

brigade,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“(軍隊的)旅;隊,派,幫;把……編成旅”等。 [1-2] 
解    釋
詞    性
屬    性


英 [brɪˈɡeɪd] 美 [brɪˈɡeɪd]
n. (軍隊的)旅;隊,派,幫
v. 把……編成旅(或大隊);使結合,與……有聯繫
[ 複數 brigades 第三人稱單數 brigades 現在分詞 brigading 過去式 brigaded 過去分詞 brigaded ] [1] 


fire brigade n. 消防隊
Irish Brigade 愛爾蘭軍旅 ; 愛爾蘭旅
Givati Brigade 吉瓦提步兵旅
Steam Brigade 蒸汽旅
Brigade Combat Team 旅級戰鬥隊 ; 旅戰鬥隊 ; 戰鬥隊 [1] 
the anti-war brigade 反戰派
the anti-smoking brigade 反吸煙派 [2] 


  • 1The fire brigade were there in minutes.幾分鐘後消防隊就到了現場。《牛津詞典》
  • 2A third brigade is at sea, ready for an amphibious assault.第三旅在海上待命,隨時準備從海上發起進攻。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3On hearing the alarm the fire brigade rushed to the scene.消防隊聞訊趕到。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 4They are part of the program called the Beagle Brigade.他們是“檢疫犬計劃”的一部分。
  • 5Someone says that old Trafford is like a cathedral, populated by what Roy Keane called the "prawn sandwich" brigade.有人説,老特拉福德就像一座大教堂,住着羅伊·基恩所説的“對蝦三明治”一幫。
  • 6New York has followed the example of Paris in establishing a brigade of police-dogs.紐約已效仿巴黎的做法建立了一支警犬隊。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 7Each brigade has its own cook.每一支維修隊都有自己的廚師。
  • 8Forward, the Light Brigade!“向前,輕騎旅”!
  • 9My brigade has its task and we can\'t change it.我們中隊接受了任務,並且我們不能更改它。
  • 10A brigade consists of six people on the average.一支隊伍平均有6個人。
  • 11The boy followed and says his own brigade shot him.這個男孩也緊隨其後,他説,後來遭到了自己人的射擊。
  • 12They will be followed in January by an Army combat brigade.另外一個陸軍戰鬥旅也將隨後在1月份前往阿富汗。
  • 13Some Republicans accused the lightbulb brigade of extremism.一些共和黨人指責那些極端主義的燈泡一派。
  • 14The king was thinking of sending an armored brigade into Syria.國王正在考慮派遣一裝甲旅前往敍利亞。
  • 15The motto of Colonel Magno's brigade is: "to be more than it seems".馬格諾旅隊的座右銘是:比看上去的更多。
  • 16They heard that a few Brigade 5 soldiers are still hiding in the town.因為他們探聽到第五旅一些士兵仍然正躲藏在這個城鎮。
  • 17The 5th Brigade is now taking 895 Land Warrior ensembles to Afghanistan.第五旅現在攜帶895套陸地勇士裝備去阿富汗。
  • 18The Irish Brigade diminished greatly in size and disbanded for good in 1864.愛爾蘭旅的規模極大地削減,並在1864年徹底解散。
  • 19Today we’ll visit an artillery brigade from the Western Military District.今天我們將參觀俄羅斯西部軍區的炮兵某旅。
  • 20Witnesses said that the gunmen were battling members of the brigade on Sunday.目擊者稱,29日的武裝分子是該旅的成員。
  • 21The planned Polish-Ukrainian-Baltic military brigade is a good example of this.計劃中的波蘭-烏克蘭-波羅的海聯軍就是一個很好的例子。
  • 22At 23 he became brigadier general of volunteers in command of a Michigan cavalry brigade.23歲時他被任命為志願軍一個騎兵旅的准將。
  • 23Metropolitan Fire Brigade crews were called to the scene by a witness to find a small fire.一位目擊者在發現一處小火後呼叫了地鐵消防隊。
  • 24The fire brigade was immediately called and the fire was rapidly brought under control.事故發生後,救火隊立即趕到了現場,迅速控制住了火勢。
  • 25The spirit and fitness ethos of the Commando Brigade matched his own attitude to perfection.突擊旅精神和體能方面的風氣非常符合他自身追求完美的態度。
  • 26The M113 family of vehicles is an integral component of the Army's Heavy Brigade Combat Team.M113裝甲車是美國陸軍重裝旅級戰鬥單位的必備裝備。
  • 27Brigade members don't target homeless people, travelers, or people without documentation.別動隊成員並不針對無家可歸者、旅遊者,或者無身份者。
  • 28So far, he has been promised only one extra brigade in early 2009, though more are likely.雖然還是有可能的,但是到目前為止,他只被許諾有額外的一個旅於2009年初到位。
  • 29And members of the international Brooks Brigade like their steaks thick and juicy, bleeding even.布魯克斯國際旅的成員喜歡此處肉厚,多汁,甚至帶血絲的牛排。 [1] 