


高偉,男,副教授,博士,碩士研究生導師。2013年畢業於華南理工大學車輛工程專業,主要從事機械設計及CAE分析、脆性材料斷裂、離散元/有限元耦合方法及其應用研究。近年來,主持國家自然科學基金、湖南省教育廳優秀青年項目、湘潭大學科研啓動基金等,在Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering、Composite Structures、Rock Mechanicsand Rock Engineering、Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics、Computers & Structures、Computational Mechanics、Materials & Design、International Journal of Impact Engineering等期刊發表SCI論文20餘篇,EI論文4篇 [1] 
國    籍
民    族


2017.10 - 廣東工業大學 機電工程學院 副教授 碩士生導師 [1] 
2016.12 - 2017.10 湘潭大學 機械工程 副教授
2014.01 - 2017.10 湘潭大學 機械工程碩士研究生導師
2013.07 - 2017.02 湘潭大學 機械工程 講師
2009.09 - 2013.06華南理工大學 車輛工程 博士學位(碩博連讀)
2008.09 - 2009.07華南理工大學 車輛工程 碩 士


汽車設計與CAE分析,汽車被動安全研究,離散元/有限元耦合方法及其應用研究,脆性材料斷裂 [2] 


[1]國家自然科學基金面上項目,“基於複雜形狀離散元/有限元的砂卵地層盾構仿真方法與實驗研究”(51878184) 2019-2022,主持. [2] 
[2] 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目:基於離散元/有限元耦合的高壓輥磨粉碎仿真方法與實驗研究(51404209),2015-2018
[4] 湘潭大學科研啓動基金項目:基於DEM/FEM的高壓輥磨粉碎仿真方法研究(14QDZ09),2015-2018
[1] 國家自然科學基金青年基金:不確定條件下脆性材料離散元模型參量的計算反求方法研究(11602212),2017-2019,第2
[2] 國家自然科學基金青年基金:考慮砂輪表面形貌及工件缺陷影響的工程陶瓷磨削加工損傷行為研究(51605409),2017-2019,第2
[3] 國家自然科學基金面上項目:鎳基高温合金高效抗疲勞磨削加工工藝及機理研究(51475404),2015-2018,第5


(30)Gao Wei*, Wang Jiawen, He X, Feng YT*, et al. Modeling the mechanical behavior of a helmeted headform impacted with a laminated windshield with consideration of composite failure[J]. Composite Structures, 2022, 279:114787 [12]  . (SCI/EI, 中科院TOP 期刊)
(29)Gao Wei, Liu Xin, Chen Shunhua*, Bui Tinh Quo, Yoshimura Shinobu. A cohesive zone based DE/FE coupling approach for interfacial debonding analysis of laminated glass. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2020: 102668 [11]  . (SCI/EI)
(28)Gao Wei*, Liu Xin, Hu Jie, Feng YT*. A Novel Bilinear Constitutive Law for Cohesive Elements to Model the Fracture of Pressure-Dependent Rocks[J]. Rock Mechanicsand Rock Engineering, 2022, 55(2): 521-540 [14]  . (SCI/EI, 中科院二區)
(27)Gao Wei*, Takuya Matsunaga, Guangtao Duan, Seiichi Koshizuka, A coupled 3D isogeometric/least-square MPS approach for modeling fluid–structure interactions, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2021: 113538 [13]  . (SCI/EI, 中科院TOP 期刊)
(26)Chen Shunhua, Mitsume Naoto,Bui Tinh Quoc, Gao Wei*,Tomonori Yamada, Mengyan Zang, Shinobu Yoshimura. Development of two intrinsic cohesive zone models for progressive interfacial cracking of laminated composites with matching and non-matching cohesive elements. CompositeStructures (2019): 111406 [15]  . (SCI/EI, 中科院TOP 期刊)
(25)Gao Wei*, He Xiaoqiang, Wang Jiawen, Feng YT*, et al. Numerical investigation of oblique impact behavior of a helmeted headform on a windshield considering failure[J].Thin-Walled Structures, 2022, 171: 108722 [16]  . (SCI/EI, 中科院二區)
(24)Gao Wei*,Feng Y.T*. A coupled 3Ddiscrete elements/isogeometric method for particle/structure interaction problems, Computational Particle Mechanics, 2020,7: 869–880 [17]  . (SCI/EI, 中科院三區)
(23)ChenHu, Zhang YX*, Zhu Linpei, Xiong Fei, LiuJing, Gao Wei*. A Particle-Based Cohesive Crack Model for Brittle Fracture Problems, Materials 2020, 13(16): 3573 [18]  . (SCI/EI)
(22)Wang Jiawen, Wang Ruihao, Gao Wei*, et al. Numerical investigation of impact injury of a human head during contact interaction with a windshield glazing considering mechanical failure[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2020: 103577 [3]  . (SCI/EI)
(21)Gao Wei, Wang Jiawen, Shuohui Yin, Feng Y.T. A coupled 3D isogeometric and discrete element approach for modelling interactions between structures and granular matters, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2019, 354: 441-463 [4]  . (SCI/EI)
(20)Gao Wei, Wang Runhao, Chen Shunhua*, Zang Mengyan, An intrinsic cohesive zone approach for impact failure of windshield laminated glass subjected to a pedestrian headform, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2019, 126: 147-159 [5-6]  .(SCI/EI)
(19) Gao Wei*, Liu Lei, Liao Zechu, Chen Shunhua*, Zang Mengyan, Tan Yuanqiang. Discrete element analysis of the mixing performance of particles in a ribbon mixer, Granular Matter, 2019;21(1):12 [5]  [7]  .(SCI/EI)
(18) Chen Shunhua*, Mitsume Naoto, Gao Wei*, Yamada Tomonori, Zang Mengyan, Yoshimura Shinobu. A nodal-based extrinsic cohesive/contact model for interfacial debonding analyses in composite structures[J]. Computers & Structures, 2019, 215: 80-97 [5]  [8]  .(SCI/EI)
(17) 高偉, 劉磊, 王潤豪, 向紀邦, 廖澤楚, 聶松輝, 鄭學軍. 一種可分離為抬式/推式擔架的多功能輪椅,專利授權號: ZL201710095005.0. 發明專利, 國家知識產權局, 2018. [9] 
(16)Gao Wei, Xiang Jibang, Chen Shunhua, Shuohui Yin, Mengyan Zang, Xuejun Zheng. Intrinsic cohesive modeling of impact fracture behavior of laminated glass, Materials & Design, 2017, 127:321-335.(SCI/EI) [10] 
(15)Gao Wei, Tan Yuanqiang, Jiang Shengqiang, Zhang Gaofeng, Zang Mengyan. A virtual-surface contact algorithm for the interaction between FE and spherical DE. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2016, 108:32-40. (SCI/EI)
(14)Zang Mengyan,Gao Wei, Lei Zhou. A contact algorithm for 3D discrete and finite element contact problems based on penalty function method. Computational Mechanics, 2011, 48(5):541-550. (SCI/EI)
(13)Gao Wei, Zang Mengyan. The simulation of laminated glass beam impact problem by developing fracture model of spherical DEM. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2014, 42:2-7. (SCI/EI)
(12)Gao Wei, Zang Mengyan, Xu Wei. An approach to freely combining 3D discrete and finite element methods. International Journal of Computational Methods, 2014, 11(1):1350051. (SCI/EI)
(11)Gao Wei, Tan Yuanqiang, Zang Mengyan. A Cubic Arranged Spherical Discrete Element Model. International Journal of Computational Methods, 2014, 11(5): 1350102. (SCI/EI)
(10)高偉, 臧孟炎. 基於內聚力模型的夾層玻璃梁衝擊破壞過程仿真. 華南理工大學學報(自然科學版), 2013,41(5):139-144. (EI)
(9) Xu Wei, Zang Mengyan,Gao Wei. Adaptive Combined DE/FE Algorithm for Brittle Fracture of Plane Stress Problems, Computational Mechanics, 2014, 54(2):535-546. (SCI/EI)
(8)Gao Wei, Zang Mengyan. A fracture model for 3D spherical discrete Element method. The 4th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2012), 2012, Gold Coast, Australia.
(7) Zang Mengyan,Gao Wei, Lei Zou. A DEM-FEM contact algorithm. The 3rd International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM 2010), 2010, Zhangjiajie, China.
(6)高偉, 譚援強, 姜勝強. 基於罰函數法的散體顆粒離散元/有限元接觸耦合算法, 第二屆顆粒材料計算力學會議, 2014, 中國蘭州.
(5)高偉,劉磊. 基於離散元法的礦石破碎研究. 第三屆全國顆粒材料計算力學會議, 2016, 中國大連.
(4)高偉, 張樂, 劉磊, 向紀邦. 基於離散元法的高壓輥磨破碎仿真研究, 第十八屆中國磨粒技術學術會議, 2015, 中國湘潭.
(3)高偉, 向紀邦. Investigation of impact fracture behavior of laminated glass via cohesive model,中國計算力學大學暨國際華人計算大學大會, 2016, 中國杭州.
(2) 臧孟炎, 雷周,高偉, 陳虎,餘潔冰. 顯式離散元與有限元耦合軟件V1.0. 計算機軟件著作權. 登記號: 2011SR057163. 國家版權局, 2011.
(1) 臧孟炎, 徐偉, 雷周,高偉. 一種快速獲取脆性材料衝擊破壞特性的方法,專利授權號: ZL201110041916.8. 發明專利, 國家知識產權局, 2013.
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