


ALIBI,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞,主要意思為“不在場證明或辯解;託辭”等。 [1] 
類    型
釋    義
詞    性


英 [ˈæləbaɪ] 美 [ˈæləbaɪ]
n. 不在場證明或辯解;託辭
v. 辯解;找託辭開脱
[ 複數 alibis 第三人稱單數 alibis 現在分詞 alibiing 過去式 alibied 過去分詞 alibied ] [1] 


alibi oneself 為…辯解
there's no alibi 也沒有了藉口 ; 沒有辯解謊言
An Improvised Alibi 臨時做出的辯解
Perfect Alibi 完美的藉口 ; 唱片名
The Unbreakable Alibi 無懈可擊的偽證
et alibi 及別處 ; 以及其它地方
Alibi Guesthouse 藉口客棧 ; 藉口客棧 [1] 


  • The police are checking out his alibi. 警察在查證他不在案發現場的證據。
  • She was in San Diego the weekend Jensen got killed. Her alibi checked out. 詹森遇害的那個週末她在聖地亞哥。她不在現場的申辯成立。
  • He manages to persuade both his wife and girlfriend to provide him with an alibi. 他設法説服他的妻子和女友都為他提供不在場的證明。
  • If she could just establish the time the picture had been taken, Mick would have a watertight alibi. 只要她能確定拍這張照片的時間,米克就可以有一個無懈可擊的不在現場的證據。
  • The alibi was fabricated by him. 這種託辭是他臆造出來的。
  • Who would alibi for that guy? 誰會願意為那個傢伙辯解?。
  • But the alibi did not hold up long. 但是,不在場證明沒堅持多久。
  • I'll hoke up a good alibi. 我會編一個滴水不漏的遁詞。
  • B: That's just an alibi. 那是他的藉口。
  • It is a perfect alibi. 這完全是在開脱罪責。
  • It developed that he had an alibi for the night. 它顯示出他當晚不在犯罪現場。
  • Is that your alibi? 這就是你的説辭麼?
  • What's your alibi? 你有什麼託辭呢?
  • Have you an alibi? 你有不在場證據嗎?
  • It's a good alibi. 真是個好託辭。
  • B: That 'an alibi. 那是他的藉口。
  • They've got nothing on me I've got an alibi. 我們現在不能解僱她,還沒抓到她的把柄。
  • The false alibi threw the police off the scent. 那個不在犯罪現場的偽證使警方失去了線索。
  • I was disappointed that Cathy cooked up an alibi. 我感到很失望的是凱瑟編造了一個託辭。
  • Do you have any proof to substantiate your alibi? 你有證據表明你當時不在犯罪現場嗎?
  • I was disappointed that Cathy cooked up an alibi. 我和失望凱西編造了一個託辭。
  • The police verified that she had an airtight alibi. 警方查明她有着無懈可擊的不在犯罪現場的證據。
  • She still doesn't have an alibi for the night of the murder. 她仍舊沒有謀殺當晚的不在場證明。
  • And if you love me at all, you'll give me a match and an alibi. 如果你真的愛我,你就給我火柴和幫我做不在場證明。
  • Now that he had in effect an alibi, he raged against his advisers. 現在他既然有了一個藉口,就對他的顧問大發了一通雷霆。
  • DNA evidence appeared to clear the three, and one had a solid alibi. DNA證據已經還三人以清白,其中一人還有強有力的不在犯罪現場證明。
  • He based his assumption of her guilt on the fact that she had no alibi. 他以她不在犯罪現場的事實為根據做出她犯罪的假定。 [1] 