

Fascinate是一個英語單詞,主要用作動詞,意思是“以眼神震懾,使無法動彈;深深吸引,迷住”等 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈfæsɪneɪt] 美 [ˈfæsɪneɪt]
v. <舊>(尤指蛇)以眼神震懾(人,動物),使無法動彈;深深吸引,迷住
[ 第三人稱單數 fascinates 現在分詞 fascinating 過去式 fascinated 過去分詞 fascinated ] [1] 


Fascinate e 迷住 ; 使着迷 ; 使神魂顛倒 ; 吸引住
to fascinate 神往
to fascinate you 為你着迷
Opposites fascinate 異性相吸
Who will fascinate you 誰令你着迷
fascinate tourists the local 遊客神往的地方
fascinate captivate 激起…的興趣
fascinate intrigue 使……着迷 [1] 


  • 1Angels fascinate, as Christmas-card-makers rediscover every year.天使令人着迷,正如聖誕卡製造商們每年一再發現的那樣。
  • 2The private lives of movie stars never fail to fascinate.電影明星的私生活總為人所津津樂道。《牛津詞典》
  • 3These renegades, cerebral experiments fascinate many of his peers.這些叛逆的、理性的實驗吸引了他的許多同行。
  • 4FascinatE is funded by the EU under the Seventh Framework Programme as a large scale integrating project.FascinatE 項目是由歐洲第七框架計劃資助,它是一個大型的綜合項目。
  • 5So long as Godzilla can fascinate people, I believe he will be resurrected by new generations of filmmakers in the future.只要哥斯拉能讓人們着迷,我相信將來他會在新一代電影製作人手中復興的。
  • 6Eleven institutions and companies from across Europe are contributing to FascinatE, including the BBC, Technicolor and Salford University.11家歐洲的學術機構和公司參與到了FascinatE計劃中,這包括 BBC、Technicolor和 Salford 大學。
  • 7Snakes are said to fascinate small birds.據説蛇能蠱惑小鳥。
  • 8You fascinate me!我好迷戀你!
  • 9Snakes are said to fascinate small birds .據説蛇能蠱惑小鳥。
  • 10Learn the fun way and fascinate your friends!學習的樂趣和令人着迷的方式您的朋友!
  • 11On the contrary: age continues to fascinate us.相反,年齡是我們始終感興趣的問題。
  • 12Snakes are said to fascinate small animals and birds.據説蛇能蠱惑小動物和小鳥。
  • 13The cute aspect that she read the cartoon book fascinate me.看到她上課時看漫畫時可愛的樣子我都着迷。
  • 14Two things do fascinate me about sleeping bags and typical use.兩件事,做魅力我約睡袋和典型的用途。
  • 15Therefore, I do not have anything with which to fascinate people.因此,我沒有什麼能使人着迷的東西。
  • 16These renegade, cerebral experiments fascinate many of his peers.這些離經叛道費勁心思的烹飪實驗將很多同行迷得神魂顛倒。
  • 17Genuineness and uniqueness of drawings really attract and fascinate.繪圖作品的真誠與獨特着實令人神往。
  • 18These renegade, cerebral experiments fascinate many of his peers.Mr.這些離經叛道費勁心思的烹飪實驗將很多同行迷得神魂顛倒。
  • 19These renegade, cerebral experiments fascinate many of his peers. Mr.這些離經叛道費勁心思的烹飪實驗將很多同行迷得神魂顛倒。
  • 20I believed devoutly in her power to fascinate him, in her dazzling loveliness.我由衷地相信她有使他神魂顛倒的力量,相信她有令人眼花繚亂的姿色。
  • 21Never does the environmental preservation fail to fascinate us in modern society.在當代社會,環保總是能夠引起我們的關注在當代社會。
  • 22The fact that Quora is able to foster such an environment continues to fascinate me.事實上,Quora令我着迷。
  • 23Never has the topic concerning children's education failed to fascinate us in modern society.在當代社會,關於孩子的教育話題總是能引起我們的關注。(話題導入經典萬能句式)。
  • 24There is none of the affections, which has been noted to fascinate or bewitch, but love and envy.世人歷來注意到,所有情感中最令人神魂顛倒着莫過於愛情和嫉妒。
  • 25I am very interested in fairies, they fascinate me. I have a big collection of all different ones.我對精靈很感興趣,他們讓我着迷。我收集了很多不同類型的精靈。 [1] 