

bitch,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“母狗;<非正式>潑婦”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [bɪtʃ] 美 [bɪtʃ]
n. 母狗;<非正式>潑婦;<非正式>棘手的事;<非正式>抱怨,牢騷
v. <非正式>發牢騷;<非正式>誹謗,口出惡言
【名】 (Bitch)(法)比奇(人名)
[ 複數 bitches 第三人稱單數 bitches 現在分詞 bitching 過去式 bitched 過去分詞 bitched ] [1] 


bitch /bɪtʃ/ CET6+ TEM8 ( bitching, bitched, bitches )
1.N-COUNT If someone calls a woman a bitch, they are saying in a very rude way that they think she behaves in a very mean or unkind way. 潑婦 [非正式,侮辱,粗話]
2.→ see also son of a bitch
3.V-I If you say that someone is bitching about something, you mean that you disapprove of the fact that they are complaining about it in an unpleasant way. 發牢騷 [非正式] [oft cont]
4.N-COUNT A bitch is a female dog. 母狗 [1] 


Green Tea Bitch 綠茶婊
Bitch Slap 女子大亂鬥(影片 英文片名) [1] 


  • "Vile bitch" is a touch extreme and will take some apologizing for. “可惡的潑婦”這種説法有些極端,需要為此道歉。
  • You stupid little bitch! 你這個愚蠢的小悍婦!
  • She can be a real bitch. 她撒起潑來可真不得了。
  • We've been having a bitch about our boss. 我們一直對老闆牢騷滿腹。
  • Don't bitch about the heat. 不要抱怨天氣熱。
  • The only thing you should ever bitch about is how cool your life is. 你唯一可以抱怨的是你生活有多酷。
  • Editors save their assess, and writers do nothing but bitch about it. 編輯們保留他們的評價,作家們對此只會發牢騷。
  • A lot of wisdom literature is sort of like, life's a bitch so just enjoy it while you can. 許多有智慧文學都有點像在倡導:人生苦短,今朝有酒今朝醉。
  • It is a good idea to build a whelping box well in advance so the bitch has time to get used to it. 最好預先為母犬建一個產箱,這樣母犬可以有時間去適應。
  • There are only two kinds of programming languages: those people always bitch about, and those nobody uses. 世上只有兩種編程語言:一種是總是被人抱怨,一種是從來沒人用的。
  • The bitch bit at the gentleman. 那潑婦衝着那位先生罵。
  • She is the bitch from hell. 她是個壞得冒水的潑婦。
  • My roommate is being such a bitch lately. 我室友最近太煩人了。
  • She's a slippery little bitch, isn't she? 她真是個狡猾的小賤人,不是麼?
  • For the word bitch there are two photographs. 對於單詞bitch,它的下面附有兩張照片。
  • Font rendering on the iPad screen is a bitch. iPad上的字體渲染簡直就是個噩夢。
  • Shut up you little bitch, he's trying to sleep. 閉嘴你個小賤人,他想睡覺了。
  • B. You believe, "She has no right to accuse me. She's a bitch!" B:你相信,“她沒有權利指責我,她是個潑婦!”
  • "Fame's a bitch," Pitt once told an interviewer, and it's not hard to understand why. “名氣是件討厭的事。”布萊德·彼特曾經這樣告訴一位採訪者,而這並不難理解。
  • She will put her interest ahead of others every single time, just for the sake of being a bitch. 她每次都把自己的興趣擺在別人的意見之上,只因為她是個bitch(譯者注:本句可以理解為“她這麼做只是為了犯賤”)。
  • But the Victorian age was coming and so bitch the word went to ground-which I guess makes it a terrier. 然而,到了維多利亞時期,單詞bitch像是躲了起來,出現頻度大幅下降——據我猜測,當時人們用它來稱呼㹴犬。
  • Suddenly, the music stops with a needle scratch and there's an awkward silence as the evil bitch makes her exit. 突然,邪惡的賤人出去了,音樂也被一聲針尖劃過的響動打斷了。
  • The shirt at the top emblazoned with the phrase "you say I'm a bitch like it's a bad thing" epitomises this attitude. 頂上標着“你還以為説我bitch是罵人哪?” 的T恤就是這種態度的典型體現。 [1] 