


Ambush,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,意為“伏擊、突襲”等。 [1] 
詞    性


英 [ˈæmbʊʃ] 美 [ˈæmbʊʃ]
n. 伏擊,埋伏
v. 伏擊,埋伏突襲;突然向(某人)提出尷尬的問題 [1] 
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ambush /ˈæmbʊʃ/ CET6+ TEM8 ( ambushing, ambushed, ambushes )
1.V-T If a group of people ambush their enemies, they attack them after hiding and waiting for them. 伏擊
2.N-VAR An ambush is an attack on someone by people who have been hiding and waiting for them. 伏擊 [1] 


ambush marketing 隱性營銷;埋伏式營銷;伏擊式營銷
Ten-sided Ambush 十面埋伏
Improved Ambush 強化伏擊 ; 鞏固伏擊 [1] 


  • Two soldiers were killed in a terrorist ambush. 兩名士兵遭到恐怖分子伏擊而死亡。
  • They were lying in ambush , waiting for the aid convoy. 他們埋伏起來,等着襲擊增援車隊。
  • Lions are primarily ambush hunters, so when they feel their prey has spotted them, they usually give up on the hunt. 獅子主要屬於伏擊獵食者,所以一旦它們認為獵物已經發現它們,它們往往會放棄捕獵。
  • Whether myrmidons of Justice would be lying in ambush behind the gate? 法院會不會派來打手埋伏在門口呢?
  • Set an ambush behind the city. 你要在城後設下伏兵。
  • Then Israel set an ambush around Gibeah. 以色列人在基比亞的四圍設下伏兵。
  • Enemy was totally destroyed at the ambush point. 敵人在伏擊點全部被殲。
  • You are to rise up from ambush and take the city. 你們就從埋伏的地方起來,奪取那城。
  • Luke was killed in an ambush on 23 of March 2003. Luke在2003年3月23日死於一場埋伏戰。
  • That way they can ambush victims from any Angle. 這樣它們就可以從任何角度埋伏在它的獵物的周圍。
  • If your attack is going really well, it's an ambush. 如果你的攻擊進行得很順利,那一定是你中了圈套。
  • If your attack is going really well, it "s an ambush." 如果你的攻擊進行得很順利,那一定是你中了圈套。
  • A month later an ambush left at least 28 Tajik soldiers dead. 一個月後,一場伏擊導致28名塔吉克士兵的死亡。
  • They quickly came across an abandoned camp and waited in ambush. 他們很快發現了一處廢棄的營地並開始設伏。
  • On June 28th Mr Bahadur's men killed at least 23 soldiers in an ambush. 6月28日,巴阿杜的手下在一次伏擊打死至少23名士兵。
  • This ambush predator can change its color to blend with its surroundings. 三棘帶?是種善於偷襲的捕食動物,能夠改變身體顏色以融入環境。
  • the Tactics Skill adds to Mind when deciding the best way to spring an ambush. 當決定繞過伏兵的最佳路線時,戰術技能會附加到心智屬性上。
  • If they know, they can plan an ambush or a kidnapping or detonate an IED under your car. 如果他們知道了,他們可能計劃埋伏好襲擊你,或者綁架你,或者在你的車子底下引爆一顆IED。
  • you are to rise up from ambush and take the city. The LORD your God will give it into your hand. 你們就從埋伏的地方起來,奪取那城。因為耶和華你們的神,必把城交在你們手裏。
  • After the discovery of the enemy columns, a part of the group mines a road and organizes the ambush. 在發現了敵方動向後,一組人埋伏在路邊準備進行一次伏擊。
  • "General, I saw Shu banners where the hills dip," he replied. "Fearing ambush, I summoned you back." 答曰:“某見山凹中有蜀兵旗幡數處,恐是伏兵,故急招將軍回。”
  • He lies in wait near the villages; from ambush he murders the innocent, watching in secret for his victims. 他在村莊埋伏等候。他在隱秘處殺害無辜人。
  • The problem is that if I go back, it can't help looking like I'm trying to ambush him, which isn't true. 問題是,如果我回到那兒的話,他肯定會以為我是去故意去等他,我才不會呢。
  • In an unusual ambush, a Nile crocodile grabbed onto an elephant's trunk at an African water hole this summer. 這個夏天,在非洲某個小池塘,一個不尋常的埋伏,一隻尼羅鱷一口咬住了大象的鼻子!
  • LONDON, March 26: each battered high-rise becomes a sniper's aerie, each deserted thoroughfare an ambush zone. 倫敦,3月26日:每座殘破的建築都成為狙擊手的藏身之所,每條廢棄的街道都是展開伏擊的戰場。
  • He had enlisted a trio of his friends from Brooklyn to ambush Shakur in the lobby of the Quad, the sources said. 此資料還稱,他找了三位布魯克林區的朋友埋伏在錄音室樓下的大廳中。 [1] 