

professional是一個英文單詞,主要用作名詞形容詞,主要意思為“職業的,專業的;專業人員”等。 [1] 
釋    義
用    法
詞    性


英 [prəˈfeʃən(ə)l] 美 [prəˈfeʃən(ə)l]
adj. 職業的,專業的;非常內行的,極為稱職的;(人)職業性的,非業餘的;由職業人員參加的;<非正式,貶>(人)堅持某種活動特徵(或特點)的
n. 專業人員,專業人士;內行,專家;職業選手;(受僱於高爾夫或網球協會的)職業教練
[ 複數 professionals 比較級 more professional 最高級 most professional ] [1] 


professional /prəˈfɛʃənəl/ CET4 TEM4
1.ADJ Professional means relating to a person's work, especially work that requires special training. 有關職業的 [ADJ n]
2.professionally ADV 職業上地
3.ADJ Professional people have jobs that require advanced education or training. 專業的 (人士) [ADJ n]
4.N-COUNT Professional is also a noun. 專業人士
5.ADJ You use professional to describe people who do a particular thing to earn money rather than as a hobby. 職業的 (運動員等)
6.N-COUNT Professional is also a noun. 職業人士
7.professionally ADV 作為職業地 [ADV after v]
8.ADJ Professional sports are played for money rather than as a hobby. 職業的 (運動等) [ADJ n]
9.ADJ If you say something that someone does or produces is professional, you approve of it because you think that it is of a very high standard. 專業水準的 [表讚許]
10.N-COUNT Professional is also a noun. 有專業水準的人
11.professionally ADV 有專業水準地 [ADV with v] [1] 


professional development 專業發展
professional knowledge 專業知識;專門知識
professional design 專業設計;設計合理
professional service 專業服務
professional training 職業培訓
professional team 專業團隊;職業隊
professional education 職業教育;專業教育
professional experience 工作經驗;工作經歷;職業經驗
professional staff 專門人員
professional skill 專業技能
professional qualification 專業資格;職稱等級
professional spirit n. 專業精神
professional practice 專業實習
professional manager 職業經理人;專業管理者
professional organization 專業組織
professional competence 專業技能
professional course 專業課程,專業課
professional commitment 專業承諾
professional standard 行業標準;專業標準;職業標準
professional dedication 敬業精神 [1] 


  • He decided to turn professional. 他決定轉為職業人員。
  • She became a professional mezzo-soprano. 她成為一名專業的女中音歌手。
  • He won't cut it as a professional singer. 他的歌藝未達到專業歌手水平。
  • His professional career spanned 16 years. 他的職業生涯持續了16年。
  • Her old professional skills shone through. 她在行的專業技巧頓時顯現無遺。
  • He had been a professional since March 1985. 他自1985年3月以來一直是一名職業人士。
  • He maintained a professional demeanour throughout. 他始終保持着專業人才的風度。
  • His informants were middle-class professional women. 他的合作者是中產階級職業婦女。
  • He seemed fond of her in a strictly professional way. 他似乎僅限於以職業的方式喜歡她。
  • You owe it to yourself to get some professional help. 你為了自己着想也該去尋求一些專業的幫助了。
  • His professional career started at Colgate University. 他的職業生涯始於科爾蓋特大學。
  • He is one of this country's top professional sportsmen. 他是本國的頂級職業運動員之一。
  • He dealt with the problem in a highly professional way. 他處理這個問題非常專業。
  • Do you belong to any professional or trade associations? 你參加了專業學會或行業協會沒有?
  • They run it with a truly professional but personal touch. 他們以真正專業而個性化的方式經營它。
  • Most of the people on the course were professional women. 參加本課程的大多數人是職業女性。
  • The standard of professional cricket has never been lower. 職業板球的水平從來沒這麼低過。
  • Personal ethics and professional ethics sometimes conflict. 個人道德與職業道德之間有時會相沖突。
  • These garments are intended for professional sports people. 這些服裝是為專業運動員製作的。
  • I've always kept my private and professional life separate. 我一向將我的私生活和職業生涯分開。
  • Natural-filled duvets must be dry-cleaned by a professional. 天然材料填充的羽絨被必須由專業人士乾洗。
  • If it's a legal matter you need to seek professional advice. 如果這屬於法律問題,你就需要進行專業諮詢了。
  • After he won the amateur championship he turned professional. 他獲得業餘賽冠軍後就轉為職業運動員了。
  • She began her professional career as a nursery school teacher. 她從一名幼兒園教師開始了職業生涯。
  • He is a model professional and an example to the younger boys. 他是個模範的專業人員,是年輕人的榜樣。
  • Shortages of professional staff are very severe in some places. 專業人員的短缺在一些地方十分嚴重。
  • The contributors are, for the most part, professional scientists. 投稿者大多是專業科學家。
  • They relied heavily on the advice of their professional advisers. 他們非常依賴專業顧問的建議。
  • She never realized her ambition of becoming a professional singer. 她從未能實現成為一名職業歌手的志向。
  • My professional training has taught me to look at things logically. 我的專業訓練教會了我邏輯地看待事物。 [1] 