


PAWN,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“典當;當掉”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [pɔːn] 美 [pɑːn]
n. 典當;抵押物;兵,卒;人質
vt. 當掉;以……擔保
[ 複數 pawns 第三人稱單數 pawns 現在分詞 pawning 過去式 pawned 過去分詞 pawned ] [1] 


pawn shop 當鋪
a pawn in the game 無名小卒
Pawn structure 兵形 ; 兵型 ; 起好的兵形
Bottom Pawn 底兵 [1] 


  • All her jewellery was in pawn. 她把首飾全典當了。
  • It looks as though he is being used as a political pawn by the president. 看來似乎他在被總統用作政治卒子。
  • He had no way to redeem his furniture out of pawn. 他無法贖回典當的傢俱。
  • With the opening of Alfie's in April, and others such as The Pawn, two years ago, modern British food has made its way to Hong Kong. 兩年前,隨着阿爾菲和典當等其他餐廳在4月份開業,現代英國美食開始進軍香港。
  • Are you trying to pawn me off on somebody? 你在試圖把我硬塞給別人嗎?
  • The factories produce hugely subsidized rubbish they can't pawn off on anybody but the Russians. 這些工廠生產享受了鉅額補貼的垃圾產品,除了兜售給俄國人外,找不到其他買主。
  • "With British food, I think that Hong Kong restaurants are keeping up." says David Tamlyn, the Welsh executive chef at The Pawn in Wan Chai. “在英國菜方面,我認為香港餐館正在迎頭趕上。”灣仔小兵餐廳的威爾士行政總廚戴維·塔姆林説道。
  • "With British food, I think that Hong Kong restaurants are keeping up," says David Tamlyn, the Welsh executive chef at The Pawn in Wan Chai. “在英國菜方面,我認為香港餐館正迎頭趕上。”灣仔小兵餐廳的威爾士行政總廚戴維·塔姆林説道。
  • He moved a pawn forward. 向前拱了一步卒。
  • Why this pawn revival? 典當業何以復甦?
  • But, do you really want to be just a pawn..? 你難道想一直做小兵?
  • I redeemed my watch from the pawn shop. 我把手錶從當裏贖回來了。
  • I am a pawn, over the river, no way back. 我是一粒棋子,過了河,沒路可回了。
  • "Hawaii is like a pawn in a chess game," he added. “夏威夷就如象棋比賽中的一名小卒無足輕重,”他接着説。
  • In chess, value is not the pawn, knight, or bishop. 在象棋中,價值不能是卒,騎士,或主教。
  • Thomas says many women don't like going to pawn shops. Thomas説很多婦女不喜歡到當鋪去。
  • Do you want the buyers' receipts and the pawn tickets? 您要不要看看買主的收據和當鋪的當票?
  • You can’t pawn your old car off on me. I didn’t go for it. 你別想把你的破車賣給我,我才不會要,我才不會有興趣。
  • And if she sends you anything else to sell or pawn, let me know. 如果她再託您賣掉或者當掉什麼東西,您就來告訴我。
  • But as it turned out I was exactly what they were looking for: a pawn. 但事實證明我就是他們要找的人選:一枚棋子。
  • When the game is finished, the king and the pawn go into to the same box. 遊戲結束時,國王和士兵進入同一個盒子。
  • Look round the room and see if there's anything more I can sell or pawn. 你在這個房間裏找找吧,看能不能找再找一樣可以賣或者當的東西。
  • A small boy had become a pawn in the never-ending struggle against Castro. 一個小男孩成了針對卡斯特羅無休止的鬥爭的犧牲品。
  • The Blackberry App Store is like a pawn shop that only sells used 8-track players. 黑莓移動電話應用程序世界就像一個“瓜牙”商店,只賣給用過8 - track的玩家。
  • Clare holds the pawns behind her back; I tap her right elbow and she shows me the white pawn. 克萊爾把她的卒放在了後面;我從右面碰了她,她又用了白卒。
  • They can go to pawn shops, which might charge 100% annual interest on loans backed by assets. 他們可以去當鋪,在那裏有資金支持的貸款可能只收取100%的年息。
  • So did I make all of these analogies to tell you you’re not a pawn? Well, let me put it this way. 説這麼多是為了告訴你其實你不是小兵麼?
  • He had gone hungry two days waiting for the reply, and it was then that he put his wheel back in pawn. 因為等回信他已經餓了兩天肚子,只好把自行車也送進了當鋪。 [1] 