


melt,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“(使)熔化,融化”等。 [1] 
詞    性
含    義


英 [melt] 美 [melt]
v. (使)熔化,融化;(逐漸)減少,消失;(使)軟化,變得温柔;變成,融入
n. 融化,融合;熔化的金屬,熔化物;一次的熔化量;<美>奶酪三明治
[ 複數 melts 第三人稱單數 melts 現在分詞 melting 過去式 melted 過去分詞 melted或molten ] [1] 


melt into 溶解成;消散在…中;因心軟而…
hot melt 熱熔膠;熱熔性
melt flow 熔態流動,熔體流動
hot melt adhesive n. 熱熔膠;熱熔性膠粘劑
polymer melt 聚合物熔體
melt spinning 熔融紡絲;熔體紡絲
melt index [化]熔融指數;熔體流動指數
melt away v. 消失;融掉
melt viscosity 熔體粘度;熔膠粘度;融熔黏度;熔解粘度
glass melt 玻璃熔體(溶液)
melt down 熔化;融掉
melt flow index 熔融指數;熔體流動指數
melt through 焊穿
melt water 融雪水 [1] 


  • The snow was beginning to melt. 積雪開始融化了。
  • As the climate warms (up) the ice caps will melt. 隨着氣候變暖,冰蓋將融化。
  • The ice is beginning to melt. 冰開始融化了。
  • Heat will melt iron. 熱將使鐵熔化。
  • I'd put her on the stove, and she'd melt. 我把她放在爐子上,她就會融化。
  • The ice will melt when the sun shines on it. 有太陽照射時,冰就融化。
  • With the temperature rising, polar ice will melt at a faster rate. 隨着温度的上升,極地的冰會以更快的速度融化。
  • At this great height, rocks, warmed by the sun, melt small snowdrifts. 在這個異乎尋常的高度上,岩石被陽光加熱,融化了小雪堆。
  • They crack and frizzle. They "weep" out additives. They melt into sludge. 它們裂開、彎曲。它們“滲出”添加劑。它們融化成糊狀。
  • They are as exact as possible; there is not a fault in them, if they did not melt! 它們極其精巧;只要它們不融化,那它們就沒有缺點!
  • The temperature has risen just enough to melt snow but not enough for Little League practice to start. 氣温剛剛上升到足以融化積雪的程度,但還不足以讓小聯盟的訓練開始。
  • The goal was simple, to discover how the species adapted to the kind of heat that can literally melt the bottom of shoes. 目的其實很簡單,就是為了找出這一物種是如何適應這種簡直可以熔化鞋底的高温的。
  • The goal was simple: to discover how the species adapted to the kind of heat that can literally melt the bottom of shoes. 目標很簡單:要了解此物種是如何適應可以融化鞋底的高温的。
  • It would have been relatively easy for a person with knowledge of metals to melt down bronze objects and forge them into coins. 對懂金屬的人來説,熔化青銅製品並將其鍛造成硬幣是相對容易的。
  • They are always breaking away from the main caps and floating around, pushed by currents, until they eventually melt and are was ted. 它們總是脱離主冰帽,在洋流的推動下四處漂浮,直到最終融化並被曬乾。
  • Occasionally, a bubble is not removed during refining, a sand grain refuses to melt, a tremor in the tin puts ripples into the glass ribbon. 有時候,在提煉的過程中會出現這些情況:一個氣泡沒有被移除,一個砂粒沒有熔化,(熔融的)錫的一次顫動把波紋帶進了玻璃帶中。
  • Evidence that an ice-free corridor between two ice sheets developed when the continental ice first began to melt came primarily from radiocarbon dating. 當大陸上的冰開始融化時,兩塊冰原之間形成了一條無冰走廊,這一證據主要來自放射性碳測年法。
  • If this warming up took place, the ice caps in the poles would begin to melt, thus raising sea level several metres and severely flooding coastal cities. 如果這種變暖發生,兩極的冰帽將開始融化,從而使海平面上升數米,並嚴重淹沒沿海城市。
  • Continued bombardments and internal pressures made the growing Earth hotter, causing its interior to melt and the heavier elements to sink and form Earth's core. 持續的轟擊和內部壓力使成長中的地球越來越熱,導致其內部融化,較重的元素下沉形成地核。
  • Most of the Arctic is covered in snow and ice, which are highly reflective; if snow and ice melt, the exposed soil, which absorbs heat, serves to accelerate warming. 北極大部分地區被冰雪覆蓋,具有很強的反射性;如果冰雪融化,裸露的土壤吸收熱量,有助於加速變暖。
  • WFP officials say as the winter snow begins to melt and high mountain paths begin to clear, local leaders and international aid workers are reporting some people are dying of starvation. 世界糧食計劃署官員説,隨着冬雪開始融化,高海拔的山路開始暢通,當地領導人和國際救援人員報告説一些人正死於飢餓。
  • Computer simulations of this impact show that both of the objects would melt in the impact and the dense core of the impactor would fall as molten rock into the liquefied iron core of Earth. 對這次撞擊的計算機模擬顯示,這兩個物體都會在撞擊中熔化,而撞擊者稠密的核心會以熔融岩石的形式落入地球的液化鐵芯中。
  • The more you lose, the more open water is created, the more warming goes on in that open water during the summer, the less ice forms in the winter, the more melt there is the following summer. 冰減少的越多,形成的無冰水面就會越多,這些無冰水面在夏天時的温度會持續升高,在冬天結的冰就會減少,來年夏天也會有更多的冰融化。
  • The tension in the room began to melt. 屋裏的緊張氣氛開始緩和。
  • When he heard these words, Scot felt his inner doubts melt away. 聽到這些話,斯科特覺得內心的疑慮消失了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • Melt the butter over a medium-low heat. When it is melted and bubbly, put in the flour. 用中低火把黃油加熱。待黃油熔化起泡後,放入麪粉。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • Shrinking glaciers are a problem for million is of people who use regular glacier melt for drinking water. 對於那些使用恆定的冰川融化的水作為飲用水的數百萬人來説,冰川面積不斷縮小是一個難題。
  • That is 31% more than 15 years ago, and enough ice melt to put Switzerland under 7.2 meter of water each year. 這比15年前高出31%,每年融化的冰足以使瑞士淹沒在7.2米的水下。
  • Their tears can melt your heart. 他們的眼淚可以柔化你的心。
  • Add eye contact to all of these and she will melt. 所有這些加上眼神交流,她就會被感化。 [1] 