


GIMMICK,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,意為“暗機關;花招”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈɡɪmɪk] 美 [ˈɡɪmɪk]
n. 暗機關;騙人的玩意;花招
vt. 使暗機關;搞騙人的玩意 [1] 
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gimmick stunt 噱頭 ; 掉包袱
Table link & gimmick 桌面串聯 ; 道具製造
gimmick capacitor 絞合電容器 ; 使用絞合電容
World Gimmick 世界陷阱
gimmick copy 噱頭正文
accounting gimmick 會計花招 [1] 


  • It is just a public relations gimmick. 這只是一種公關花招。
  • It was no more than a passing gimmick or a fairground attraction. 它只不過是個過眼雲煙的噱頭或露天市場上的景點。
  • If a poster says "A unique show with predatory apes – hamadryas baboons" we will just smile to this "promotional gimmick". 如果海報上寫着“類人猿獨特的掠奪性展示-阿拉伯狒狒”我們只會對這個“噱頭”一笑置之。
  • They employ another gimmick, too. 他們也使用另外一種花招。
  • Or was the panda donation a gimmick? 這次的熊貓捐贈是否只是噱頭呢?
  • That’s a good gimmick。 那是一個好辦法。
  • It might sound like another gimmick for weight loss, but it's not. 聽上去好像又是什麼減肥花招吧。其實不然。
  • "I'm not a fan of the holiday-inspired gimmick ploys," says Graham. Graham説:“我不支持耍假日噱頭伎倆。”
  • Its most exciting finding relates to an off-balance-sheet accounting gimmick. 該份報告最令人興奮的發現與資產負債表外會計欺詐有關。
  • I am sure it has been a marketing gimmick to promote beer as a 'guy's drink'. 我確信提高啤酒作為“男人的飲料”已經成為一種市場趨勢。
  • Over the next two decades, he tried every marketing gimmick he could think of. 在接下來的二十年裏,他試過了種種所能想到的營銷手段。
  • But she dismisses the notion that iPS cells from endangered animals are a gimmick. 但是她對於從瀕危動物提取iPS細胞是個噱頭的説法不屑一提。
  • It is another gimmick aimed at showing the world that this time they are serious about peace. 這只是又一個向世界表明美國現在正在認真地對待和平的小把戲罷了。
  • Some people have called her "gimmick" really clever; others ask if she feels ashamed, she said. 她説,有人説她的做法很聰明;也有人問她有沒有感到難為情。
  • Said he does not support a federal gas tax holiday and called it a "classic Washington gimmick." 説他不支持聯邦級別的汽油税假期(Gastax holiday,指在一定時間免徵汽油税,減輕消費者負擔的做法。 -- 譯者注),並稱之為“經典的華盛頓伎倆“。
  • Yet brokerage executives defended the gains, saying they were more than just an accounting gimmick. 不過經紀公司的管理人員為此類所得進行了辯護,稱這並不只是會計技巧。
  • If you're fighting hair loss, chances are you've heard - and possibly tried - every gimmick out there. 如果你正在與脱髮做鬥爭,那麼你或許聽過“機會來了”-或者你也嘗試了-但是總是不管用。
  • Looking back now, he says that he considered computer dating to be little more than a gimmick and a fad. 現在回想起來,他説他當時認為電腦相親不過是一些流行一時的花招。
  • This is an even bigger gimmick than Microsoft Kinect and I don’t see many technology buyers falling for it. 這實在是比微軟Kinect更厲害的宣傳花招,不過我倒沒發現有多少科技產品買家會掉進這個陷阱裏。
  • Bing touts itself as a "decision engine," which is mostly a marketing gimmick, but has some weight behind it. 微軟Bing吹捧自己為“決策引擎”,這很可能是一個營銷噱頭,但背後的力量不可小覷。
  • Like the modern figure of Santa Claus himself, this is pretty much a merchandiser's gimmick to encourage spending. 就像聖誕老人自己這個現代形象一樣,商家這樣做在很大程度上是一種促銷伎倆。
  • Talking about a quick move to the euro may be a good gimmick for politicians, but the practical difficulties are huge. 説到迅速轉向歐元區可能是政客們的玩的把戲,但是實際困難重重。
  • But Mr.Boehner is adamant: our mortgage is part of the cost of our meal, and to say otherwise is just a budget gimmick. 但是,博納先生卻堅定不移説:住房抵押貸款就是飯費的一部分,不這麼看就是在預算問題上耍滑頭。
  • Yet that has given more time for the public to turn against the handout as a gimmick, and for the opposition to make hay. 這一舉動卻給了民眾和對手充分的時間來質疑和反對這一計劃。
  • Mocher Cherguim, the shopkeeper, was clearly disappointed when I told him that the hat would just be a gimmick for a party. 當我告訴這位名叫莫切爾·謝爾吉的店主,這個帽子肯定會成為聚會的噱頭,他明顯比較失望。
  • The game Move Party showed off these features, but it seemed more like a slick visual gimmick than an exciting new type of game. 《動感派對》這款遊戲充分發揮了這些特色,但更像是老套的視覺把戲,不是令人興奮的新型遊戲。
  • That means they don't manage to integrate their gimmick seamlessly into their presentation as a way of illustrating their points. 也就是説他們很難將唬人的把戲融匯到他們的演講裏以説明他們的觀點。 [1] 