


Camouflage,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,意為“偽裝,隱蔽”等。 [1] 
釋    義
詞    性


英 [ˈkæməflɑːʒ] 美 [ˈkæməflɑːʒ]
n. (軍事上的)偽裝,隱蔽;(士兵作偽裝用的)迷彩服,偽裝色;(動物的)保護色,保護形狀;掩飾,欺瞞
v. 掩飾;偽裝;掩蓋(真相);(用聲音)蓋過
[ 第三人稱單數 camouflages 現在分詞 camouflaging 過去式 camouflaged 過去分詞 camouflaged ] [1] 


camouflage net 偽裝網
camouflage pattern 迷彩圖案;偽裝印花布
camouflage passport 模擬護照
military camouflage 軍事偽裝
camouflage color 迷彩色 ; 不容易分辨的顏色色 ; 迷黑色 ; 不容易分辨的色彩色
camouflage pattern 迷彩圖案 ; 偽裝印花布 ; 不容易分辨的顏色圖案 ; 不容易分辨的色彩圖案
forest camouflage 森林迷彩 ; 叢林不容易分辨的顏色 ; 叢林迷彩
camouflage coat 迷彩服 ; 迷彩戰衣 [1] 


  • They were dressed in camouflage and carried automatic rifles. 他們身着迷彩服,手持自動步槍。
  • There was much laughter – a perfect camouflage for the anxiety of waiting for the verdict in the trial. 笑聲不斷–審判中等待裁決時焦慮的最佳掩飾。
  • One of its adaptations is basically camouflage. 它的一種基本的適應性是偽裝。
  • How do they overcome color-blindness to achieve their camouflage? 它們如何克服自身的色盲來達到偽裝的目的?
  • You can learn how to "be different" by examining the opposite, "camouflage". 你可以通過研究相反的“偽裝”來學習如何“與眾不同”。
  • At the time, it was only an educated guess that this so-called dazzle camouflage would work. 那個時候,炫目偽裝能夠起作用只是出於一種經驗上的判斷。
  • Her angry words were camouflage for the way she felt. 她以氣憤的言辭掩蓋自己的真實感情。
  • Confident in its camouflage, being the same colour as the rocks, the lizard stands still when it feels danger. 蜥蜴對自己和石頭顏色相同的保護色很自信,即便感覺危險也不動。
  • Its skin resembles that of another impressive predator and acts as camouflage on rocky seafloors. 它的皮膚與另一種令人印象深刻的捕食者相似,在多岩石的海底充當偽裝。
  • Chaos is great camouflage. 混亂是最好的偽裝。
  • In fact, a zebra with its striped covering is a camouflage animal. 事實上,帶有條紋的斑馬也是一種偽裝動物。
  • Ships, therefore, travel too slowly for dazzle camouflage to work. 因此噴塗迷彩偽裝的軍艦航行速度過於緩慢是起不到迷惑敵軍作用的。
  • Stick bugs have some of the animal kingdom's cleverest camouflage . 竹節蟲是動物王國中的“偽裝大師”。
  • Even conventional camouflage fabrics are becoming increasingly complex. 即使是傳統的迷彩面料也日趨複雜。
  • When I wrote my book, the best suggestion on offer was adaptive camouflage. 當我寫書的時候,想到的最好的隱形應用建議便是自適應偽裝。
  • The sleeves of his camouflage shirt are cut off and his combat boots are untied. 迷彩服的袖子被剪掉了,戰鬥靴也解開了。
  • Its underside, strangely, is brown with "eyes" - a typical camouflage technique. 有趣的是,它的翅膀腹面是棕色的,帶有眼狀斑點——這是一種典型的偽裝術。
  • The Leafy Sea Dragon is one of the few sea creatures with its own built-in camouflage. 葉海龍是少數幾種能夠自己長出偽裝物的海洋生物之一。
  • Think of Marty’s super self-drying jacket in Back to the Future II — only in camouflage. 想想回到未來2裏面馬丁的那件能自動風乾的夾克——只不過是換上了迷彩裝。
  • It once covered a plane in camouflage and painted "No one saw us coming" on the fuselage. 它就曾經用迷彩色噴塗機身,還在機身上寫“沒人看見我飛過來”。
  • Some insects have a natural camouflage which hide them from the attack of their enemy. 有些昆蟲有一種天然的保護色可以防止敵人的襲擊。
  • All the sun really does is provide a camouflage that blends your skin tone with acne marks. 陽光能做到的只是將你的皮膚和痤瘡印顏色調和的偽裝而已。
  • You'll have to provide your own camouflage outfit if you plan on conducting special ops, though. 如果你想在特殊的隱蔽狀態下使用該鏡頭,你得自己對它進行偽裝。
  • In each habitat, the cat's markings improve its camouflage and make it a more effective predator. 在棲息地裏,那些貓科動物身上標記不斷改善它們的偽裝色,以便能夠更加有效的捕獵。
  • The boat's large canopy was made of green and brown canvas. It served as a nice camouflage for the boat. 船很寬敞,它的頂蓬是一塊綠褐色的帆布,算是這艘船不錯的偽裝。
  • A GLIMPSE of figures moving through the foliage, their skin-markings acting as almost perfect camouflage. 瞥見有身影在枝葉間移動,他們的皮膚花紋是幾乎完美的偽裝保護。
  • China would struggle to penetrate the countermeasures and electronic camouflage that protect American ships. 中國很可能難以穿透賴以保護美國艦隻的防護網及電子偽裝。
  • Outside, under a camouflage canopy, soldiers ran for cover while others climbed ladders to the guard towers. 哨所外面,偽裝帆布篷下面,有些士兵急忙跑去找隱蔽,有些爬上梯子,進入崗樓頂層。
  • They stood in their camouflage fatigues and bandannas in front of the flag of the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades. 他們穿着迷彩服,戴着大頭巾,站在阿克薩烈士旅的旗幟前。 [1] 