


Luster,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“有光澤;發亮”等 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈlʌstə(r)] 美 [ˈlʌstər]
n. [光]光澤;光彩
vi. 有光澤;發亮
vt. 使有光澤
n. (Luster)人名;(德)盧斯特爾
[ 複數 lusters 第三人稱單數 lusters 現在分詞 lustering 過去式 lustered 過去分詞 lustered ] [1] 


metallic luster 金屬光澤;金屬閃光料
pearly luster 珍珠光澤
bright luster 鏡面光澤
vitreous luster [光] 玻璃光澤 ; [光] 玻態光澤
Add luster 增光添彩
luster glaze 虹彩釉 [1] 


  • Humming bird's feathers are mostly very bright and shine with metallic luster. 蜂鳥的羽毛大多十分鮮豔,並且閃耀着金屬的光澤。
  • Will their hard-won brand luster be forever cheapened, especially for items whose allure depends on their being ridiculously priced? 他們來之不易的品牌光彩是否會永遠貶值,尤其是那些依賴於可笑價格的商品?
  • Soft and natural luster, pure color. 光澤柔和自然,色彩純正。
  • Let us move, add luster for the expo. 讓我們一起行動起來,為世博增添光彩。
  • A good name keeps its luster in the dark. 良好的名聲在黑暗中也能閃閃發光。
  • Add luster to the doors is to visit friends. 為門庭增添光彩的是來做客的朋友。
  • The deeds of heroes add luster to a nation's history. 英雄的事蹟能增加一個國家歷史的光輝。
  • Radiating a serene luster, lacquer ware is an exquisite Chinese craft. 輻射寧靜的光澤,漆器是一個精美的中國工藝。
  • Then I think again: maybe we "can" control the moon's luster; it's wholeness. 我又思考再三:也許我們可以控制月亮的光彩和圓滿。
  • Then it's really no more than a means of transportation, it too loses its luster. 然後它就僅僅是一個名符其實的交通工具,失去了它的光彩。
  • Description: Silver grey lumps with metallic luster, easily oxidizable in air. 説明:呈銀灰色,有金屬光澤,在空氣中易氧化。
  • Virtue is a kind of spiritual treasure, but make it produce luster is good manners. 美德是精神上的一種寶藏,但是使它生出光彩的則是良好的禮儀。
  • When a man in a suitable for his position, he will emit luster, live out their value. 當一個人在一個適合他的位置上的時候,他就會散發出光彩,活出自身的價值。
  • Towards evening, the sun from the clouds like scale again put a painting like luster. 臨近傍晚,陽光從魚鱗般的雲層中一次次投放出油畫般的光彩。
  • Healthy women have lustrous, shiny hair, whereas the hair of sickly people loses its luster. 健康的女人擁有一頭光澤亮麗的頭髮,而病人的頭髮沒有光澤。
  • "You are watching a company that at one time had a lot of demand. All of that luster is gone," he said. 他還説,你所看到的這家公司曾一度輝煌,但好景不再了。
  • There is a harmony in autumn, and a 19 luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen. 秋天有一種和諧的美,天空中綻放出夏日裏未曾聽聞或見過的絢麗色彩。
  • His skin had lost its luster and had a dull, leathery look, like a chicken wing left in the freezer too long. 他的皮膚已經失去了光澤,看上去有點暗淡的皮革色,像一隻放在冰箱裏太久的雞翅。
  • SHANGHAI — The World’s Fair may have lost the luster it brought decades ago to world capitals like Paris. 上海——一百多年前的巴黎世博會曾讓世界為之瘋狂,一百多年後世界博覽會正在失去她往日的輝煌。
  • Study participants rated the same objects as more desirable when they carried the alleged celebrity luster. 面對同一件物品,當它被撒上所謂的名人的光輝之後,研究參與者對它的估價就會更高。
  • Another risk: Volvo could lose some of its high-quality, safety-first luster in the arms of a Chinese owner. 另一個風險是,沃爾沃可能會在中國所有者的手中失去其品質一流、安全第一的光環。
  • A survey released this week bolstered the argument that the luster of private elite colleges might be fading. 本週發佈的一份調查進一步證明:精英私立大學的光環正在消退。
  • I'm trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add laughter and luster to our lives. 我一直非常努力的不去拖延那些能使我們的生活增添笑聲和豐富色彩的事。
  • But the idea has been discussed, praised, and debated for a while since then and may have lost some of its luster. 但這個想法經過了討論、讚揚,又經過了一番爭辯,最終的結晶卻有些令人失望(link)。 [1] 