


韓曉東,男,北京工業大學教授,博士生導師,國家傑出青年基金獲得者(2008年);北京市新世紀百千萬人才工程國家級人選(2009年)。韓曉東教授在1996年獲得大連理工大學研究生院博士學位。1998年-2001年在美國匹茲堡大學深造,開始接觸先進掃描電子顯微學。2001年-2004年,在美國HKL科技公司工作期間積累了豐富的先進掃描電子顯微學經驗(背散射電子衍射)。自2004年回國在北京工業大學工作。作為項目負責人主持了北京市教委(自然科學基金)面上及重點項目,“新世紀優秀人才”項目等,參加承擔了國家863,973項目,作為項目負責人獲得國家重大研究專項課題, 國家傑出青年基金, 國家自然科學基金重點項目,科學儀器基礎研究專項,國家重大科研儀器設備研製專項課題,國家自然科學基金基礎科學中心項目子課題,航空發動機重大研究計劃等。近年在國內外重要學術期刊發表論文280餘篇,其中包括:Science 4篇, Nature Materials 3篇, Nature Communications 12篇,Nano Letters 12篇, Physical Review Letters 5篇,Acta Materialia 20餘篇等,SCI引用14000餘次。
2021年11月3日,韓曉東主持的項目“面心立方材料彈塑性力學行為及原子層次機理研究”獲2020年度國家自然科學獎二等獎。 [2] 
國    籍
民    族
職    務
職    稱



1985-1989 哈爾濱工業大學 (學 士) 材料科學與工程
1989-1992哈爾濱工業大學(碩 士) 材料科學與工程。
1992-1996 大連理工大學 (博 士) 材料科學與工程。
1996-1998 香港城市大學 (博士後) 應用物理。
1998-2001 美國匹茲堡大學 (博士後) 材料科學與工程。


1997.1-1998.6 香港城市大學 材料與物理博士後研究員。
1998.6-2001.3美國匹茲堡大學 材料科學 博士後研究員。
2001.3-2004.3 美國HKL科技公司 材料與物理研究員。 [1] 
2004.3-至今 北京工業大學 材料與物理教授/博士生導師。


2023年中國科學院技術科學部院士增選有效候選人,賈金鋒提名 [49] 


韓曉東、張澤、王立華、張躍飛、鄭坤 [3] 
韓曉東、張 澤、張躍飛、鄭坤、王立華、嶽永海、毛聖成、劉攀、鄧青松 [4] 


北京工業大學固體所所長教授博士生導師;國家電鏡中心成員,國家傑出青年基金獲得者(2008年);教育部重大人才項目入選者(2012年); [5]  北京市新世紀百千萬人才工程國家級人選(2009年);中國電子顯微學會常務理事,秘書長(2008-2012);科技創新與科技創業領軍人才(2016年);北京市高層次創新創業領軍人才(2017年) [5]  ;北京市優秀共產黨員(2011)。韓曉東在原位透射電子顯微學、材料顯微結構與物理性能相關性研究等領域取得重要成果,近年在國內外重要學術期刊發表論文280餘篇,其中包括:Science 4篇, Nature Materials 3篇, Nature Communications 12篇,Nano Letters 12篇, Physical Review Letters 5篇,Acta Materialia 20餘篇等,SCI引用14000餘次。韓曉東作為項目負責人主持了國家自然科學基金重點項目、科學儀器基礎研究專項、國家重大科研儀器設備研製專項課題、國家自然科學基金基礎科學中心項目子課題、航空發動機重大研究計劃、北京市創新團隊等20餘項國家和省部級項目。培養全國百篇優秀博士論文獎及提名獎各1項,北京市優秀博士論文獎4項。研究成果入選2020年國家自然科學二等獎,2016年北京市科學技術獎一等獎(基礎研究類),中國高等院校十大科技進展等。



[1] Wang L, Zhang Y, Zeng Z, Zhou H, HeJ, Liu P, Chen M, Han J, Srolovitz D J, Teng J, Guo Y, Yang G, Kong D, Ma E, HuY, Yin B, Huang X, Zhang Z, Zhu T, Han X.Tracking the sliding of grain boundaries at the atomic scale[J]. Science, 2022,375(6586): 1261–1265. [6] 
[2] Jin H, Zhang J, Li P, Zhang Y, Zhang W, Qin J, WangL, Long H, Li W, Shao R, Ma E, Zhang Z, HanX. Atomistic mechanism of phase transformation between topologicallyclose-packed complex intermetallics[J]. Nature Communications, 2022, 13(1):2487. [7] 
[3] Sun S, Li D, Yang C, Fu L, Kong D, Lu Y, Guo Y, LiuD, Guan P, Zhang Z, Chen J, Ming W, Wang L, Han X. Direct Atomic-Scale Observation of Ultrasmall Ag Nanowiresthat Exhibit fcc, bcc, and hcp Structures under Bending[J]. Physical ReviewLetters, 2022, 128(1): 015701. [8] 
[4] Li Z, Zhang J, Zhai Y, Zhang J, Wang X, Zhang Z, MaoS, Han X. Dynamic mechanisms ofstrengthening and softening of coherent twin boundary via dislocation pile-upand cross-slip[J]. Materials Research Letters, 2022, 10(8): 539–546. [9] 
[5] Guo Y, Teng J, Yang G, Li A, Deng Y, Yang C, WangL, Yan X, Zhang Z, Li X, Ma E, Han X.In situ observation of atomic-scale processes accomplishing grain rotation atmixed grain boundaries[J]. Acta Materialia, 2022, 241: 118386. [10] 
[6] Yang C, Fu L, Guo Y, Ma Y, Li D, Wang Z, Zhang Z,Wang L, Han X. In situ observationof distance dependence of the plasticity behavior of the crack tip in nanosizedAuAg alloys[J]. Materials Characterization, 2022, 194: 112432. [11] 
[7] An Z, Li Z, Zhang J, Zhang Z, Mao S, Han X. In situ observation of theeffect of the twin boundary orientation on the mechanical properties of singlecrystalline Ni[J]. Materials & Design, Oxford: Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2022, 219:110816. [12] 


[1] Li XQ, Liu YN, Zhao YS, Chen YH, Li A, Zhang JF,Zhai YD, Li ZP, Ma DF, Li XC, Zhang Q, Yang XM, Long HB, Mao SC, hang Z, Han XD. Oxygen changes crack modes ofNi-based single crystal superalloy[J]. Materials Research Letters, 2021(12):9。 [13] 
[2] Ma L, Yan Z, Zhou X, Pi Y, Du Y, Huang J, Wang K,Wu K, Zhuang C, Han X. A polymercontrolled nucleation route towards the generalized growth of organic-inorganicperovskite single crystals[J]. Nature Communications, 2021, 12(1): 2023. [14] 
[3] Wang L, Li J, Zhang N, Zhang X, Xia Y, Chai B, GaoC, Mao S, Ji Y, Sheng W, Han X.Corrigendum to Investigations of EGFR configurations on tumor cell surface byhigh-resolution electron microscopy[J]. Biochemical and Biophysical ResearchCommunications, 2021, 558: 239. [15] 
[4] Zhai Y, Chen Y, Zhao Y, Long H, Li X, Deng Q, Lu H,Yang X, Yang G, Li W, Yang L, Mao S, Zhang Z, Li A, Han X. Initial oxidation of Ni-based superalloy and its dynamicmicroscopic mechanisms: The interface junction initiated outwards oxidation[J].Acta Materialia, 2021, 215: 116991. [16] 
[5] An Z, Mao S, Yang T, Liu C T, Zhang B, Ma E, ZhouH, Zhang Z, Wang L, Han X.Spinodal-modulated solid solution delivers a strong and ductile refractoryhigh-entropy alloy[J]. Materials Horizons, 2021, 8(3): 948–955. [17] 
[6] Zhang J, Li Y, Li X, Zhai Y, Zhang Q, Ma D, Mao S,Deng Q, Li Z, Li X, Wang X, Liu Y, Zhang Z, Han X. Timely and atomic-resolved high-temperature mechanicalinvestigation of ductile fracture and atomistic mechanisms of tungsten[J].Nature Communications, 2021, 12(1): 2218. [18] 


[1] Lu Y, Sun S, Zeng Y, Deng Q, Chen Y, Li Y, Li X,Wang L, Han X. Atomistic mechanismof nucleation and growth of a face-centered orthogonal phase in small-sizedsingle-crystalline Mo[J]. Materials Research Letters, 2020, 8(9): 348–355. [19] 
[2] Han X.Ductile van der Waals materials[J]. Science, 2020, 369(6503): 509–509. [20] 
[3] Wang L, Du K, Yang C, Teng J, Fu L, Guo Y, Zhang Z,Han X. In situ atomic-scaleobservation of grain size and twin thickness effect limit in twin-structuralnanocrystalline platinum[J]. Nature Communications, 2020, 11(1): 1167. [21] 
[4] Long H, Mao S, Liu Y, Yang H, Wei H, Deng Q, ChenY, Li A, Zhang Z, Han X. Structuralevolution of topologically closed packed phase in a Ni-based single crystalsuperalloy[J]. Acta Materialia, 2020, 185: 233–244. [22] 
[5] Hui F, Li C, Chen Y, Wang C, Huang J, Li A, Li W,Zou J, Han X. Understanding thestructural evolution of Au/WO2.7 compounds in hydrogen atmosphere by atomicscale in situ environmental TEM[J]. Nano Research, 2020, 13(11): 3019–3024. [23] 


[1] Sun S, Kong D, Li D, Liao X, Liu D, Mao S, Zhang Z,Wang L, Han X. Atomistic Mechanismof Stress-Induced Combined Slip and Diffusion in Sub-5 Nanometer-Sized AgNanowires[J]. ACS Nano, 2019, 13(8): 8708–8716. [24] 
[2] Zhuang C, Qi H, Cheng X, Chen G, Gao C, Wang L, SunS, Zou J, Han X. In Situ Observationof Dynamic Galvanic Replacement Reactions in Twinned Metallic Nanowires byLiquid Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy[J]. Angewandte Chemie, 2019,131(51): 18800–18806. [25] 
[3] Zhuang C, Qi H, Cheng X, Chen G, Gao C, Wang L, SunS, Zou J, Han X. In Situ Observationof Dynamic Galvanic Replacement Reactions in Twinned Metallic Nanowires byLiquid Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy[J]. Angewandte ChemieInternational Edition, 2019, 58(51): 18627–18633. [26] 
[4] Kong D, Xin T, Sun S, Lu Y, Shu X, Long H, Chen Y,Teng J, Zhang Z, Wang L, Han X.Surface Energy Driven Liquid-Drop-Like Pseudoelastic Behaviors and In SituAtomistic Mechanisms of Small-Sized Face-Centered-Cubic Metals[J]. NanoLetters, 2019, 19(1): 292–298. [27] 
[5] Xiao L R, Cao Y, Li S, Zhou H, Ma X L, Mao L, Sha XC, Wang Q D, Zhu Y T, Han X D. The formationmechanism of a novel interfacial phase with high thermal stability in aMg-Gd-Y-Ag-Zr alloy[J]. Acta Materialia, 2019, 162: 214–225. [28] 
[6] Zhang C, Ni Z, Zhang J, Yuan X, Liu Y, Zou Y, LiaoZ, Du Y, Narayan A, Zhang H, Gu T, Zhu X, Pi L, Sanvito S, Han X, Zou J, Shi Y, Wan X, Savrasov S Y, Xiu F. Ultrahighconductivity in Weyl semimetal NbAs nanobelts[J]. Nature Materials, 2019,18(5): 482–488. [29] 


[1] Long H, Mao S, Liu Y, Zhang Z, Han X. Microstructural and compositional design of Ni-based singlecrystalline superalloys ― A review[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018,743: 203–220. [30] 
[2] Yang T, Zhao Y L, Tong Y, Jiao Z B, Wei J, Cai J X,Han X D, Chen D, Hu A, Kai J J, LuK, Liu Y, Liu C T. Multicomponent intermetallic nanoparticles and superbmechanical behaviors of complex alloys[J]. Science, 2018, 362(6417): 933–937. [31] 


[1] Wang L, Guan P, Teng J, Liu P, Chen D, Xie W, KongD, Zhang S, Zhu T, Zhang Z, Ma E, Chen M, HanX. New twinning route in face-centered cubic nanocrystalline metals[J].Nature Communications, 2017, 8(1): 2142. [32] 
[2] Wang L, Teng J, Sha X, Zou J, Zhang Z, Han X. Plastic Deformation throughDislocation Saturation in Ultrasmall Pt Nanocrystals and Its in Situ AtomisticMechanisms[J]. Nano Letters, 2017, 17(8): 4733–4739. [33] 


[1] Long H, Wei H, Liu Y, Mao S, Zhang J, Xiang S, ChenY, Gui W, Li Q, Zhang Z, Han X.Effect of lattice misfit on the evolution of the dislocation structure inNi-based single crystal superalloys during thermal exposure[J]. ActaMaterialia, 2016, 120: 95–107. [34] 
[2] Zhang B, Zhang W, Shen Z, Chen Y, Li J, Zhang S,Zhang Z, Wuttig M, Mazzarello R, Ma E, HanX. Element-resolved atomic structure imaging of rocksalt Ge 2 Sb 2 Te 5phase-change material[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 108(19): 191902. [35] 
[3] Chen Y-J, Zhang B, Ding Q-Q, Deng Q-S, Chen Y, SongZ-T, Li J-X, Zhang Z, Han X-D.Microstructure evolution and crystallography of the phase-change materialTiSbTe films annealed in situ[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 678:185–192. [36] 
[4] Zheng K, Zhang Z, Hu Y, Chen P, Lu W, Drennan J, Han X, Zou J. Orientation Dependence ofElectromechanical Characteristics of Defect-free InAs Nanowires[J]. NanoLetters, 2016, 16(3): 1787–1793. [37] 


[1] Wang L, Lu Y, Kong D, Xiao L, Sha X, Sun J, ZhangZ, Han X. Dynamic and atomic-scaleunderstanding of the twin thickness effect on dislocation nucleation andpropagation activities by in situ bending of Ni nanowires[J]. Acta Materialia,2015, 90: 194–203. [38] 
[2] Han X, WangL, Yue Y, Zhang Z. In situ atomic scale mechanical microscopy discovering theatomistic mechanisms of plasticity in nano-single crystals and grain rotationin polycrystalline metals[J]. Ultramicroscopy, 2015, 151: 94–100. [39] 


[1] Han X D, ZhengK, Zhang Y F, Zhang X N, Zhang Z, Wang Z L. Low-Temperature In SituLarge-Strain Plasticity of Silicon Nanowires[J]. Advanced Materials, 2007,19(16): 2112–2118. [40] 
[2] Wang L, Wang L, Tan E, Li L, Guo L, Han X. Flower-shaped PdI 2nanomaterials with remarkable surface-enhanced Raman scattering activity[J]. J.Mater. Chem., 2011, 21(7): 2369–2373. [41] 
[3] Wang L, Zheng K, Zhang Z, Han X. Direct Atomic-Scale Imaging about the Mechanisms ofUltralarge Bent Straining in Si Nanowires[J]. Nano Letters, 2011, 11(6):2382–2385. [42] 
[4] Wei B, Zheng K, Ji Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Han X. Size-Dependent BandgapModulation of ZnO Nanowires by Tensile Strain[J]. Nano Letters, 2012, 12(9): 4595–4599. [43] 
[5] Hao S, Cui L, Jiang D, Han X, Ren Y, Jiang J, Liu Y, Liu Z, Mao S, Wang Y, Li Y, Ren X,Ding X, Wang S, Yu C, Shi X, Du M, Yang F, Zheng Y, Zhang Z, Li X, Brown D E,Li J. A Transforming Metal Nanocomposite with Large Elastic Strain, LowModulus, and High Strength[J]. Science, 2013, 339(6124): 1191–1194. [44] 
[6] Wang L, Liu P, Guan P, Yang M, Sun J, Cheng Y,Hirata A, Zhang Z, Ma E, Chen M, Han X.In situ atomic-scale observation of continuous and reversible latticedeformation beyond the elastic limit[J]. Nature Communications, 2013, 4(1):2413. [45] 
[7] Wang L, Teng J, Liu P, Hirata A, Ma E, Zhang Z,Chen M, Han X. Grain rotationmediated by grain boundary dislocations in nanocrystalline platinum[J]. NatureCommunications, 2014, 5(1): 4402. [46] 
[8] Sun F, Zhang J X, Liu P, Feng Q, Mao S C, Han X D. Retraction notice to “Atomicscale interfacial and compositional characteristics of the σ and γ phases ofNi-based single crystal superalloys” [Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 6631–6640][J].Acta Materialia, 2014, 80: 508. [47] 
[9] Ge J, Lan M, Zhou B, Liu W, Guo L, Wang H, Jia Q,Niu G, Huang X, Zhou H, Meng X, Wang P, Lee C-S, Zhang W, Han X. A graphene quantum dot photodynamic therapy agent with highsinglet oxygen generation[J]. Nature Communications, 2014, 5(1): 4596. [48] 


7) 韓曉東,成巖,王珂,張澤,宋志棠,劉波,張挺,封松林,用於相變存儲
器的SiSbTe 系列相變薄膜材料
8)韓曉東,張躍飛,毛聖成,張 澤 掃描電鏡電子背散射衍射原位拉伸裝置及測量的方法
9) 韓曉東,鄭坤,張澤,一種透射電鏡中納米線原位拉伸下力電性能測試裝置
11) 韓曉東,張躍飛,張澤,掃描電鏡中納米線原位拉伸裝置及方法


1,2007 中國高等院校十大科技進展 國家教育部主要完成人。
2,2007 新世紀優秀人才國家教育部。
3,2006 北京工業大學科技成果一等獎 ,北京工業大學 主要完成人。
4,2008 北京市創新標兵。
5,2009 國家新世紀百千萬人才工程國家級人選 (北京市)。
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