
Off to the Races

《Off to the Races》是拉娜·德雷演唱的一首歌曲,收錄在她的專輯《Born To Die》中,在2011年12月20日發行。
Off to the Races
Born to Die
0時5分01秒 [1] 
填    詞
Tim Larcombe
譜    曲
Tim Larcombe
編    曲
Emile Haynie
Patrik Berger

Off to the Races創作背景

單曲圖片 單曲圖片
"Off to the Races"為拉娜·德雷首張專輯《Born to Die》中一首單曲。被極其浪漫化地形容為“病態依賴症的畸形秀(A Freakshow of Inappropriate Co-Dependency)”。它的副歌會讓人聯想到Sheryl Crows1994年的單曲《Leaving Las Vegas》——那呼之欲出的,惆悵酗酒的孤獨角色。它不同於《Video Games》:後者的情感由鋼琴引出,並且經過斟酌剋制地抒發;而《Off to the Races》的歌詞好似性心理障礙在隆隆作響,二重唱的使用則彌補了相較簡單的旋律。

Off to the Races歌曲歌詞

My old man is a bad man
But I can't deny the way he holds my hand
And he grabs me he has me by my heart
He doesn't mind I have a Las Vegas past
He doesn't mind I have a L.A. crass way about me
He loves me with every beat of his c*****e heart
Swimming pool glimmering darling
White bikini off with my red nail polish
Watch me in the swimming pool
Bright blue ripples
You sittin' sippin' on your Black Cristal
Oh yeah
Light of my life fire of my loins
Be a good baby do what I want
Light of my life fire of my loins
Gimme them gold coins
Gimme them coins
And I'm off to the races
Cases of Bacardi chasers
Chasing me all over town
'Cause he knows I'm wasted
Facing time again at Rikers Island
And I won't get out
Because I'm crazy baby
I need you to come here and save me
I'm your little scarlet starlet
Singing in the garden
Kiss me on my open mouth
Ready for you
My old man is a tough man
But he got a soul as sweet as blood red jam
And he shows me he knows me every inch of my tar black soul
He doesn't mind I have a flat broke-down life
In fact he says he thinks it's what he might like about me
Admires me the way I roll like a rollin' stone
Likes to watch me in the glass room bathroom
Chateau Marmont slippin' on my red dress puttin' on my makeup
Glass room perfume cognac lilac fumes
Says it feels like heaven to him
Light of his life fire of his loins
Keep me forever tell me you own me
Light of your life fire of your loins
Tell me you own me
Gimme them coins
And I'm off to the races
Cases of Bacardi chasers
Chasing me all over town
'Cause he knows I'm wasted
Facing time again at Rikers Island
And I won't get out
Because I'm crazy baby
I need you to come here and save me
I'm your little scarlet starlet
Singing in the garden
Kiss me on my open mouth
Yo I'm off to the races laces
Leather on my waist is tight and I am falling down
I can see your face is shameless
Cipriani's basement
Love you but I'm going down
God I'm so crazy baby
I'm sorry that I'm misbehaving
I'm your little harlot starlet
Queen of Coney Island
Raising hell all over town
Sorry 'bout it
My old man is a thief
And I'm gonna stay and pray with him 'til the end
But I trust in the decision of the Lord
To watch over us
Take him when he may if he may
I'm not afraid to say that I'd die without him
Who else is gonna put up with me this way
I need you I breathe you I'd never leave you
They would rue the day I was alone without you
You're lying with your gold chain on
Cigar hanging from your lips
I said "Hon' you never looked so beautiful
As you do now my man"
And we're off to the races places
Ready set the gate is down and now we're goin' in
To Las Vegas chaos Casino Oasis
Honey it is time to spin
Boy you're so crazy baby
I love you forever not maybe
You are my one true love
You are my one true love
You are my one true love [2] 

Off to the Races榜單成績

US Hot Rock Songs(Billboard) 最高位:40
US Alternative Digital Songs(Billboard) 最高位:22

Off to the Races歌詞釋義

[Verse 1]
My old man is a bad man,
【這首歌的敍述是從Lana虛構的一個老得可以當她父親的愛人開始的,大部分有關Lolita的作品都是以此開頭的。“Old man”這個形象是很合適的,因為在小説中Humbert是Lolita的繼父。該説這很糟嗎?然而這並不是最壞的一件事】
but I can’t deny the way he
holds my hand
And he grabs me, he has me by my heart
He doesn’t mind I have a Las Vegas past
【他並不在意Lana在拉斯維加斯有什麼黑歷史(Yayo:It only takes 2 hours to Nevada),也不在乎他在那做了什麼他完全被Lana誘惑着,如果你們在愛情中也達到了這個階段,也就不會在意彼此的過往了】
He doesn’t mind I have an LA crass way about me
【Lana 熱愛LA(洛杉磯)以及有名的LA女孩們(Kanye West的歌RoboCop:You spoiled little LA girl. You’re just an LA girl.)在 “Gods & Monsters” 中(In the land of gods and monster, I was an angel. Living in the garden of evil.), Lana訴説了LA如何把她從一個純潔的女孩變成一個像好萊塢一樣腐敗墮落的人。她遺失的純潔就是對Lolita的影射。她的愛人卻仍然不在意這些,她的這些黑暗面愈發吸引着他。】
He loves me with every beat of his cocaine heart
Swimming pool glimmering darling
【在Lolita的小説中,Lolita大部分時間都在她和她愛人所在的賓館的泳池中度過波光粼粼的水面倒映着她的年輕與天真。這和類似Lorde在泳池中放鬆(Buzzcut Season:So now we live beside the pool. Where everything is good.),對Lana來説這就是一個喘息暫緩的地方】
White bikini off with my red nail polish
Watch me in the swimming pool
Bright blue ripples, you sittin’, sippin’ on your black
cristal, yeah
【當她在游泳時脱下她的白色比基尼時,這就是她為她愛人上演的一場私人秀。Cristal是一種昂貴的名酒,由Louis Roederer生產】
Light of my life, fire of my loins
【從這裏到副歌還有Bridge,Lana提高了1-2個八度音階,和Born To Die這張專輯中大多數歌曲的音域都不一樣。這展現了她童真的一面,愛着老男人的Lolita的那一面。這聽起來雖然有點反常,但卻是一個非常合適的轉變。】
Be a good baby, do what I want
【這個Million Dollar Man喜歡有控制權。因為他是有錢人,如果她不聽話就可以以離開來威脅她。這是Lolita中的一個場景,表明了Lolita願意為她的繼父做任何事情的態度】
Light of my life, fire of my loins
【她讓她的男人慾火中燒,所以她覺得他是她的一切。Lolita 中第一行就是這句話。諷刺的是這是Humbert那個老男人説的,並不是Lolita。這真是一個有趣的反轉。】
Give me them gold coins, give me them coins
And I’m off to the races,
【Off to the races是指去賽馬場看賽馬,人們通常穿着打扮,賭博的地方。這一看就是社會上層社交,只不過也夾雜着賭博,酒精以及毒藥。這就放大了Lolita熱情奔放的形象。】
cases of Bacardi chasers
Chasin’ me all over town
‘cause he knows I’m wasted
Facin’ time again on Rikers Island and I won’t get out
【Rikers Island是一個巨型監獄,位於Queens和Bronx之間。Lana在紐約市出生🐣,她以前是個問題少女所以被送去了寄宿學校(個學校應該就在Rikers Island)。這個不知從哪來的男人帶她逃出了那個鐵柵欄中的生活。】
Because I’m crazy baby, I need you to come here and save
I’m your little scarlet, starlet, singin’ in the garden
【她覺得她太狂野了,需要一個年紀大的熟男帶她走向正軌,挽救她,她就是他的影子。Little和singing in the garden顯得她是那麼的年輕(young),但scarlet説明她仍是女人(woman)這也更直接的參考了Lolita。她試圖操控那個男人,逃離困境。Singing in the garden-在第62版Lolita中,有這麼一幕,Lolita轉呼啦圈時和Humbert對視。】
Kiss me on my open mouth
Ready for you
【出自Lolita Chapter 4(第四章)“… then my darling would draw away with a nervous toss of her hair, and then again come darkly near and let me feed on her open mouth…”我就不翻譯了,翻譯了好幾次都覺得不對。。。免得毀意境】
[Verse 2]
My old man is a tough man, but he got a soul as sweet as
blood red jam
And he shows me, he knows me, every inch of my tar black
【他是個毒販,他當然是很野蠻的。但Lana從他的對她的慷慨大方中看見了他更加温柔的一面。Lana被社會上層人士告知,她從來都是毫無價值,實際上他也知道這一點(Born To Die: You like your girls insane.)。她不明白他為什麼會愛上如此卑微的她。】
He doesn’t mind I have a flat, broke-down life
In fact, he says he thinks it’s what he might like about
me, admires me
The way I roll like a rolling stone
【這個Million Dollar Man並沒有因為Lana比他貧窮而對她有偏見,他發現Lana生活上狂野的一面是如此迷人。這引用了Bob Dylan的歌曲“Like A Rolling Stone”,這首歌描述了一個無法在任何地方安定,四處奔波的人。】
He likes to watch me in the glass room, bathroom,
Chateau Marmont
Slippin’ on my red dress, puttin’ on my makeup
Glass room, perfume, cognac, lilac fumes
Says it feels like heaven to him
【Chateau Marmont是一家非常豪華的旅館,在好萊塢西部,樓主以前路過了一次,看起來好高級。可是住不起,最少都要500刀一晚啊,還不加税。即使Lana已經躋身進入了一個奢華的世界,但她還是不滿足,她擁有了她之前想都不敢想象的東西,比如昂貴的長裙和名貴的香水。Lana真的很喜歡穿紅裙子(Summertime Sadness:I got my red dress on tonight. Dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight.)2012年她去英國時也穿着紅裙。】
[Pre-Hook - Variation]
Light of his life, fire of his loins
Keep me forever, tell me you own me
Light of your life, fire of your loins
Tell me you own me, give me them coins
[Hook - Variation]
Yo I’m off to the races, laces
Leather on my waist is tight and I am falling down
I can see your face is shameless
【為了穿上非常緊緻的裙子,Lana必須穿上緊身衣,(就是那種穿繩子的緊身衣,水果姐Killer Queen廣告裏有出現)Lana非常不習慣穿緊身衣,因為那通常是富人們穿的。Lana覺得快被勒暈了。她的愛人卻並不感到同情,因為這就是他的生活方式,他早已習慣】
Cipriani’s basement, love you but I’m going down
【Cipriani的地下室是指紐約的Rainbow Room,一家高消費的餐館。她彎腰(going down),甚至要跪下(falling down)的事實有點滑稽,因為她已經在地下室了。[我覺得應該是男人帶她去參加酒會,要求她對那些社會人士道禮]】
God I’m so crazy baby, I’m sorry that I’m misbehaving
I’m your little harlot, starlet,
queen of Coney Island
Raisin’ hell all over town
Sorry ‘bout it
【Coney島是Brooklyn南邊的一個半島,因遊樂場著名。和以前一樣,那是Lana的故鄉。Coney Island也有點罪惡都市的傾向, 所以Queen of Coney Island是指罪惡女王,淫亂女王,並且她正做着罪惡的事。[樓主一直以為這句和Run DMC的 Raising Hell有關聯,不知兩首歌有沒有關係]】
My old man is a thief and I’m gonna stay and pray with
him till the end
But I trust in the decision of the Lord to watch over us
Take him when he may, if he may
I’m not afraid to say that I’d die without him
【Lana知道她的男人很可能會早早離世,因為他年紀太大了,又是一個混蛋。儘管Lana知道他必然會提早離開,她還是想一直陪着他。她認為沒有了他便是世界末日。(Dark Paradise: Your soul is haunting me and telling me that everything is fine, but I wish I was dead.) 】
Who else is gonna put up with me this way?
I need you, I breathe you, I’d never leave you
They would rue the day I was alone without you
You’re lyin’ with your gold chain on
Cigar hangin’ from your lips
I said, “Hun, you never looked so beautiful as you do
now, my man”.
【這首歌的亮點到了,這絕對是我最喜歡的一首歌中最喜歡的一段中的最喜歡的幾句歌詞,那高音簡直絕了。好了廢話不多説了,開始解釋:帶着金項鍊抽着煙,很容易就聯想到親愛的肥胖的老爹(fat cat sugar daddy)[233,沒想到外國人也這麼想,不過我並不覺得胖老爹是親愛的]很明顯這種男人就是Lana喜歡的類型[Ride MV中的那個麼]雖然那畫面太美我不敢看,她還是不禁覺得他是如此英俊。(National Anthem:God,you’re so handsome.)在Lana眼裏 沒人比他更完美了。】
And we’re off to the races, places
Ready, set, the gate is down and now we’re going in [1] 
【男人的家有一個大鐵門,就是豪宅大院的那種大門。即使他超級有錢,他還是把全身心都獻給了Lana,他會跟隨Lana去任何地方。(Lucky Ones: Boy, get into my car, got a bad desire. You know that we’ll never leave if we don’t get out, now, now, now.)。 races從之前的賽馬變成了逃脱他們的罪責(racing away from their responsibilities),去一個遙遠的地方。】
To Las Vegas, chaos, casino oasis
Honey it’s time to spin
【拉斯維加斯是賭博勝地,因為是在Nevada這片大沙漠中,人最多,最繁華的地方,所以被形容成賭場綠洲(casino oasis)。It’s time to spin是指轉動俄羅斯輪盤。】[温馨提示:在拉斯維加斯招妓是合法的哦,也是同性戀的結婚勝地,憋問我為什麼知道,當我牀上來就告訴你]
Boy you’re so crazy baby
I love you forever, not maybe
You are my one true love
You are my one true love
【和Lana很瘋狂相似(God I’m so crazy)。他們如此恩愛就是因為他們兩個都很狂熱。Lana表示她絕對會永遠愛着這個男人,在她心中這絕對無法質疑(Blue Jeans: I will love you till the end of time, I would wit a million years.)。類似於(Lucky Ones中:Every now and then the stars align, boy and girl meet by the great design. Could it be, that you and me are the lucky ones?),Lana覺得是命運把他們安排在一起,這男人就是為Lana而生的。】

Off to the Races歌手簡介

拉娜·德雷 拉娜·德雷
拉娜·德雷(Lana Del Rey)本名Elizabeth Grant,1986年6月21日出生於美國紐約州,美國女歌手、詞曲創作者、模特。2011年6月發行首張單曲《Video Games》開始活躍於歌壇。2012年1月27日發行首張錄音室專輯《Born to Die》在樂壇走紅;同年2月21日獲得第32屆全英音樂獎國際最具突破藝人獎。2012年發行《Born to Die》的改版專輯《Born to Die – The Paradise Edition》。2013年2月在第32屆全英音樂獎國際最佳女歌手獎;同年5月為電影《了不起的蓋茨比》獻唱插曲《Young and Beautiful》。2014年憑藉歌曲《Summertime Sadness》的Cedric Gervais混音版獲得第56屆格萊美獎最佳非古典類混音唱片獎;同年6月17日發行的第三張錄音室專輯《Ultraviolence》,登上公告牌二百強專輯榜冠軍。2015年9月18日發行第四張錄音室專輯《Honeymoon》。