


automatic,主要用作名詞形容詞,主要意思為“自動的;無意識的”等 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk] 美 [ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk]
adj. 自動的;必然的;無意識的,不假思索的
n. 自動換擋汽車;自動武器
[ 複數 automatics 比較級 more automatic 最高級 most automatic ] [1] 


automatic /ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk/ CET4 TEM4
1.ADJ An automatic machine or device is one that has controls that enable it to perform a task without needing to be constantly operated by a person. Automatic methods and processes involve the use of such machines. (機器或裝置) 自動的
2.ADJ An automatic weapon is one that keeps firing shots until you stop pulling the trigger. (武器) 自動的 [ADJ n]
3.N-COUNT Automatic is also a noun. 自動槍
4.ADJ An automatic action is one that you do without thinking about it. (行動) 無意識的
5.automatically ADV 無意識地
6.N-COUNT An automatic is a car in which the gears change automatically as the car's speed increases or decreases. 自動換擋汽車 [1] 


automatic control 自動控制
automatic control system 自動控制系統
fully automatic 全自動的
automatic system 自動系統;自動裝置
full automatic 全自動的
automatic welding 自動焊接
automatic transmission 自動換檔;自動變速裝置;自動駕駛
automatic detection 自動檢測
automatic machine 自動機牀;自動機械
automatic testing 自動測試;自動校驗;自動檢驗
automatic test system 自動測試系統
automatic equipment 自動設備;自動裝置
automatic operation 自動操作;自動運算
automatic tracking 自動跟蹤;自動跟蹤儀
automatic door 自動門
automatic inspection 自動檢查;自動檢驗
automatic feed 自動進料
automatic control theory 自動控制理論
automatic switching 自動轉換;自動開關
automatic device 自動裝置 [1] 


  • The automatic doors slid open. 自動門慢慢開了。
  • She set the camera on automatic. 她把照相機調到自動狀態。
  • Modern trains have automatic doors. 現代火車都有自動門。
  • The printer has an automatic paper feed. 這台打印機有自動進紙裝置。
  • My camera has manual and automatic functions. 我的照相機有手調和自動兩種功能。
  • Three gunmen with automatic rifles opened fire. 3名手持自動步槍的歹徒開了火。
  • Breathing is an automatic function of the body. 呼吸是一種無意識的身體功能。
  • His car was raked with fire from automatic weapons. 他的汽車遭到了自動武器炮火的掃射。
  • Any form of cheating means automatic disqualification. 任何形式的作弊都意味着自動取消資格。
  • They were dressed in camouflage and carried automatic rifles. 他們身着迷彩服,手持自動步槍。
  • Eddie slipped the safety catch on his automatic back into place. 艾迪把自動步槍的保險拉到了位。
  • All of the automatic body functions, even breathing, are affected. 所有無意識的身體功能,甚至呼吸,都受到影響。
  • He drew his automatic and began running in the direction of the sounds. 他拔出自動槍,朝發出聲音的方向跑去。
  • Declaring the wrong income by mistake will no longer lead to an automatic fine. 由於失誤申報收入不符的不再予以自動罰款。
  • An automatic weather station feeds information on wind direction to the computer. 一個自動化氣象站把風向信息輸入電腦。
  • Use a kettle with an automatic cut-out so it doesn't boil for longer than necessary. 使用一個有斷流器的水壺,這樣水開後它會自動斷電。
  • In Singapore, every car is fitted with a digital transponder that triggers automatic tollbooths as it passes. 在新加坡,每輛轎車上都裝有一台在通過時自動觸發過路收費亭的數字式異頻雷達收發機。
  • If you go on automatic pilot, you're fine. 如果你是自動駕駛,那就沒事了。
  • There was no available automatic in that factory. 那家工廠沒有可用的自動機械。
  • Most are also equipped with automatic fire alarm systems. 大多數還配備了火災自動報警系統。
  • The change to the road traffic law will permit fully automatic driving. 道路交通法修改後將允許全自動駕駛。
  • "Let's face the realities of automatic essay scoring," the group's statement reads in part. “讓我們面對自動評分的現實。”該組織的聲明中寫道。
  • "Let's face the realities of automatic essay scoring." the group's statement reads in part. “讓我們面對自動化短文評分的事實,”該團體聲明中有部分寫道。
  • The "learning" of the material is assumed to be automatic and effortless, accomplished while listening to music. 對材料的“學習”被認為是自動的、毫不費力的,在聽音樂的時候就完成了。
  • Automatic control here should allow for smooth merging without the usual uncertainties and potential for accidents. 此處的自動控制應該允許平滑合併,沒有通常的不確定性和事故的可能性。
  • Over the past decade, many companies had perfected the art of creating automatic behaviors — habits — among consumers. 在過去的十年中,許多公司已經完善了在消費者中創造無意識行為(習慣)的藝術。
  • It is capable of ignoring or overriding the automatic, metabolic system and produces an irregular pattern of breathing. 它能忽略或凌駕於自動的新陳代謝系統之上,併產生不規則的的呼吸模式。
  • During sleep the automatic metabolic system is less responsive to carbon dioxide levels and oxygen levels in the blood. 在睡眠期間,自動的新陳代謝系統對血液中二氧化碳和氧氣的含量反應並不靈敏。
  • You can also use apps like Offtime or Unplugged to create tech free zones by strategically scheduling automatic airplane modes. 你也可以使用Offtime或Unplugged 這樣的應用程序,有策略地安排自動飛行模式來創建無科技區域。
  • You can also use apps like Offtime or Unplugged to create tech-free zones by strategically scheduling automatic airplane modes. 你也可以使用像 Offtime或Unplugged 這樣的應用程序,通過有策略地安排自動飛行模式來創建無科技地帶。 [1] 