


Insult,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“侮辱,冒犯”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ɪnˈsʌlt] 美 [ɪnˈsʌlt]
v. 侮辱,冒犯;損害,危害
n. 侮辱,冒犯;(醫)(對組織、器官的)損傷
[ 複數 insults 第三人稱單數 insults 現在分詞 insulting 過去式 insulted 過去分詞 insulted ] [1] 


add insult to injury 雪上加霜;傷害之外又加侮辱
Adding insult to injury 落井下石
Don't insult me 不要侮辱我
attack insult 污辱
tease and insult 戲弄 ; 侮辱
radiation insult [特醫] 輻射傷害 ; 輻射危險 ; 輻射侵害
second insult 二次打擊
personal insult 人身侮辱 ; 人身侮辱英語 [1] 


  • 1Forgive me, I don't mean to insult you.請原諒我,我不是有意侮辱你。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Their behaviour was an insult to the people they represent.他們的行為是對他們所代表的人們的一種侮辱。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3That's an insult to students.這對學生而言是一種侮辱。
  • 4She was enraged at his insult.她被他的侮辱激怒了。
  • 5One starts to insult the other one.一個人開始侮辱另一個人。
  • 6You insult me by talking such nonsense!你這樣胡説八道是對我的侮辱!
  • 7Don't insult my ears with his hated name.不要用他那討厭的名字侮辱我的耳朵。
  • 8I had to insult him in Shakespearean English.我不得不用莎士比亞式的英語侮辱他。
  • 9Do not insult your former boss or your former employer.不要侮辱你之前的老闆或者之前的僱主。
  • 10Geppetto, do not insult me or I shall call you Polendina.傑佩託,不要侮辱我,否則我就叫你波倫迪那了。
  • 11They began to jeer and insult him more than the other boys.他們開始比其他男孩都更兇狠地嘲笑他、辱罵他。
  • 12She said, "Because to call a native a pig is the worst insult of all."她説:“因為叫一個當地人是豬是對他們最大的侮辱。”
  • 13Do not feed people who insult you with comebacks or satisfy them with your discontent.不要對辱罵你的人進行同樣的反擊或讓你的不滿來滿足他們。
  • 14He had ceased to ask questions of anyone, since they brought him only insult instead of information.他不再向任何人提問,因為他們帶給他的只是侮辱而不是消息。
  • 15They grew more and more cheerful, and finally began to chaff each other and insult passengers along the highway.他們越來越高興,最後開始在大路上互相逗樂,辱罵行人。
  • 16If they've got my book there, I think "Well, this is an insult! Somebody didn't want to keep my book." But if it's not there, I feel it's an insult too.如果他們把我的書放在那裏,我會想:“好吧,這是一種侮辱!有人不想留着我的書。”但如果書不在那,我覺得這也是一種侮辱。
  • 17If they've got my book there, I think, "Well, this is an insult! Somebody didn't want to keep my book!" But if it's not there, I feel it's an insult too.如果他們把我的書放在那裏,我想,“好吧,這是一種侮辱!有人不想要我的書!”但如果它不在那,我覺得這也是一種侮辱。
  • 18I did not mean to insult you.我並非故意要冒犯你。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 19His comments were seen as an insult to the president.他的評論被看成是對主席的冒犯。《牛津詞典》
  • 20It is the victim who is often put on trial and, to add insult to injury, she is presumed guilty until proven innocent of provoking the rape.受到審問的往往是受害者,更糟糕的是,她被假定為有罪,直到證明強姦並非由她挑逗而引起。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 21It was raining heavily, and then to add insult to injury, a gust of wind blew away my umbrella.雨下得很大,更糟的是,一陣狂風把我的傘吹走了。
  • 22Emma Marris's article is an insult and a disservice to the thousands of passionate who work tirelessly to improve the lives of animals and protect our planet.艾瑪·馬里斯的文章冒犯、傷害了成千上萬的熱情工作者,他們不辭辛勞地致力於改善動物的生存處境和保護地球。
  • 23That, apparently, is an insult.很明顯,這是一種侮辱。
  • 24How dare you insult my father!誰給你的膽子,敢羞辱我爸爸! [1] 