


Testify,英語單詞,主要用作動詞。作動詞時意為“作證;證明,證實”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈtestɪfaɪ] 美 [ˈtestɪfaɪ]
v. (通常指在法庭上)作證;證明,證實;<美>(尤指做禮拜時)見證(上帝存在)
[ 第三人稱單數 testifies 現在分詞 testifying 過去式 testified 過去分詞 testified ] [1] 


testify against 作對…不利的證明
testify to 表明 ; 説明 ; 證明
Testify Your Wonder 讓我見證你的奇妙 ; 上一首
competence to testify 作證勝任力
testify falsely 為…作偽證
testify to testify to 證實
to testify 證明 ; 指證
alibi testify 不在場證明
testify initially 主動作證
Criminal Testify 刑事見證 [1] 


  • 1Fiers promised to testify fully and truthfully.菲爾斯承諾毫無保留地、如實地作證。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2He was summoned to testify before a grand jury.他被傳喚出庭在大陪審團前作證。《牛津詞典》
  • 3She was held in contempt for refusing to testify.她因拒絕作證而被判藐視法庭罪。《牛津詞典》
  • 4There are several witnesses who will testify for the defence.有幾名證人願意為被告作證。《牛津詞典》
  • 5She refused to testify, unless the murder charge against her was dropped.她拒絕作證,除非取消她的謀殺指控。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6In the next three or four days, eleven witnesses will be called to testify.在隨後的三四天裏,11名證人將傳喚來作證。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7Too many young people are unable to write or spell well, as employers will testify.寫作或拼寫不好的年輕人太多了,這一點僱主都會證明。《牛津詞典》
  • 8Several researchers write, speak and testify quite a lot on the threat posed by violence in the media.幾位研究人員就媒體暴力所造成的威脅進行了大量的寫作、發言和證實。
  • 9Any veteran nicotine addict will testify that fancy packaging plays no role in the decision to keep smoking.任何一個尼古丁成癮的老煙民都能作證,花哨的包裝對是否繼續吸煙的決定沒有任何影響。
  • 10Hundreds of others are more obscure in their meanings and testify to the amazing specialization in medieval arts, crafts and functions.其他成百上千的詞在含義上更加模糊,證明了中世紀藝術、工藝和功能的驚人專業化。
  • 11Anyone who has toiled through SAT will testify that test-taking skill also matters, whether it's knowing when to guess or what questions to skip.任何一個曾經辛苦地經歷過 SAT 考試的人都可以證實,應試技巧也很重要,即是否知道什麼時候該猜測答案或者什麼樣的問題該跳過去。
  • 12"I can testify to the huge effort that government agencies and other organisations have put into trying to understand the ecological values of this vast area," he says.“我可以證明,政府機構和其他組織為了解這片廣闊地區的生態價值付出了巨大努力。”他説。
  • 13As recent graduates can testify, the job market isn't kind to candidates who can't demonstrate genuine competence, along with a well-cultivated willingness to work hard.最近的畢業生可以證明,求職市場對不能表現出真正能力以及良好的努力工作意願的求職者並不友好。
  • 14She refused to testify against her husband.她拒絕出庭作證指控丈夫。《牛津詞典》
  • 15He made a deal to testify against the others and wasn't charged.他達成了協議出庭指證別人,因而未獲指控。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 16More grandparents would testify that they had to pay for their grandchild's expensive college education.更多的祖父母會作證説,他們必須為孫輩支付昂貴的大學教育費用。
  • 17His friends will testify for him.他的朋友們將為他作證。
  • 18Yes, he could testify if need be.是的,如果有需要的話,他可以作證。
  • 19Murray did not testify at the trial.默裏沒有在審判中證實。
  • 20They get up and testify.她們起而作證。
  • 21So he was too busy to go to Washington and testify.所以他太忙了,無法去往華盛頓作證。
  • 22Murray, 58, did not testify at the Los Angeles trial.58歲的穆雷在洛杉磯審訊室還未被正式宣判。
  • 23She even traveled to Washington to testify before Congress.她甚至遠赴華盛頓,在國會作證。
  • 24Inspector General Barofsky is to testify before Congress on Thursday.總調查員巴羅夫·斯基將於星期四在國會作證。
  • 25Q: US Treasury Secretary Geithner will testify later today in the Congress.問:美國財長蓋特納今天晚些時候將在國會作證。
  • 26Many who have fallen asleep at the wheel of an automobile can testify to this.很多在汽車的方向盤後睡着的人可以證明這點。
  • 27After declaring his eagerness to testify, Mr Blagojevich did not take the stand.雖然聲稱渴望為自己作證,布拉格耶維奇並沒有走上證人席。 [1] 