


馬騰,男,1972年生,漢族,博士,二級教授博士生導師,教育部新世紀優秀人才和自然資源部科技領軍人才;中國地質大學(武漢)環境學院院長、黨委副書記 [1]  、國家地質環境修復技術創新平台培育基地負責人。 [2] 
國    籍
民    族
職    業
性    別
學    位
職    稱


馬騰 馬騰
主要從事地下水與環境領域的教學科研工作。主持國家自然科學基金重點項目、中國地質調查局二級項目、863 課題、973 子課題、國家水專項子課題等20餘項科研項目。已發表學術論文150 餘篇,其中 SCI 論文90餘篇,總它引1000 餘次;國家專利30 餘項,專著5 部,省部級獎勵3 項。主持編制《地下水型飲用水源地環境保護技術指南》《地下水污染源同位素解析技術指南》(徵求意見稿)等。 [2] 






2009-2010年,Texas A&M University訪學交流;


現任環境水文地質學國家既然科學創新研究羣體和教育部高校學科創新引智計劃、地下水與環境國家教學團隊的核心成員,《Hydrogeology Journal》《Journal of Earth Sciences》《地球科學》《水文地質工程地質》等期刊編委;中國水利學會地下水科學與工程專業委員會、中國岩溶地質專業委員會、中國環境學會生態地質專業委員會、中國地質學會醫學地質專業委員會等委員。 [2] 


1. 中國地質調查局二級項目子項目,洞庭湖-鄱陽湖1:5萬綜合地質調查(2019040022),2019-2021,項目負責人
2. 國家自然科學基金重點項目,淤泥演化為粘土隔水層過程中的水-巖相互作用(41630318),2017-2021,項目負責人
3. 中國地質調查局二級項目,漢江下游舊口-沔陽段地球關鍵帶1:5萬環境地質調查(121201001000150121),2016-2018,項目負責人
4. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,典型污灌區土壤-地下水系統中膠體態多溴聯苯醚傳輸過程的同位素指紋識別,2014-2017,項目負責人
5. 貴州省國土資源廳項目,典型岩溶山區城鎮化過程中地下水演變機制及調查評估與可持續利用對策(No.[2014]23),2015-2017,項目負責人
6. 國家環境保護部規劃院項目,全國飲用水源地地下水基礎環境狀況調查與評估專題(2012A064),2011-2017,項目負責人
7. 中國地質調查局子項目,江漢平原重點地區1:5萬水文地質調查(12120114069301),2014-2015,項目負責人
8. 環保部國家水體污染控制與治理科技重大專項子課題,淮河流域地表水-地下水氮源補排綜合防控策略與集成示範(2012ZX07204-003-04),2012-2015,項目負責人
9. 國家高技術研究發展計劃(863計劃)課題,天然劣質地下水修復與示範(2012AA062602),2012-2014,負責人之一
10. 國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973計劃),淺層含水層結構變化與地下水補給變化機理(2010CB428802),2010-2014,子課題負責人
11. 教育部高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金,地下水中穩定鉻同位素的生物地球化學作用研究(No.20110145110003),2011-2013,項目負責人
12. 國家自然科學基金面上調查,穩定溴同位素(81Br)在線測試新技術及其在水文地質中的應用(40872157),2009-2011,項目負責人
13. 科技部對發展中國家科技援助項目,博茨瓦納地下水資源開發與保護研究(2008041012),2008-2010,項目負責人
14. 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃,內陸新生代斷陷盆地地熱水形成機制及評價(NCET-07-0773),2008-2010,項目負責人
15. 國家自然科學基金中俄合作基金項目,中國與俄羅斯的含砷地下水(來源,遷移形式及生態效應)(NSFC-RFBR-40711120189),2007-2008,項目負責人
16. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,穩定鉻同位素測試技術及其在地下水污染修復中的應用(40402021),2005-2007,項目負責人 [2] 


1. Rui Liu, Teng Ma*, Wenkai Qiu, Yao Du, Yanjun Liu. Effects of Fe oxides on organic carbon variation in the evolution of clayey aquitard and environmental significance. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 701: 134776.
2. Yao Du, Yamin Deng, Teng Ma*, Shuai Shen, Zongjie Lu, Yiqun Gan. Spatial variability of nitrate and ammonium in Pleistocene aquifer of central Yangtze River Basin. Groundwater, 2020, 58(1): 110-118.
3. Shuai Shen, Teng Ma*, Yao Du, Kewen Luo, Yamin Deng, Zongjie Lu. Temporal variations in groundwater nitrogen under intensive groundwater/surface-water interaction. Hydrogeology Journal, 2019, 27: 1753-1766.
4. Haotian Yu, Teng Ma*, Yao Du, Liuzhu Chen. Genesis of formation water in the northern sedimentary basin of South China Sea: Clues from hydrochemistry and stable isotopes (D, 18O, 37Cl and 81Br). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2019, 196: 57-65.
5. Junwen Zhang, Teng Ma*, Yani Yan, Xianjun Xie, Olusegun Abass, Congqiang Liu, Zhiqi Zhao, Zhizhen Wang. Effects of Fe-S-As coupled redox processes on arsenic mobilization in shallow aquifers of Datong Basin, northern China. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 237: 28~38.
6. Teng Ma*; Yao Du*; Rui Ma; Cong Xiao; Yanjun Liu. Review: Water-rock interactions and related eco-environmental effects in typical land subsidence zones of China. Hydrogeology Journal, 2018, 26(5): 1339~1349.
7. Yao Du, Teng Ma*, Yamin Deng, Shuai Shen, Zongjie Lu. Characterizing groundwater/surface-water interactions in the interior of Jianghan Plain, central China. Hydrogeology Journal, 2018, 26(4): 1047-1059.
8. Yao Du, Yamin Deng*, Teng Ma*, Zongjie Lu, Shuai Shen, Yiqun Gan, Yanxin Wang. Hydrogeochemical evidences for targeting sources of safe groundwater supply in arsenic-affected multi-level aquifer systems. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 645: 1159-1171.
9. Ya Wu, Zhaohui Luo, Wei Luo, Teng Ma*, Yanxin Wang*. Multiple isotope geochemistry and hydrochemical monitoring of karst water in a rapidly urbanized region. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2018, 218, 44-58.
10. Yao Du, Teng Ma*, Cong Xiao, Yanjun Liu, Liuzhu Chen, Haotian Yu. Water-rock interaction during the diagenesis of mud and its prospect in hydrogeology. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2018, 128: 141-147.
11. Zhiqiang Wang, Teng Ma*, Yapeng Zhu, Abass OK, Lin Liu, Chunli Su, Huimei Shan. Application of siderite tailings in water-supply well for As removal: Experiments and field tests. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2018, 128: 85-93.
12. Yihui Dong, Teng Ma*, Jiale Li, Yue Liu. Arsenic Releasing from Poly-Metallic Sulfide Deposits at Hetao Plain, China. Geochemistry International, 2018, 56, 1179-1188.
13. Junwen Zhang, Teng Ma*, Liang Feng, Yani Yan, Olusegun Abass, Zhiqiang Wang, Huawei Cai. Arsenic behavior in different biogeochemical zonations approximately along the groundwater flow path in Datong Basin, northern China. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 584: 458-468.
14. Liuzhu Chen, Orfan Shouakar-Stash, Teng Ma*, Chunlei Wang, Lu Liu. Significance of stable carbon and bromine isotopes in the source identification of PBDEs. Chemosphere, 2017, 186: 160-166.
15. Yao Du, Teng Ma*, Yamin Deng*, Shuai Shen, Zongjie Lu. Sources and fate of high levels of ammonium in surface water and shallow groundwater of the Jianghan Plain, Central China. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2017, 19: 161-172.
16. Liuzhu Chen, Teng Ma*, Yao Du, Cong Xiao, Xinming Chen, Cunfu Liu, Yanxin Wang*. Hydrochemical and isotopic (2H, 18O and 37Cl) constraints on evolution of geothermal water in coastal plain of Southwestern Guangdong Province, China. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 2016, 318: 45-54.
17. Cong Xiao, Teng Ma*, Yao Du, Haotian Yu, Shuai Shen. Arsenic Releasing Characteristics During the Compaction of Muddy Sediments. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2016, 18: 1297-1304.
18. Yao Du, Teng Ma*, Liuzhu Chen, Cong Xiao, Cunfu Liu. Chlorine isotopic constraint on contrastive genesis of representative coastal and inland shallow brine in China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2016, 170: 21-29.
19. Abass, OK, Teng Ma*, Shuqiong Kong, Zhiqiang Wang, Mpinda, MT. A novel MD-ZVI integrated approach for high arsenic groundwater decontamination and effluent immobilization. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2016, 102: 190-203.
20. Fen Xu, Teng Ma*, Lian Zhou*, Zhifang Hu, Liu Shi. Chromium isotopic fractionation during Cr(VI) reduction by Bacillus sp under aerobic conditions. Chemosphere, 2015, 130: 46-51.
21. Yao Du, Teng Ma*, Liuzhu Chen, Huimei Shan, Cong Xiao, Yu Lu, Cunfu Liu, Hesheng Cai. Genesis of salinized groundwater in Quaternary aquifer system of coastal plain, Laizhou Bay, China: geochemical evidences, especially from bromine stable isotope. Applied Geochemistry, 2015, 59: 155-165.
22. Huimei Shan, Chongxuan Liu*, Zheming Wang, Teng Ma*, Jianying Shang, Duoqiang Pan. A fluorescence-based method for rapid and direct determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in water. Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, 2015, 853085.
23. Liuzhu Chen, Teng Ma*, Yao Du, Jie Yang, Ling Liu, Huimei Shan, Cunfu Liu, Hesheng Cai. Origin and evolution of formation water in North China Plain based on hydrochemistry and stable isotopes (2H, 18O, 37Cl and 81Br). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2014, 145: 250-259.
24. Xiaoming Guo, Teng Ma*, Liuzhu Chen, Yahui Cui, Peng Du, Yuan Liao. Microbial quantities and enzyme activity in soil irrigated with sewage for different lengths of time. Ecotoxicology, 2014, 23: 2062-2068.
25. Yuan Liao, Teng Ma*, Yahui Cui, Zhichong Qi. Spatial distribution characteristics of volatile halogenated hydrocarbons in unsaturated zone of Xiaodian sewage irrigation area, Taiyuan, China. Ecotoxicology, 2014, 23: 1951-1957.
26. Fen Xu, Teng Ma*, Liu Shi, Junwen Zhang. Bioreduction of Cr(VI) by Bacillus sp. QH-1 isolated from soil under chromium-containing slag heap in high altitude area. Annals of Microbiology, 2014, 64: 1073-1080.
27. Huimei Shan, Teng Ma*, Yanxin Wang*, Jie Zhao, Hongyin Han, Yamin Deng, Xin He, Yihui Dong. A cost-effective system for in-situ geological arsenic adsorption from groundwater. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2013, 154: 1–9.
28. Yao Du, Teng Ma*, Jie Yang, Ling Liu, Huimei Shan, Hesheng Cai, Cunfu Liu, Liuzhu Chen. A precise analytical method for bromine isotopes in natural waters by GasBench II-IRMS. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2013, 338: 50-56.
29. Xin He,Teng Ma*, Yanxin Wang,Huimei Shan,Yamin Deng. Hydrogeochemistry of high fluoride groundwater in shallow, Hangjinhouqi, Hetao Plain. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2013, 135: 63–70.
30. Teng Ma, Yanxin Wang*, Qinghai Guo, Chunmiao Yan, Rui Ma, Zheng Huang. Hydrochemical and isotopic evidence of origin of thermal karst water at Taiyuan, northern China. Journal of Earth Scince, 2009, 20: 879.
31. Li Li, Teng Ma*, Cunfu Liu, Yongjuan Gao, Baojia Hu. Indication of Chromium Isotopes for the Reductive Degree of Cr(Ⅵ) in Water. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2007,18: 84-85.
32. Teng Ma, Yanxin Wang*, Qinghai Guo. Response of carbonate aquifer to climate change in northern China: A case study at the Shentou karst springs. Journal of Hydrology, 2004, 297(1-4): 274-284. [2] 


1. 王焰新,郭清海,馬騰,李義連,蘇春利. 地下水系統地球化學與供水水質安全研究. 湖北省自然科學一等獎(2009Z-028-1-007-005-R03),2009
2. 馬騰,王焰新,李義連,楊倫,潘歡迎. 促進學科交叉,構建“地下水與環境”的創新型實驗教學體系與平台. 湖北省教學成果二等獎(2009139),2009
3. 山西六大盆地地下水資源及其環境問題調查評價報告. 中國地質調查成果獎二等獎(DC2012-2-021-R08)&國土資源科學技術獎二等獎(KJ2013-2-16-R8), 2013 [2] 