


Deluge,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“暴雨,洪水” [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈdeljuːdʒ] 美 [ˈdeljuːdʒ]
n. 暴雨,洪水;湧現的事物,蜂擁而至的事物;(《聖經》中的)大洪水(the Deluge)
v. 使湧來,使充滿;氾濫,淹沒
[ 複數 deluges 第三人稱單數 deluges 現在分詞 deluging 過去式 deluged 過去分詞 deluged ] [1] 


deluge system 密集灑水系統;集水系統;雨淋滅火系統
deluge valve 湧流閥 ; 集水閥 ; 雨淋閥 ; 用於雨淋系統
deluge proof motor 防水電動機 ; 防水電念頭
data deluge 數據洪流 ; 因而形成了爆量資料
The Deluge 洪水
deluge sprinkler 大水滴噴頭 ; 雨淋噴頭
deluge gun 水炮
deluge tower 煙道氣洗滌器
fire deluge system 消防集水系統 ; 發射滅火系統 [1] 


  • There was a deluge of requests for interviews and statements. 對接受訪談和發表聲明的要求鋪天蓋地地湧來。
  • After Bashar al-Assad, the deluge. 巴沙爾之後,洪水滔天。
  • But the data deluge also poses risks. 但是,海量數據也提出了風險。
  • The deluge of spare cash has two main sources. 遊資氾濫的原因有兩點。
  • And the earth be immersed in a deluge of rains. 地土幾乎沉沒於大雨洪流中。
  • The deluge of information is only going to rise. 海量的信息只會越來越多。
  • The spring thaw caused the river to deluge the region. 春天冰雪融化,使河水氾濫淹沒了那地區。
  • For today's scientists, that data deluge represents a conundrum. 對於今天的科學家來説,數據氾濫不能不失為一個難題。
  • In the old paintings of the deluge there is a mother holding her child thus. 在有些洪水成災的古代油畫中,一個母親就是這樣舉着她的孩子的。
  • Fortunately, the tools to deal with this data deluge are getting better. 幸運的是,處理這股數據洪流的工具正日漸精良。
  • Speedily the race of mean and their possessions, were swept away by the deluge. 朱庇特唯恐用火燒會危及天宮本身,就決定用洪水淹沒地球,轉瞬間洪水就把地球上的人和他們的財物席捲而去。
  • MGI argues that the data deluge could create a new wave of productivity growth. MGI認為,海量數據能夠催生新一波的生產力增長。
  • It might be looked on more warmly if its members did not deluge people with invitations to join them. 如果那些會員不是總髮邀請函給你的話,他們看起來會更加友好。
  • But it posed a big challenge to researchers in biology, who had to deal with the ensuing deluge of data. 但對於處理這樣海量數據的科學家們來説同樣是一個巨大的挑戰。
  • Bridges and elevated expressways are filling up with fleets of parked cars, to spare them from the deluge below. 大橋和高速公路上停滿了避開地面洪水的車輛。
  • That is understandable when drought or deluge can destroy their crop, but it has the effect of reducing yields. 當旱災或洪災可以摧毀莊稼的時候,這是可以理解的,但這麼做會降低農業的產量。
  • After the 2nd deluge, Aryan was significantly damaged and the infrastructure required a chaotic stage of rebuilding. 第二次洪水後,雅利安損壞得最為嚴重,基礎設施的混亂程度亟需重建。
  • While developed with SKA in mind, the results are also applicable to other organisations faced with a 'data deluge'. 雖然一開始為SKA項目開發,但最終的項目成果也可以應用到其他面臨“數據洪流”的企業組織。
  • The deluge of selling overwhelmed the ticker tape system that normally gave investors the current prices of their shares. 賣出的洪水淹沒了正常狀態下提供投資者股票市價的自動收報系統。
  • Across the western world, markets are a-twitter at the forthcoming deluge of cash from China's sovereign wealth funds. 在整個西方世界,面對即將到來的中國主權財富基金的資金潮,市場都感到興奮。
  • But just as it is machines that are generating most of the data deluge, so they can also be put to work to deal with it. 但是既然是機器引發了絕大部分的數據洪流,那麼機器也可以用來處理這些信息。
  • "They gambled that they could keep adding to their risky positions and still sell them out before the deluge," he wrote. “他們是一幫賭徒,認為自己可以持續不斷地冒險,而且還可以在災難來臨之前全身而退,”他寫道。
  • The financial deluge that broke over America has passed and the recession it caused, the worst since the 1930s, is ebbing. 破壞了美國的金融危機已經過去,而它所引發的經濟衰退——1930年代以來最嚴重的一次的危機——正在好轉。
  • The deluge killed at least 220 people, inundating most of the country and pouring into some of the ancient temples at Ayutthaya. 洪水在全國大部地區肆虐,淹沒了一些位於艾尤塔雅的古寺廟,並至少造成220人死亡。
  • But interviewing and thoroughly evaluating every applicant considering the deluge would be an enormous and expensive undertaking. 但是,面試和全面評估每個申請人,考慮到大量壓倒性的人數,將是一個龐大而昂貴的事業。
  • But interviewing and thoroughly evaluating everyapplicant, considering the deluge, would be an enormous andexpensive undertaking. 但是考慮到如此大量的人數,面試與徹底評估每一位申請者仍然是既艱鉅又昂貴的任務。
  • Residents describing the deluge say it began with a constant, pounding rain that started around July 28 and continued for a week. 居民們在描述洪水時説,它形成於持續猛烈的大雨,約從7月28日開始,持續了一週之久。 [1] 