


Profile,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“(人頭部的)側面(像),側影;概述,扼要介紹”等。 [1] 
性    質
詞    性


英 [ˈprəʊfaɪl] 美 [ˈproʊfaɪl]
n. (人頭部的)側面(像),側影;(某物的)外形,輪廓;(人、團體或組織的)簡介,概況;(人或組織的)形象,姿態;縱斷面,剖面;(地球表面縱斷面的)輪廓(如河流走向);(舞台的)平面佈景;(以數量形式記錄事物特點的)曲線圖,數據圖表;(記載個人心理或行為特點、喜好等的)檔案
v. 概述,扼要介紹;給……畫側面像,顯出……側面輪廓;顯出……的輪廓(be profiled);(尤指用模板)銑出輪廓,使……成形
[ 複數 profiles 第三人稱單數 profiles 現在分詞 profiling 過去式 profiled 過去分詞 profiled ] [1] 


high profile 鮮明的姿態;引人注目的高姿態;明確的立場
low profile 低姿態;低姿態的人
company profile 公司簡介;公司概況;企業介紹
tooth profile 齒形;齒廓
temperature profile 温度曲線;温度剖面圖;温度輪廓
surface profile 表面輪廓
cam profile 凸輪輪廓;實際廓線
profile error 齒形誤差;廓形誤差
user profile [計]用户預置文件
velocity profile 速度變化圖
profile modification 齒形修整
soil profile 土壤剖面;土層剖面;泥土成分;土剖面
profile modeling 仿形;靠模
involute profile 漸開線齒形;漸開線齒廓
profile analysis 個人能力測驗圖分析
blade profile 葉片輪廓;葉片剖面;葉型槳葉輪廓
keep a low profile 保持低姿態;避免引人注目
depth profile 沿深度摻雜分佈圖;深度剖面
roll profile 軋輥輥型
personal profile 個人檔案;個人資料 [1] 


  • This picture shows the girl in profile. 這張照片從側面顯示該女孩。
  • Below you will find a profile of each program. 下面你會看到每個項目的簡介。
  • The first article I wrote, it was a profile of the chemistry professor—the one who was named Teacher of the Year. 我寫的第一篇文章,是關於那位化學教授的簡介,就是被評為年度教師的那個人。
  • People only become true celebrities when they maintain a high profile both in their professional and private lives. 人們只有在事業和私生活上都保持高調的時候才會成為真正的名人。
  • A passing reference in a recent profile by Glamour magazine to her 20-hour workdays prompted an outpouring of admiration. 《魅力》雜誌最近在一篇簡介中簡短提到,她一天工作20個小時,博得一片讚歎之聲。
  • His handsome profile was turned away from us. 他英俊的側面輪廓轉離了我們。
  • This issue has had a high profile in recent months. 近幾個月來,這個議題一直是關注的焦點。
  • The deal will certainly raise the company's international profile. 這宗交易肯定會提高這家公司的國際形象。
  • Tony has now been thrust into the limelight, with a high-profile job. 託尼有一份令人注目的工作,現在已成為人們關注的焦點。
  • We first build up a detailed profile of our customers and their requirements. 首先,我們建立起我們的客户及其需求的詳細資料。
  • In his first years as chairman he was instrumental in raising the company's wider profile. 在剛擔任董事長的頭幾年,他在提升公司形象方面發揮了作用。
  • Because of it, Zhang has become rich and successful, but he always keeps a low profile. 因為它,張小龍變得富有、成功,但他一直保持低調。
  • In addition, our site's unique (獨特的) features for members include profile pages, discussion forums (論壇), and other contents. 我們的網站為會員提供的獨特功能包括個人資料頁面、論壇討論和其他內容。
  • In college, when I created my online dating (約會) profile, in the "favorite books" section I put One Hundred Years of Solitude, A Moveable Feast, White Fang and so on. 大學的時候,我創建了我的網上約會資料頁,“最喜歡的書”一欄中我把《百年孤獨》、《流動的盛宴》、《白牙》等等都填了上去。
  • Its profile has really been raised. 它的形象確實得到了提升。
  • She has since worked with another high-profile, luxury label. 此後,她為另一家知名奢侈品品牌工作。
  • Before going to Huawei, he was CTO of BT Group, one of the highest-profile technology gigs in the telecom industry. 在去華為之前,他是英國電信集團的首席技術官,這是電信行業最有知名度的技術工作之一。
  • Beforehand, some members of the trial were allowed to view the Facebook profile of the person they were trying to win over. 在此之前,這項實驗的一些成員被允許查看他們試圖去贏得支持的人員的Facebook資料。
  • They can view a list of errands that match their interest profile, and, by entering a price, can bid to perform the errand. 他們可以查看與他們的興趣簡檔匹配的差事列表,並且,通過輸入價格,可以為執行差事投標。
  • Every year a few colleges and universities in the US attract attention because they've managed to book high-profile speakers. 美國每年都有一些學院和大學引人注目,因為他們成功地邀請到了著名的演講者。
  • When fully developed, this system will enable him to build a biomechanical profile for coaches to use to help budding swimmers. 當這個系統被完全開發出來後,他就可以為教練們建立一個生物力學的檔案,用來幫助嶄露頭角的游泳運動員。
  • The first step for brands to socialise with consumers is to start profile pages on social networks and then accept "friend requests" from individuals. 品牌與消費者進行社交的第一步是在社交網絡上創建個人檔案頁面,然後接受個人的“好友請求”。
  • These all revealed that the DNA profile found inside the gourd is extremely rare in modern Eurasians, suggesting that it may derive from a royal bloodline. 所有這些都表明,在葫蘆裏發現的DNA 圖譜在現代歐亞混血兒中極為罕見,這表明它可能來自一個王室血統。
  • Keep logs to study your online profile and decide what you can knock out, download a program like Freedom that locks you out of your browser, or take a "digital Sabbath". 保持記錄,研究你的在線資料,並決定你可以刪除什麼,下載一個像Freedom這樣的程序,使你遠離瀏覽器,或採取 "數字安息日"。
  • The really successful holders of such titles are those that do a great deal more than fill hotel bedrooms and bring in high-profile arts events and good press for a year. 這些頭銜的獲得者中真正成功的是這樣一羣人,他們所做的遠不只讓酒店爆滿、舉辦備受矚目的藝術活動以及帶來一整年高質量的新聞報道。
  • Newly developing countries are beginning to industrialise, primarily in Africa, with high to very high population growth rates, and characterised by a predominantly young age profile. 新發展中國家正在開始工業化,主要是在非洲,人口增長率一再提高,以年輕化為顯著特徵。
  • Even the technology press conferences, which have been high-profile in the past and reached a level of drama and theatrics fitting for a Las Vegas stage, have a different bent to them. 即便是過去備受矚目、與拉斯維加斯舞台一樣具有戲劇性和舞台效果的科技新聞發佈會,喜好也發生了改變。
  • It's no surprise that high-profile athletes can influence children's eating behaviors, but the scientists were able to quantify how prevalent these endorsements are in the children's environment. 高知名度的運動員可以影響兒童的飲食行為,這並不奇怪,但科學家能夠量化這些代言在兒童環境中的流行程度。
  • In the profile plot, the grids are simply horizontal lines. 在輪廓圖中,網格只是水平線。
  • Cath Kidston keeps a low profile. 卡斯·基德斯頓保持低調。 [1] 