


TACTICAL,主要用作形容詞,主要意思為“戰術的;策略的”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈtæktɪkl] 美 [ˈtæktɪkl]
adj. 戰術的;策略的;善於策略的 [1] 


tactical missile 戰術導彈
tactical planning 戰術規劃
tactical consciousness 戰術意識 [1] 


  • He had made a humiliating tactical error and he had to go. 他犯下了一個令他恥辱的戰術錯誤,被迫離職。
  • They have removed all tactical nuclear missiles that could strike Europe. 他們已經拆走了所有可能攻擊歐洲的戰術性核導彈。
  • I think he made a tactical blunder by announcing it so far ahead of time. 我認為他如此提早宣佈消息是犯了戰術上的錯誤。
  • The faint arrows, similar to the directional markings on a tactical map, are one of the rare carry-overs from his military world. 微小的箭頭類似於戰術地圖上的方向標記,是他的軍事世界中罕見的遺留物之一。
  • They are open to the tactical possibilities and the musical challenges precisely because they are freed, through skill, from the need to pay attention to the low-level details of how to play. 他們之所以對戰術可能性和音樂挑戰持開放態度,正是因為他們通過技巧擺脱了對演奏技術等低級細節關注的必要。
  • He was given tactical command of the operation. 他被授以這次軍事行動的作戰指揮權。
  • He had a nose for trouble and a brilliant tactical mind. 他有發現問題的能力和一個精於謀略的頭腦。
  • The campaign was widely criticized for making tactical mistakes and for a lack of coherence. 該運動遭到廣泛批評,因其有策略錯誤且缺乏連貫性。
  • It's not yet clear whether his resignation offer is a serious one, or whether it's simply a tactical move. 還不清楚他的辭職請求是認真的,還是隻是個策略上的舉動。
  • Yet it was a tactical mistake. 然而這卻是個戰術錯誤。
  • It was tactical, but stuck in her craw. 這只是戰術性的,但是對她而言是如鯁在喉。
  • Part may be tactical. 一部分可能是出於戰術考慮。
  • Part of the challenge has been tactical. 部分挑戰是基於策略。
  • The tactical fields are outside the camp. 戰術訓練場地在營區之外。
  • SOA Governance: Strategic vs. Tactical SOA治理:戰略VS.
  • We've done some tactical planning already. 我們已經完成一些戰略計劃。
  • Its commanders said it was a tactical withdrawal. 其指揮官説這是一次戰術撤退。
  • A tactical retreat, at the least, looks wise. 採取戰術性退步至少也是明智之舉。
  • But any such cooperation is tactical, nothing more. 但這樣的合作僅僅是戰術而已。
  • Colonel Qaddafi called his withdrawal tactical. 陸軍上校卡扎菲聲稱他的撤退是戰略。
  • The vertical axis ranges from strategic to tactical. 垂直軸從戰略到戰術。
  • Management can make tactical changes to the product. 對產品的管理能夠採取戰術性的變化。
  • The first decision: Tactical or strategic engagement? 第一個決定:戰術或戰略契約?
  • One of the days was dedicated to the tactical exercise. 他們要拿出一天進行戰術的練習。
  • There are tactical components, which you can farm out. 有些策略上的部分,你可以外包出去。
  • Tactical bombers were hammering the whole northwest coast. 戰術轟炸機對整個西北海灘實施了猛烈轟炸。 [1] 