


Hymn,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“讚美詩;聖歌”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [hɪm] 美 [hɪm]
n. 讚美詩;聖歌;歡樂的歌
vt. 唱讚美歌
vi. 唱讚歌
[ 複數 hymns 第三人稱單數 hymns 現在分詞 hymning 過去式 hymned 過去分詞 hymned ] [1] 


Olympic Hymn 奧林匹克聖歌 ; 奧林匹克頌詞 ; 奧林匹克頌
Hymn to Liberty 自由頌
Hymn To Hope 希望讚歌 ; 希望之歌 ; 神秘園 ; 期望讚歌
Hymn by Vangelis 讚美詩 ; 讚譽詩 ; 嘉贊詩 ; 範吉利斯
Christmas hymn 聖誕聖歌 ; 頌歌 [1] 


  • The congregation stood to sing the hymn. 會眾站起來唱聖歌。
  • After the prayer, young men and women distributed olive branches while a choir sang a hymn in Greek. 祈禱結束後,唱詩班用希臘語唱讚美詩時,年輕的男男女女分發橄欖枝。
  • On my mother's family, there were 10 kids, all Lutherans, so I had the whole Lutheran hymn influence on top of that. 在我母親的家庭裏有10個孩子,都是路德教徒,所以我受到了路德讚美詩的影響。
  • The hymn, what Milton calls the "humble ode", that follows this introduction is the poem that Milton wants to present to the Lord. 這首讚美詩,彌爾頓稱之為“卑微的頌歌”,在其引言之後,是彌爾頓想要呈現給上帝的詩歌。
  • We do have a victory hymn, a victory hymn that's inscribed on a stele that's a slab of stone--which was erected in the year 1204 BC. 我們確實有一首勝利讚美詩,一首刻在石碑上的勝利讚美詩,石碑是一塊石板,建於公元前1204年。
  • The service opened with a hymn. 禮拜式以唱讚美詩開始。
  • At the end of a Passover meal, they sang a hymn. 在逾越節筵席結束時,他們唱了一首讚美詩。
  • A book entitled Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother was published in 2010. 一本名為《虎媽戰歌》的書於2010年出版。
  • The hymn, the large part of the poem, can be divided roughly into three sections. 詩中有很大一部分都是頌歌,可以粗略把它分成三部分。
  • Seeing the old hymn-book on the shelf, Heidi said: "Grandmother, shall I read you a song from your book now?" 海蒂看到書架上的那本舊讚美詩,她説:“奶奶,現在我給你念一首你書裏的歌,好嗎?”
  • As the last notes of the hymn died away, the widow ran to the coffin, cast herself upon it and sobbed hysterically. 當讚美詩的最後幾個音符漸漸消失時,寡婦跑到棺材前,撲在上面,歇斯底里地抽泣起來。
  • singing his favorite hymn, but faint now 他吟着最喜歡的讚美詩,但此刻漸漸模糊
  • Hymn They hymned their thanks to God. 他們向上帝唱讚美歌以表達感謝。
  • The hymn doesn't anywhere refer to people crossing over on dry land. 在讚美詩中並沒有提到人們從地面上穿過海洋。
  • When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. 他們唱了詩,就出來往橄欖山去。
  • 26when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. 他們唱了詩,就出來,往橄欖山去。
  • And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives. 他們唱了詩,就出來,往橄欖山去。
  • Now get your hymn book and sing your favorite hymn of desperate faith. — Rev. 現在拿起你們的歌本子,唱你們所最喜愛的,那些讚美危急中信心的詩吧:——蔡特·威克。
  • A hymn had been set to one of his tunes, "For he is the heart of our hearts." 他把一首頌歌《因為他是我們心裏的心》嵌人他的歌調裏。
  • Each day, morning assembly would start with the words, "We will now sing our hymn." 每天早晨集合,總是有人會説:“現在,讓我們唱聖歌!”
  • It was an excerpt of her parenting book, the "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother." 這篇文章摘自她的教子經《虎媽戰歌》。
  • The caregivers sang a particularly mournful hymn about redemption that made both Vertulfo and me cry. 護理阿姨們唱了一首無限哀傷的救贖聖歌,我和維圖爾弗都不由淚流滿面。
  • They sang the same hymn at the end of every Passover meal and they've done it for thousands of years. 他們在逾越節筵席結束時吟唱着同一首讚美詩已有上千年之久。
  • When art lovers withdraw euros from the work, they find themselves engulfed by booming hymn-like chords. 當藝術愛好者從這件作品中取出歐元時,就會發現自己置身於突然迸發的猶如讚美詩般的和絃之中。 [1] 