


JET,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“噴氣式飛機;噴射流”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [dʒet] 美 [dʒet]
n. 噴氣式飛機;噴射流;煤玉,黑玉;噴嘴,噴射口
v. 乘噴氣式飛機旅行;噴射
[ 複數 jets 第三人稱單數 jets 現在分詞 jetting 過去式 jetted 過去分詞 jetted ] [1] 


water jet 噴水;噴水器;水注
jet flow 射流
ink jet 噴墨;墨水噴射
jet pump 噴射泵,射流泵
air jet [化]空氣噴射
jet fuel 噴氣燃料;航空煤油;噴氣式發動機燃料
jet printing 噴射印花;噴塗
jet engine 噴射發動機(等於jet,jet motor)
plasma jet 等離子體射流;等離子流
jet nozzle 噴嘴;尾噴口;噴射管
jet lag 時差感,飛行時差反應
jet stream 急流,射流;噴射氣流
gas jet n. 煤氣噴嘴口;煤氣燈的火焰
jet plane 噴氣式飛機
jet aircraft 噴氣式飛機
jet propulsion 噴射推進
steam jet 蒸汽噴嘴
jet black 烏黑;深黑
jet fighter 噴氣戰鬥機 [1] 


  • He had arrived from Key West by jet. 他已乘噴氣式飛機從基韋斯特來了。
  • I watched as they got on the jet ski. 我看着他們坐上了噴氣式滑艇。
  • The jet plummeted into a row of houses. 那架噴氣式飛機一頭栽進一排房子裏。
  • The aircraft is powered by a jet engine. 這架飛機由噴氣發動機驅動。
  • The jumbo jet was blasted out of the sky. 那架巨型噴氣式飛機在空中被炸成碎片。
  • The jet began to turn off the main runway. 那架噴氣式飛機開始拐出主跑道。
  • The jet smashed into a hillside and exploded. 噴氣式飛機撞上山坡爆炸了。
  • The jet entered Chinese airspace without permission. 那架噴氣式飛機未經允許闖入中國領空。
  • The accident happened as the jet was about to take off. 事故是在噴氣式飛機正要起飛時發生的。
  • There was a huge bang; it sounded like a supersonic jet. 發出一聲巨響;聽起來像一架超音速噴氣式飛機。
  • One American pilot was forced to ditch his jet in the Gulf. 一個美國飛行員被迫在海灣緊急迫降其噴氣式飛機。
  • Her private jet landed in the republic on the way to Japan. 她的私人噴氣式飛機在去日本的途中在該共和國降落。
  • Military historians may never know what brought down the jet. 軍事史學家們也許永遠不會知道是什麼擊落了那架噴氣式飛機。
  • I like jet skiing, being out on boats, doing stuff like that. 我喜歡噴氣式滑水、坐船出遊等諸如此類的活動。
  • The jet arrived in Johannesburg two minutes ahead of schedule. 那架噴氣式飛機比預定時間提前兩分鐘到達了約翰內斯堡。
  • He chartered a jet to fly her home from California to Switzerland. 他包租了一架噴氣式飛機把她從加利福尼亞送回瑞士家中。
  • A couple of jet fighters were downed during the five-week rebellion. 在為期5周的叛亂期間,有兩三架噴氣式戰鬥機被擊落。
  • Many jet ski riders are big show-offs who stick around populated areas so everyone can see their turns and manoeuvres. 許多駕噴氣式滑艇者都是極愛賣弄的人,他們總是出現在人多的地方,好讓大家都能看到他們的翻轉和各種熟練動作。
  • It is of the same load as a 737 jet. 它的負載與737噴氣式飛機相同。
  • Charlie Plumb was a US Navy jet pilot. 查理·普拉姆是一名美國海軍噴氣式飛機飛行員。
  • "The company picked me up in a corporate jet to see bakeries around the world." she recalls. “公司用商務飛機接我去世界各地參觀麪包店。”她回憶道。
  • The noise which is produced by jet planes or machines will make people's life difficult and unpleasant. 噴氣式飛機或機器所產生的噪音會使人們的生活困難和不愉快。
  • Above 5,490m is the realm of the heavy jets, since jet engines operate more efficiently at higher altitudes. 超過5490米是重型噴氣式飛機的領域,因為噴氣式發動機在更高的高度運行時效率更高。
  • After a thorough investigation, many experts now believe that the streak was a run-of-the-mill jet aircraft contrail. 經過徹底的調查,許多專家現在認為,這條軌跡是一條普通的噴氣式飛機尾跡。
  • Today people and goods travel by jet aircraft and fast ships, and information is transmitted at the speed of light over the Internet. 人和貨物通過噴氣式飛機和快船來流動,而信息是通過互聯網以光的速度傳送。
  • Thus, despite the increase in printer sales, the Ink Jet Division must be contributing less to the company's profits than it used to. 因此,儘管打印機的銷量增加了,噴墨部門對公司利潤的貢獻一定比過去少。
  • The aircraft cost 25 million pounds and can carry heavier loads than huge jet planes while also producing less noise and emitting less pollution. 這架飛機造價2500萬英鎊,可以比大型噴氣式飛機承載更重的載荷,同時產生更少的噪音,排放更少的污染。
  • High-tech industries such as NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory have found that their best overall problem-solvers were master tinkerers in their youth. 美國宇航局噴氣動力實驗室等高科技行業發現,他們最好的全能問題解決者是正值壯年的修理大師。
  • I'm still a little jet-lagged. 我還是有一點時差反應。
  • The cylinder is cooled by a jet of water. 氣缸可用噴水冷卻。 [1] 