


詞    性




mountain goat雪羊 ; 野生白山羊 ; 石山羊 ; 北美野山羊
goat cheese山羊奶酪 ; 山羊乳乾酪 ; 山羊芝士 ; 新鮮山羊奶酪
goat leather山羊皮 ; 山羊革 ; 羊皮 ; 染色山羊皮
Pleasant Goat喜羊羊 ; 喜羊羊與灰太狼 ; 愉快羊
goat manure山羊糞肥
Crazy Goat瘋狂的羊子 ; 瘋狂山羊 [1] 


  • 1I roped the goat to a post.我把山羊拴在一根柱子上。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The goat was ritually slaughtered.山羊按照儀式宰殺了。《牛津詞典》
  • 3Reaching a maximum height of 56cm the pygmy goat is essentially a pet.這種最高只能長到56釐米的小山羊基本是作為寵物來養的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4A goat was standing up against a tree on its hind legs, trying to get at the leaves.一隻山羊後腿趴在一棵樹上站起來,試圖去夠樹葉。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5The tiger sprang on the goat.老虎向山羊撲去。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 6Mountain Goat, what do you see?山羊,你看到了什麼?
  • 7Ha ha! There's a goat there!哈哈!那兒有隻山羊!
  • 8A goat is different from a sheep.山羊與綿羊不同。
  • 9Where is the goat, Hans?山羊在哪兒,漢斯?
  • 10Where did the Goat go?山羊去哪兒了?
  • 11Who was the old goat?那隻老山羊是誰?
  • 12Bleated the little Goat on the high rock.小山羊在高高的岩石上咩咩地叫。
  • 13She gave me a goat.她給了我一隻山羊。
  • 14Don't be stupid and obstinate, like a goat.不要像山羊一樣又笨又固執。
  • 15The goat retreated shyly, for it knew what was coming.山羊害怕地退了回去,因為它知道接下來會發生什麼。
  • 16The milk goes directly from the goat into a container.奶從山羊身上擠出後就直接流到一個容器中。
  • 17There was something very strange about that little Goat.那隻小山羊有點奇怪。
  • 18I get it from my own goat, that speckled one over there.我是從我自己的山羊身上擠的奶,從那隻帶有斑點的山羊身上。
  • 19Soon afterwards the old goat came home again from the forest.不久,老山羊又從森林裏回家來了。
  • 20Hans takes the goat, ties its legs, and puts it in his pocket.漢斯收下了山羊,把它的腿綁好,然後把山羊放進口袋裏。
  • 21The goat turned about and devoured the herbs Heidi held in her hand.這隻山羊轉過身來,把海蒂手裏的嫩草都吃光了。
  • 22The little goat pressed close to Heidi's side and became perfectly quiet.小山羊緊挨着海蒂,變得非常安靜。
  • 23When he had the goat in safety, he raised his rod to beat it for punishment.當他確保了山羊的安全後,他舉起他的棍子要打它以示懲罰。
  • 24Down from the heights came one goat after another, with Peter in their midst.一隻接一隻的山羊從山上跑下來,彼得夾在它們中間。
  • 25The Dead Sea scrolls were found by a shepherd pursuing a stray goat into a cave.《死海古卷》是一個牧羊人在一個山洞裏追趕一隻迷路的山羊時發現的。
  • 26She loved to sit there on the mountain-side with the confiding little goat by her.她喜歡坐在山坡上,身邊有一隻信賴自己的小山羊。
  • 27The Goat leaned over and gave him one of her hoofs to help him up out of the water.山羊彎下身子,伸出前腿來幫他爬出水面。
  • 28Peter only just came in time to prevent the goat from falling down over the very edge.彼得剛好及時趕到,防止山羊從懸崖邊上掉下去。
  • 29The little goat thrived so that everybody could see it in the way her eyes were flashing.小山羊茁壯成長,以致於每個人都可以通過她閃閃發光的眼神看出來。
  • 30When he whistled sharply through his fingers, every owner would come and get his or her goat.當他通過他的手指響亮地吹口哨時,每個主人都會來領他或她的山羊。