

esthetic,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞名詞。作形容詞時譯為“美感的,美學的;帶來美感的,外觀悦目的”,作名詞時譯為“美學;美學原則;審美觀”等 [1] 
詞    性


英 [iːsˈθetɪk] 美 [esˈθetɪk]
adj. 美感的,美學的;帶來美感的,外觀悦目的
n. 美學(esthetics);美學原則;審美觀;藝術美 [1] 


esthetic salon 美容沙龍 ; 早先在著名的美容沙龍 ; 全身美容沙龍
aesthetic esthetic 審美的
esthetic pedagogy 美育學
Esthetic ideal 審美理想
esthetic judgment 美感判斷 ; 美感判定
Esthetic shape 審美形態
Esthetic education 美育 ; 審美教育
Esthetic sense 審美觀念 ; 審美觀 ; 美感
Esthetic consciousness 審美意識 [1] 


  • 1He despised the esthetic of minimalism.他鄙視極簡主義的審美觀。
  • 2Only is has in one whole esthetic sense.只是有着一種整體上的美感。
  • 3From the esthetic view, it was a beautiful continent.從美學的觀點來看,那是一個美麗的大陸。
  • 4That armchair is comfortable but not very esthetic.那張扶手椅坐起來舒服,但不太美觀。
  • 5Cognition to beauty is the foundation of esthetic activity.感知美是審美活動的基礎。
  • 6An individual difference exists in profile esthetic effect.側貌美學效果有個體差異。
  • 7Esthetic emotion cultivation is the core of esthetic education.審美情感培養是審美教育的核心。
  • 8Objective:To explore the relation of gingivoplasty and esthetic dentistry.目的:探討牙齦成形外科與美容牙科的關係。
  • 9Literature is historical, also is cultural, is still esthetic, and is emotional.文學是歷史的,也是文化的,還是審美的,更是情感的。
  • 10Different models of abstract criticism make different types of esthetic narration.不同的抽象批判樣式構成了不同的美學敍事。
  • 11There is an inherent connection among beauty, esthetic judgment, and beauty creation.美、審美、創美的超越性特徵具有內在的邏輯聯繫。
  • 12How could I still speak of beauty, and make esthetic remarks, when I am so sad, sad unto death?當我如此沮喪,沮喪到了死的地步,我如何才能繼續談論美,並且進行美的談話呢?
  • 13Imagination and emotion have come to be the crucial factor for the formation of esthetic image.想象和情感是審美意象得以形成的關鍵因素。
  • 14Esthetic education should hold a prominent position in the school education and play a due role.審美教育在學校教育中應占據突出的地位,發揮應有的作用。
  • 15Objective To evaluate the esthetic effect of anterior PFM (Ni-Cr Alloy) crowns with gingival porcelain.目的評價頸緣瓷在前牙鎳鉻合金烤瓷全冠修復中的臨牀美學效果。
  • 16The author mainly explores esthetic implication of symbol in the direction of aesthetics in chapter two.第二章主要從美學的角度探討了象徵的審美意藴。
  • 17This article by stating the esthetic realization to music, proves the essence of the esthetic realization.本文通過對音樂審美意識的闡述,論證了音樂審美意識的本質。
  • 18What is the meaning of material fragility in your works both from an esthetic and ontological point of view?從美學和本體論的觀點來看,在您的作品中脆弱材料的含義是什麼?
  • 19From the crosswise aspect, the article inquired the actuation mechanism and the esthetic effect of Quotation.從橫向方面,探尋用事的產生及驅動機制和用事的審美效果。
  • 20As an art manifestation and method, color may affect people's emotion in many situation, mood and esthetic value.色彩作為藝術表現形式與手段,可以在許多情況下左右人們的情感、情緒和審美價值。
  • 21However, the popularity and esthetic value of drawings still remain high, especially among the fans of traditional art.然而,繪圖的普及程度與美學價值仍舊很高,尤其對那些傳統藝術的愛好者是如此。
  • 22E. g. "Provisional restorations represent a key element in the realization of extensive esthetic rehabilitations".例子:暫時修復代表了大規模審美的修復的重要元素。
  • 23It plays an important role in the esthetic process and forms an assignable thesis in the studies of esthetic mind.它在審美過程中扮演着重要的角色,是審美心理研究中一個不可忽視的命題。
  • 24The way for human being to understand the world is various, but it has to involve an arts or esthetic understanding.人對世界的把握方式多種多樣,但必不可少地需要有藝術的即審美方式的把握。
  • 25Artistic appreciation is the chief form of esthetic education and plays an important role in the esthetic education.藝術鑑賞是審美教育的主要形式之一,它在審美教育中具有十分重要的地位。
  • 26The esthetic treatment of the sales area brings a sensation of simplicity by the rigorous and simple using of materials.銷售區使用了嚴謹而簡單的材料,構建一種簡潔的感覺。
  • 27This paper discusses the esthetic value and the relationship between the sports esthetic subject and athlete sports esthetics.論述了體育運動的美學價值和體育審美主體與體育運動美感之間的關係。
  • 28People have always recognized that there's some sort of esthetic value in having all of these different creatures living on earth with us.她説:“人們總是認為讓這些不同的物種與我們生活在一起是為了達到一系列的審美價值。”
  • 29The article elaborated its artistic esthetic value and the artistic quality education function from the various artistic esthetic content.從健美操多方面的藝術審美內容,論述了其藝術審美價值與藝術素質教育功能。 [1] 