


Liquor,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“烈性酒;液,汁”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈlɪkə(r)] 美 [ˈlɪkər]
n. 烈性酒;酒精類飲料;(某種加工過程中所產生或使用的)液,汁
v. 把……浸於溶液中;<美,非正式>使喝醉;<非正式>灌酒;給(皮革)上油;在水中浸泡(麥芽等)
[ 複數 liquors 第三人稱單數 liquors 現在分詞 liquoring 過去式 liquored 過去分詞 liquored ] [1] 


black liquor [化]黑液;紙漿黑液
in liquor 帶有醉意,喝醉
mother liquor 母液
waste liquor 廢液
alkali liquor 鹼液
liquor store 販酒店
spent liquor 廢液
hard liquor 烈性酒;蒸餾酒
alcoholic liquor [醫]醇制溶液;含醇液
white liquor 白液(多數來源於造紙廠)
liquor ratio 浴比
medicinal liquor 藥酒;酒劑
acid liquor 酸液
green liquor 綠液
leach liquor 瀝濾液,浸出液;浸提液
red liquor [美國俚語]烈酒(尤指威士忌)
filter liquor 濾液
corn steep liquor 玉米漿 [1] 


  • She drinks wine and beer but no liquor. 她喝葡萄酒和啤酒,但不沾烈性酒。
  • The room was filled with cases of liquor. 房間裏滿是一箱箱的烈性酒。
  • In 1979, Liquor Barn thrived as a discount merchandiser. 1979年,作為折扣酒品專賣店的立可倉生意興隆。
  • The liquor was sold legally and trucked out of the state. 這種酒合法出售,由卡車運出該州。
  • They had liquor for the adults and sodas for the children. 他們為成年人準備了酒,為孩子們準備了汽水。
  • Under state law, bar owners must buy their liquor from wholesalers. 依照州法律,酒吧經營者們必須從批發商們那兒購買酒。
  • A liquor store clerk reads a magazine at the counter. 一個賣酒的店員在櫃枱上看雜誌。
  • Liquor was a kind of liquid food to him and made his mind lively. 酒對他而言是一種液體的食物並且可以使他的思維活潑。
  • He had liquor in him; I could see that; and besides, he always has. 他喝了酒;我能看出來;而且,他總是這樣。
  • Armed and provided with some strengthening liquor, they repaired to a room down-stairs. 他們帶着武器,喝了些烈酒,來到樓下的一個房間。
  • The smell of liquor made his mouth water; the good humor and bonhomie between the other pullers made him lonely. 酒的香味讓他流口水;其他那些車伕之間詼諧和友好使他感覺孤獨。
  • He now can vote, he can buy liquor, he can enter into financial contracts, and he is entitled to run for public office. 他現在可以投票,可以買酒,可以簽訂金融合同,有權競選公職。
  • Where do you go when fell like partying? Do you occasionally drink? If so, what is your favorite liquor or other alcohol-based drink? 當你想要參加派對的時候,你去哪裏呢?你偶爾喝酒嗎?如果喝的話,你最喜歡哪一款酒或者其他帶酒精的飲料?
  • In China, no alcohol is more representative than Chinese liquor and at some point, Chinese alcohol culture is Chinese liquor culture. 在中國,沒有什麼酒比中國白酒更具有代表性,在某種程度上,中國酒文化就是中國白酒文化。
  • The Wallaces didn't accept advertising in the US edition until 1955 and even then they didn't allow any ads for cigarettes, liquor or drugs. 華萊士夫婦直到1955年才接受了美國版的廣告,即便如此,他們也不允許刊登任何有關香煙、酒或毒品的廣告。
  • Until there is evidence that the benefits of a daily dose of alcohol outweigh the risks, most people won't be able to take a doctor's prescription to the neighbourhood bar or liquor store. 除非有證據表明每日飲酒的益處大於風險,否則大多數人都無法憑醫生的處方到附近的酒吧或酒類商店去買酒。
  • We come here and send out for liquor. 我們到這兒來,派人去取酒。
  • In Curacao, the well-known liquor of that name is made from the thick outer skin of a native orange. 與庫拉索島同名的著名朗姆酒,就是用庫拉索島當地一種柑橘的厚外皮製成的。
  • Comparing with the autumn in the northland, it is just like yellow wine with colorless liquor, rice gruel with steamed bun, and perch with big crab . 比起北國的秋來,正像是黃酒之與白乾,稀飯之與饃饃,鱸魚之與大蟹。
  • Have another one. You can hold your liquor. 您是海量,再來一杯。
  • You can't bring in this liquor. 你不可以把酒帶進來。
  • I saw him imbibing liquor. 我看見他正在飲烈酒。
  • The straw that stirs the liquor. “攪拌酒用的吸管”。
  • Do not drink liquor as a beverage. 永遠不要把白酒當作飲料。
  • Liquor was the most important thing. 酒是最重要的東西。
  • JOHN: Liquor is considered a luxury item. 約翰:酒類被視為是奢侈品。
  • Liquor made from wheat? 小麥釀製的酒?
  • So we come here and send out for liquor. 所以我們到這兒來了,派人去買酒喝。
  • This store handles the sort of liquor you need. 這家商店出售你要的那種酒。 [1] 