


LEAP,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“猛衝,突然而迅速地移動;跳躍”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [liːp] 美 [liːp]
v. 猛衝,突然而迅速地移動;劇增,猛漲;趕緊抓住(機會);(心)猛跳;跳,跳躍
n. 跳躍,跳高;驟變,激增;(對新事物的)認真嘗試
【名】 (Leap)(美、法、英)萊亞(人名)
[ 複數 leaps 第三人稱單數 leaps 現在分詞 leaping 過去式 leapt或leaped 過去分詞 leapt或leaped ] [1] 


by leaps and bounds adv. 飛躍地,突飛猛進地
leap forward 躍進;向前跳;快速發展
great leap 大躍進,大步前進
great leap forward 大躍進(中國於1958~1960年執行的經濟計劃)
leap year 閏年
with a leap (收入等)猛增
leap in the dark ◎輕舉妄動;不顧後果的行動;盲目冒險的舉動 , ◎死[英國哲學家湯瑪斯霍伯斯用語]
look before you leap 三思而後行
leap out v. 引人注意
leap over 跳過
quantum leap [物]量子躍遷;[喻]巨大突破
leap of faith 一百八十度轉變
with leaps and bounds 迅速地;飛躍地
leap frog 跳背戲
leap at 向…撲去;欣然接受(機會或建議等)
leap second [天]閏秒 [1] 


  • 1His heart gave a sudden leap when he saw her.他看見她時,心猛地一跳。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The result has been a giant leap in productivity.其結果就是生產力的大幅度提高。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3The suspect took a leap out of a third-storey window.那個犯罪嫌疑人從三樓的窗口跳了出去。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4She took a flying leap and landed on the other side of the stream.她一個飛躍跳到小溪的對面。《牛津詞典》
  • 5Few people successfully make the leap from television to the movies.從電視業轉向電影業很少有人成功。《牛津詞典》
  • 6His move to the left was not a sudden leap but a natural working out of ideas.他左傾的轉變並非突然,而是思想發展的自然結果。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7A vaccine which can halt this suffering represents a quantum leap in healthcare in this country.一種能終結這種苦楚的疫苗代表了該國在醫療保健方面的一次巨大進步。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8Leap years were believed to be difficult, and leap days were unlucky.閏年是生活困苦的象徵,而閏日則是不幸的代表。
  • 9February 29th is called a leap day.2月29日被稱為閏日。
  • 10Some ancient peoples believed that leap days were unlucky.一些古代人認為閏日是不吉利的。
  • 11The reason for a leap day or a leap year is because our calendar does not follow the Earth's orbit around the sun exactly.閏日或閏年出現的原因是我們的歷法並不精確地遵循地球圍繞太陽運行的軌道。
  • 12Scientists tell couples not to marry on a leap day.科學家告訴情侶們不要在閏日結婚。
  • 13Leap is a film on the Chinese women's national volleyball team.《奪冠》是一部關於中國女排的電影。
  • 14"Leap" can also be a noun, meaning a jump, or a sudden move.“Leap”也可以作為名詞,意思是跳躍或突然的移動。
  • 15We have a little time left each year before a leap year comes.在閏年到來之前,每一年都會多出來一點時間。
  • 16As a verb, the word "leap" means to jump, or to move quickly.“leap”作動詞,意思是跳、快速移動。
  • 17The year with a February 29th in it is called a leap year.有2月29日的那一年被稱為閏年。
  • 18In a leap year, the dates jump over one day of the week.在閏年的時候,日期會跳過一週中的某一天。
  • 19Neil Armstrong said that one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.尼爾·阿姆斯特朗説,一個人的一小步,就是人類的一大步。
  • 20To honor it, a film named Zhongguo Nvpai or Leap in English has been made.人們為了對它表示敬意,拍攝了一部名為《中國女排》的電影。
  • 21This made her leap to the floor.這使她跳到地板上。
  • 22With a leap he started off.他縱身一躍就出發了。
  • 23The boy cleared the fence in one leap.男孩一躍跳過了籬笆。
  • 24With one leap, he perched himself there.他縱身一跳,坐到了那上面。
  • 25I think that is that huge leap of faith.我認為這是信仰的巨大飛躍。
  • 26She may have the old Leap-frog, for all I care.她可以得到那隻跳鵝,和我一點關係也沒有。
  • 27The run has been taken; now is the time to leap.奔跑階段已經過去;現在是飛躍的時候了。
  • 28With one leap he was out of bed and into his clothes.他從牀上跳下來,穿上衣服。
  • 29With another leap, he was on the orchestra leader's head.他又一跳,跳到樂隊指揮的頭上。
  • 30As he spoke, he gave a quick leap and dived into the sea.他説完就猛地一跳,跳進了海里。 [1] 