


Gallop,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“飛奔;騎馬奔馳”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈɡæləp] 美 [ˈɡæləp]
v. (馬)飛跑,飛奔;騎馬奔馳,使(馬)疾馳;飛速移動,極快發展;急急忙忙地説;迅速運輸
n. (馬的)飛跑,疾馳;騎馬奔馳;極快的速度;<英>訓練馬的跑道,馳馬場
【名】 (Gallop)(英)蓋洛普(人名)
[ 複數 gallops 第三人稱單數 gallops 現在分詞 galloping 過去式 galloped 過去分詞 galloped ] [1] 


at a gallop 飛快地;用最快速度
gallop rhythm [臨牀] [內科] 奔馬律 ; 舒張期奔馬律
Gallop for Gold 駿馬奔馳
atrial gallop 房性奔馬律 ; 心房性奔馬律 ; 因而也稱為房性奔馬律 ; 也稱房性奔馬律
protodiastolic gallop 舒張早期奔馬律
summation gallop 重疊奔馬律 ; 奔馬律 ; 重疊性奔馬律
presystolic gallop 收縮期前奔馬律 [1] 


  • I read the book at a gallop. 我迅速讀完了那本書。
  • I was forced to attempt a gallop. 我被迫嘗試一次騎馬疾馳。
  • My horse suddenly broke into a gallop. 我的馬突然飛奔起來。
  • She set off at a gallop, leaving me to toil in the rear. 她騎馬疾馳而去,丟下我在後面辛辛苦苦地趕着。
  • Savoring the silence, we turned our horses around and they fell into a gallop. 此時一片寂靜,我們掉轉馬頭,馬兒開始飛奔起來。
  • The animal was strong and handsome, and away they went at full gallop round the lawn. 這匹馬又壯又漂亮,他們在草地上疾馳而去。
  • Once, when I was a mere lad and had never ridden a horse before, he made me mount one and gallop by his side, with no qualms about his unskilled companion. 有一次,在我還是個小毛孩,從來沒有騎過馬的時候,他讓我騎上一匹馬在他的旁邊疾馳,對於他那不熟練的同伴,他一點也不擔慮。
  • He rode off at a gallop. 他騎馬疾馳而去。
  • On he went at full gallop, still galloping on and on. 他繼續疾馳,仍然馳騁不止。
  • Ten thousand horses gallop forward. 萬馬奔騰。
  • Sturdy steeds gallop on the grasslands. 駿馬在草原上奔馳。
  • They love to gallop and roam. 他們熱愛奔跑,也喜歡四處漫步。
  • Let us gallop through our work. 讓我們快馬加鞭做完工作。
  • In my life, for the right to gallop the sky! 用我的生命,換來了馳騁天空的權利!
  • The horse slowed to a walk after its long gallop. 那匹馬跑了一大陣後慢下來緩步而行。
  • Fast gallop across the fields, we laugh and sing. 快奔馳過田野,我們歡笑又歌唱。
  • A rider would leave one station and gallop to another. 騎士離開一個驛站快馬飛奔駛向下一個。
  • A few flies bite a few mouth, must not hold a heroic horse gallop. 幾個蒼蠅咬幾口,絕不能羈留一匹英勇的奔馬。——伏爾泰。
  • If you gallop through your work, you are more likely to make mistakes. 如果你匆匆完成你的工作,你就更可能出錯了。
  • At gallop, the dog shows all of its energy displaying its power fully. 在疾馳,狗顯示了它的力量充分顯示其所有能量。
  • The youth gets Sudan eventually allow, riding courser to gallop and go. 年輕人終於得到蘇丹的准許,騎著駿馬飛奔而去。
  • The music from the bugle tells people that we can start to gallop freely here . 喇叭傳來的音樂告訴人們,可以開始在這裏自由馳騁了。
  • We'll see, 'was her reply, and she set off at a gallop, leaving me to toil in the rear. “我們走着瞧吧,”這是她的回答,她就騎馬疾馳而去,丟下我在後面辛辛苦苦地趕着。
  • "It's able to get up and gallop, unlike the saltwater crocodiles that live nearby, " he says. 他説,“它能夠四肢站立並且奔跑,但不像在附近生活的鹹水鱷。”
  • The right solution is to lay down more gallop Bridges, overpasses and underpasses in big cities. 正確的解決辦法是在大城市裏建造更多的立交橋,過街天橋和地道橋。
  • But its prediction that this hesitant trot will break into a gallop of 3.25% in 2011 looks over-optimistic. 但其預言猶豫不決的小步前進會在2011年變成3.25%的瘋長,這有些過於樂觀。
  • The Gallop poll, conducted in mid-July, found that only 30 percent rated the Fed as doing an "excellent/good" job. 蓋洛普民意調查公司在七月中旬進行了一項調查,發現只有30%的人認為美聯儲的工作做得“很好”或“不錯”。
  • If I never meet you. Maybe I'll never learn to cherish, forever publicity, always unruly, like maxima as freely gallop. 假如我不曾遇見你,我或許永遠都學不會珍惜,永遠張揚,永遠不羈,像千里馬一樣自由地飛馳。
  • In a major Gallop poll they found that the only effective way to forgive for most Americans was through meditative prayer. 冥想祈禱。在民意調查中相關研究人員發現它是大多數美國人寬恕的有效方法。 [1] 