

Dent,英文詞彙,主要用作名詞動詞,意思是指使產生凹痕;損害。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [dent] 美 [dent]
v. 使產生凹痕;損害,削弱
n. 凹痕;削減
【名】 (Dent)(英、葡)登特(人名)
[ 複數 dents 第三人稱單數 dents 現在分詞 denting 過去式 dented 過去分詞 dented ] [1] 


make a dent 產生印象;引起注意
dent resistance 耐衝擊性
make a dent in v. 削弱;[口]取得有效進展 [1] 


  • There was a dent in the nearside wing. 左邊擋泥板上有一個凹痕。
  • They can beat out the dent in the car's wing. 他們能把汽車擋泥板上的凹痕敲平。
  • These can dent and scratch your floor. 這些都會讓你的地板產生凹陷、劃痕。
  • Grandpa pointed to the scratches opposite the dent Kevin had made. 爺爺指着凱文留下的凹痕對面的劃痕。
  • This will be only a small dent, perhaps, to the confidence of Greek tour operators. 或許,對自信的希臘旅行社來説這只是小凹坑。
  • The tuition fee does not seem to be the explanation of the problem: previous hikes in tuition fees did not dent demand from rich or poor. 學費似乎並不是這一問題的解釋:早先的學費增長並沒有削減無論貧窮或富裕家庭的需求。
  • If the bill makes its way through Washington, DC, after years of deliberation and lobbying, that could further dent Blackstone's profits and share price. 如果該議案經過數年的審議和遊説之後在華盛頓獲得通過的話,那有可能進一步削弱黑石集團的利潤和股價。
  • The stone made a dent in the roof of the car. 石頭把車頂砸了個坑。
  • It seemed that nothing could dent his confidence. 似乎任何事情都不會使他的信心受挫。
  • The lawyer's fees will make a dent in our finances. 律師費將耗去我們一部分資金。
  • I was convinced there was a dent in the hood which hadn't been there before. 我確信車蓋上有一個以前沒有的凹痕。
  • "I'm sorry about the dent," he explained what had happened. “我對這個凹痕感到抱歉。”他解釋了發生的事情。
  • Grandpa laughed, "Every dent and scratch can tell a story, and although you stick with it, someday you'll have your own." 爺爺笑着説:“每一個凹痕和劃痕都可以講述一個故事,雖然你堅持了下來,但總有一天你會擁有自己的故事。”
  • That could dent margins and compromise the sense of freedom its managers so obviously enjoy today. 那可能會降低利潤,並危及其經理人目前明顯享有的自由感。
  • Yet making a substantial dent in the deficit will be difficult. 然而,使貿易逆差獲得實質性的削弱將會困難重重。
  • That is too low to make a significant dent in unemployment. 該增長率太低以至於不能對失業造成重大的削弱。
  • To make a real dent in unemployment would require a lot more money. 要確實地降低失業率還將需要更多資金。
  • Iran says no sanctions, however harsh, will dent its nuclear effort. 伊朗表示無論制裁有多嚴厲,都不會阻撓其繼續核計劃的步伐。
  • We had made a dent in the problem by doubling the Earned Income Tax Credit. 我們已通過加倍勞務所得收入抵免來削弱這個問題的影響。
  • The cost of climate protection would barely make a dent in that growth. 氣候保護的代價只會略微削弱收入的增長。
  • Using a hammer, she put a big dent in it. It caused the statue to crack. 她拿起錘子砸下去,雕像被砸了一個大缺口,這就導致了雕像的破裂。
  • We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here? 活着就是為了改變世界,要不然我們在這幹嘛?
  • The stimulus must be large in order to make a substantial dent in unemployment. 刺激案一定要達到可以有效的減少失業。
  • That may dent their expected profits for 2011 but will not eat into capital. 這將使得他們在2011年的收益縮水,但不會侵蝕他們的資本。
  • When you're worried and nervous about something, it can dent your self-confidence. 當您擔心並緊張某件事情的時候它會削弱您的自信心。
  • He tried to show her with his hands. "The Chevvy, though, didn't have a dent." 他試圖用手比劃給她看。“那輛雪韋卻連一個小坑也沒有。” [1] 