


HOG,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“攫取,獨佔;(尤指喂肥供食用的)豬”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [hɒɡ] 美 [hɔːɡ]
n. <美>(尤指喂肥供食用的)豬;<英>(供食用的)閹公豬;豬科野生動物;<非正式>自私的人,貪婪的人;過多消耗;<非正式>大號摩托車;(方)(第一次剪毛前的)小綿羊;莽撞的司機(road hog)
v. (貪心地)攫取,獨佔;使船中拱
【名】 (Hog)(法)奧格(人名)
[ 複數 hogs或hog 第三人稱單數 hogs 現在分詞 hogging 過去式 hogged 過去分詞 hogged ] [1] 


whole hog [美俚]全部地
on the hog adv. [美俚]破產
hog wild [美國口語] , ◎狂熱的,無節制的,無約束的 , ◎完全控制不住的
road hog 自私的司機;魯莽的駕駛員;妨礙他人超越的司機 [1] 


  • It takes about six months for higher grain prices to translate to higher cattle and hog prices. 糧食的價格上漲大約需要六個月的時間才能轉化為牛和豬的價格上漲。
  • There will be no barbecue, no hog roast, no beer tent, no fun fair and there will be no ghost tours. 沒有燒烤、沒有烤豬、沒有啤酒棚、沒有遊樂園,也沒有幽靈之旅。
  • That rapid replication rate also increased the chances of strains evolving in ways that allowed them to evade hog immune systems. 那樣迅速的複製速度也增加了菌株進化的機會,使它們能夠用種種方式避開豬的免疫系統。
  • The cops come in, hog-tie him, chuck him in the back of an ambulance. 這些警察進來,捆住他的手腳,把他扔到救護車後面。
  • She had been hog-tied by the system but she had never lost her compassion. 她被制度束縛,但她從未失去她的熱情。
  • Well, I thought, I've already lost half my job, I might as well go the whole hog and lose it completely. 嗯,我想,我已經丟了一半的工作了,我還不如徹底放棄算了。
  • As vice president Joe Biden learned on his recent visit to a Beijing restaurant, nary a part of the hog is wasted. 正如副總統喬·拜登最近在北京的一家餐館所瞭解到的那樣,豬的任何一部分都沒有浪費。
  • If the innards of each pig are Petri dishes, then possible pandemic flu viruses have been stewing on hog farms for decades. 如果每頭豬的內臟都是培養皿,那麼可能的大流行性流感病毒已經在養豬場熬了幾十年了。
  • You might tolerate the odd road-hog, the rude and inconsiderate driver, but nowadays the well-mannered motorist is the exception to the rule. 你也許可以容忍那些肆意駕車的古怪司機,粗魯無禮的司機,但是現在有禮貌的司機就不一樣了。
  • They are mentioned as a sea monster and sea hog. 他們被稱為海怪和海豚。
  • The hog bristled up. 這頭豬鬃毛直立。
  • Don't hog my girlfriend! 別纏着我的女朋友了!
  • Don't hog the bathroom! 別佔着衞生間了!
  • Don't hog the shower! 別佔着浴室了!
  • More bad news: The 250U modem is a power hog. 一個更壞的消息:250U調制解調器消耗電量很快。
  • She went whole hog in planning he New Year's Eve party. 她全心全力籌辦新年晚會。
  • North Carolina smokes the whole hog in a vinegar-based sauce. 北卡羅萊納燻整隻豬澆着含醋的醬汁。
  • You "Diet" During The Week — But Go Hog Wild On The weekends. 你節食一週,但是又在週末暴飲暴食。
  • swapped thin sable brushes for hog-hair and fine canvases for rough; 將他的稀薄的黑貂畫筆換成了豬毛的,將精細的畫布換成了粗糙的;
  • A hog is the ultimate discretionary buy, not ideal in these times. 大號摩托是其終極買主,在這個時代並不能體現完美。
  • ON A typical home network, video is by far the biggest bandwidth hog. 在一個典型的家庭網絡中,視頻最耗帶寬。
  • Worse, making the number an element in this way creates a performance hog. 更糟的是,這樣把數字當成元素會影響性能。
  • Such a party may be called a hog wrassle, a hoedown, a barndance, or shindig. 比如可以叫“小豬摔跤”、“土風舞”、“穀倉舞”或 “狂歡會”。
  • But the debate is nonetheless likely to hog the headlines for days afterwards. 儘管如此,這場辯論也有可能在隨後的幾天裏佔據各大新聞的頭版頭條。
  • Which apps and services do you find hog up the most memory and lead to slowdowns? 你發現哪些應用程序和服務佔用內存最多,而且會拖慢系統速度呢?
  • The American pioneers phrased this clearlyand bluntly. They said, "Root, hog, or die." 美國拓荒者的措辭相當清楚和直截了當,他們説:“小豬生根啊,或完蛋”(Roothog or die)。
  • Here's forlorn Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn: "What if you want to drive a gas hog?" 可憐的俄克拉荷馬州參議員TomCoburn就説了:“你要是想駕駛一輛油老虎怎麼辦?” [1] 