


fearless是一個英語單詞,形容詞,意思是“無畏的;大膽的 [1]  ”。
詞    性
頻    率


英[ˈfɪələs]美[ˈfɪrləs] [1] 


Being Fearless 無所畏懼 ; 無所恐懼
Fearless Synergy 協同無懼
fearless leader 唱片名
Fearless Warrior 無懼的戰士
Fearless rookie 菜鳥無畏
fearless pioneer 無所畏懼的開拓者
fearless interviewing 書名
Pretty Fearless 很無畏
Fearless Record 出版者 [1] 


  • 1Fearlessness stems from selflessness.; Only the selfless can be fearless.無私故能無畏。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 2The fearless rodent proved he was no scaredy-cat as he astonishingly squared up to his large opponent and refused to budge.這隻無所畏懼的齧齒動物證明了自己並不是膽小鬼,它向體型龐大的對手擺出了驚人的架勢,並拒絕讓步。
  • 3This movie describes a brave hero who is fearless to fight against all Gods... Children, come and see it!這部電影描述了一個勇敢的英雄無畏地對抗所有神明……孩子們,來看看它!
  • 4To go in for technical innovation, one must have the fearless spirit of a pathbreaker.搞技術革新就要有一股不怕困難的闖勁。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 5Done a truly fearless person.做一個真正無畏的人。
  • 6And this makes me fearless.這讓我無所畏懼。
  • 7He was fearless in his fights.他從未畏懼戰鬥。
  • 8Are they fearless or foolhardy?英勇無畏,還是有勇無謀?
  • 9I'm a fearless person.我是個無所畏懼的人。
  • 10Be bold and fearless.大膽,無畏。
  • 11She was tough and she was fearless.她既堅韌又無所畏懼。
  • 12Fearless of ever finding open land.不懼怕會遇見空曠的土地。
  • 13When you are fearless, you can go a lot faster.當你勇往直前時,你的步伐就會更快。
  • 14Then place thy hand in His and follow fearless.讓他牽着你手,勇敢地跟隨他。
  • 15Soldiers are hardworking, punctual and fearless.當兵的都很勤奮、守時、勇敢。
  • 16My mother’s fear of freak accidents made me fearless.媽媽對意外事件的擔心造就了我的無畏無懼。
  • 17If we can't be fearless, we can always be courageous.如果我們不能變的無懼,我們應該變勇敢。
  • 18His fearless, no-nonsense approach resolved more than one stand-off.他無畏而沒有廢話的方法比袖手旁觀更能解決問題。
  • 19She is fearless; she believes that you are always there for her.她毫不害怕;他相信你總是為他着想。
  • 20Made a searching and fearless inventory of our virtues and strengths.大膽的探索自己擁有的美德和優勢。
  • 21Serendipitous people are more fearless about trying something new.偶爾人們會更加勇於嘗試新鮮事物。
  • 22Maybe Wenger is right and this side will grow into fearless conquerors.也許,温格是對的,他的球隊終會長成無畏的征服者。
  • 23Living a fearless life gives you a confidence that is visible to others.無所畏懼的生活會給我們帶來自信,別人是可以看得到的。
  • 24The Master smiled at what he recognized as a fearless spirit of inquiry.大師微笑着對這發問的勇敢精神表示讚許。
  • 25He was enormously creative and intelligent — and funny and rude and fearless.他非常富有創造力,也十分聰明——並且幽默、粗魯、無畏。
  • 26Even fearless celebrities get cold feet when they step onto the red carpet.一旦踏上紅毯,即使是那些見慣世面,無所畏懼的名流們也會感到緊張。
  • 27At the wedding reception, fearless Alice cut her wedding cake with a sword.婚宴上大膽的Alice用劍切開了婚禮蛋糕。
  • 28I felt absolutely fearless and by the end of it, none of us wanted to leave.我覺得一點也不害怕,到最後,我們之中沒有人想要離開。
  • 29Give him the hero's welcome he deserves, the famous, fearless scourge of tyrant Blair!給他應有的,英雄般的歡迎!著名的、無畏的對暴君布萊爾的鞭撻者! [1] 