS兩週年慶上,“舞蹈機器”易烊千璽帶來了一段帥爆的《Turn Up The Music》,粉絲接連感嘆:“千總太帥,血槽已空”。 [1-2] 
作為組合的舞蹈擔當,易烊千璽的個人舞蹈solo自然必不可少。以一身紅黑上衣亮相的他一出現便驚豔全場,其舞蹈中穿插的把玩帽子和後空翻等高難度動作,展現出對身體力量的精準控制和高超的情感表達能力,短短几分鐘便hold住全場。 [4] 

turn up the music舞者介紹

易烊千璽,2000年11月28日出生於湖南懷化,中國內地流行男歌手、舞者、演員,TFBOYS主唱、舞蹈擔當 [5-6] 
2005年,易烊千璽首登電視熒屏,開始參演各類綜藝節目。2009年,加入“飛炫少年”組合,先後亮相CCTV和全國各大衞視,並接拍多部影視劇、廣告、MV等。2011年底,退出“飛炫少年”組合 [5] 
舞蹈擔當 舞蹈擔當
2013年1月,易烊千璽發行個人首支單曲《夢想摩天樓》。6月,因舞蹈出眾、多才多藝獲邀加入TF家族。8月6日,與王俊凱、王源以TFBOYS組合形式出道,是組合中年紀最小的成員 [5] 
2015年9月24日,易烊千璽參演古裝仙俠劇《青雲志》。10月16日,為法國動畫電影《小王子》男主角“小王子”配音。11月16日,確認加盟青春歷史劇《思美人》,特別出演少年屈原。11月28日,易烊千璽在其15歲生日會上表演自主編排的兩支創意舞蹈《IF YOU》和《RHYTHM TA》,創下愛奇藝娛樂生日會直播在線用户數據的最高紀錄 [5] 
2016年1月1日,易烊千璽獲得湖南衞視《全員加速中》第一季總冠軍。2月7日,登上中央電視台春節聯歡晚會。4月9日,榮獲第16屆音樂風雲榜年度盛典最受歡迎偶像、最受歡迎新偶像、最受歡迎綜藝節目偶像三項大獎。6月13日,憑藉電影《小王子》配音斬獲首屆微博電影之夜影人榜冠軍。6月14日,接受中國綠化基金會聘請,出任“幸福家園暨網絡植樹”生態扶貧公益項目公益大使。7月,登上《時尚芭莎》雜誌封面。8月,登上《時尚·COSMOPOLITAN》雜誌23週年封面 [5] 

turn up the music歌詞

易烊千璽《Turn Up The Music》
易烊千璽《Turn Up The Music》(7張)
Turn up the music cause this song just came on
Turn up the music if they try to turn us down
Turn up the music can I hear it til the speakers blow
Turn up the music fill your cup and drink it down
If you're sexy and you know it put your hands up in the air
Put your hands up in the air girl put your hands up
(Hands up hands up)
If you're sexy and you know it put your hands up in the air
Put your hands up in the air girl put your hands up
And turn up the music just turn it up loud
Turn up the music I need it in my life yeah
Turn up the music just turn it up loud
Turn up the music I need it in my life yeah
Turn up the music
Turn up the music
Turn turn the music
Turn turn up the
Turn up the music cause the sun just came up
Turn up the music if they try to turn us down
Turn up the music cause i'm trying to hear the speakers blow
Turn up the music fill your cup and drink it down
If you're sexy and you know it put your hands up in the air
Put your hands up in the air girl put your hands up
(Hands up hands up)
If you're sexy and you know it put your hands up in the air
Put your hands up in the air girl put your hands up
And Turn up the music just turn it up loud
Turn up the music I need it in my life yeah
Turn up the music just turn it up loud
Turn up the music I need it in my life yeah
Turn up the music
Save my life just dance with me
All I wanna do is party so DJ turn it up
Girl dance with me just dance with me
Girl can I see that
I really wanna touch that
Maybe can I beat that (don't stop the)
Turn it up (just dance with me)
Turn it up (just dance with me)
Turn it up (just dance with me)
Turn it up (just dance with me)
Turn it up (just dance with me)
Turn it up (just dance with me)
Turn it up (just dance with me)
Turn it up
Turn up the music just turn it up loud
Turn up the music I need it in my life yeah
Turn up the music just turn it up loud
Turn up the music I need it in my life yeah
Can you turn it up baby
Can you turn it up baby
Turn it up (just dance with me)
Turn it up (just dance with me)
Turn turn it up (just dance with me)
Turn it up (just dance with me)
Turn it up (just dance with me)
Turn turn it up (just dance with me)
Turn it up (just dance with me)
Turn turn turn it up
Don't stop the music [7] 