


Scythe,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“鐮刀”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [saɪð] 美 [saɪð] [1] 
  • n. 長柄大鐮刀;釤刀
  • vt. 用大鐮刀割
[ 複數 scythes 第三人稱單數 scythes 現在分詞 scything 過去式 scythed 過去分詞 scythed ] [1] 


Hand Scythe 手鐮
coarse grit scythe 粗硬大鐮刀
motor scythe 機動割草機 [1] 


  • Two men were attempting to scythe the long grass. 兩個男人正試圖割掉瘋長的草。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • My long scythe whispered and left the hay to make "It returns us to the work of mowing." 我的長長的鐮刀留下了一堆稻草並低語着:“這讓我們重新回到割草的勞動中。youdao
  • The whisper of the scythe then. 這就是鐮刀的低語。youdao
  • He's cutting grass with a scythe. 他正在用一把大鐮刀割草。youdao
  • I use a scythe for cutting grass. 我用大鐮刀割草。youdao
  • A blade as sharp as Death's scythe. 與死神鐮刀一樣鋒利的刀刃。youdao
  • Scythe born from the soul of Lothric. 從洛斯·裏克的靈魂誕生出的鐮刀。youdao
  • With the poor crooked Scythe and Spade. 用破舊的彎鐮刀和鐵鍬。youdao
  • Beside a reedy brook the scythe had bared. 但那柄鐮刀偏對一叢花高抬貴手。youdao
  • He was very busy, putting an edge on a scythe. 他正忙着幹活,在磨一把長柄大鐮刀的刃兒。youdao
  • The farmer cut a path in the field with his scythe. 農夫用鐮刀在地裏刈出一條路來。youdao
  • The farmer cut a swathe in the field with his scythe. 農夫用鐮刀在地裏刈出一條路來。youdao
  • I find this Scythe of the Celt to be quite a disturbing force. 我發現凱爾特人的這把大鐮刀相當是干擾的力量。youdao
  • Tom, just cut his arm with a scythe, tumbled on it in the hayfield. 湯姆,只是胳膊給割破了——在草田裏摔在鐮刀上了。youdao
  • Death is often pictured as a skeleton in a black robe, holding a scythe. 死神通常被描繪成披着黑袍、手持鐮刀的骷髏。youdao
  • A short-shafted hand scythe wielded by the murkmen who rise from the depths. 一把長柄杖,被被從深淵爬出的沉鬱之影所揮舞。youdao
  • Fixed an issue where Faith did not scale correctly for Friede's Great Scythe. 修正了一個問題,信仰沒有正確縮放弗裏德的大鐮刀。youdao
  • When a mysterious garbage can is alleged, a scythe befriends the skinny fundraiser. 當一個神秘的垃圾箱被聲稱時,一把大鐮刀援助削瘦的籌款者。youdao
  • Instead of a scythe, father time held a huge pendulum, such as we see on old clocks. 時間老人手裏拿著的不是一把鐮刀,而是一個巨大的像我們在老式時鐘裏所看到的那種鐘擺。youdao
  • Oh, yes, the scythe is new to me as well, but I must admit… I'm starting to like it. 哦,是的,我也是剛剛拿到這把鐮刀,但我必須承認……我開始喜歡上它了。youdao
  • The old man whetted his scythe so hard that a long shower of sparks flew out on the grass. 那個老頭使勁磨着大鐮刀,一長串火星飛濺到草地上。youdao
  • Those on the dig describe Discovering the withered body of a man clutching an ancient scythe. 那些在開掘描述發現抓住一把古老大鐮刀的一個人的雕枯的屍體。youdao
  • Ambassador Ronning swings a basket-fitted scythe in a barley field near Fanch'eng, his birthplace. 外交官郎寧在樊城(注:襄樊)附近的大麥田裏揮舞着裝了網籃的長柄鐮,那裏是他的誕生地。youdao
  • There was never a sound beside the wood but one, And that was my long scythe whispering to the ground. 樹林邊靜悄悄,只有一點聲音,那是我的長鐮在對大地低語。youdao
  • The Scythe Chariot is an upgrade of the Chariot. It has more hit points, more attack strength, and more armor. 卷鐮戰車從戰車升級而來。它擁有更多的生命值、攻擊力和裝甲。youdao
  • Thus in human life we make a brave show, before the scythe of pain, the shears of disappointment, the sickle of death. 人生也同樣在其痛苦地刈割,失望地收剪,和傷殘的芟削之前,表現出勇敢的精神。youdao
  • Still, most field work was done with hand tools like the spade, hoe, and scythe, or with hand- or animal-driven plows. 儘管如此,大多數的莊稼活仍以手工工具完成,比如鐵鍬、鋤頭、長柄鐮刀,手推犁或者動物推犁等等。youdao
  • The scythe, one of the oldest and most efficient human implements, shows a remarkable degree of ergonomic engineering. 長柄大鐮刀是最古老和最有效的人類工具,其設計即明顯符合人類工程學。youdao
  • The sound of the scythe being whetted makes us cast more lingering looks at the flower-sprinkled tresses of the meadows. 磨鐮刀的聲音使我們向到處點綴着花朵的草地多擲去一些依依難捨的目光。youdao