


鄭興,男,四川成都人,1973年1月生,德國柏林工業大學環境工程博士。現為 西安理工大學水利水電學院教授。
鄭興 [1] 
國    籍
職    業


1991.09-1995.07 西安理工大學,給排水科學與工程 工學學士學位
1999.09-2002.07 西安理工大學,環境工程 工學碩士學位
2006.04-2010.04 德國柏林工業大學,環境工程 工學博士學位




在國際上首次定量地證實了大分子親水性胞外高聚物對膜污染的決定性作用,闡明瞭在線絮凝低加藥量的情況下和慢濾系統控制膜污染基本機理,在國際學術刊物及科學會議上發表30 多篇相關領域科學研究論文,其中 20 餘篇SCI檢索,德國專利1項。先後獲得並完成了由歐盟第六框架研發基金、德國教育部、沙特阿卜杜拉國王科技大學、美國伊利諾伊香檳分校、丹麥格蘭富集團等機構資助的創新工藝和產品研發項目。
在水處理領域進一步在科研與工業產業領域發揮專業優勢,致力於膜的功能化與電化學等水處理技術多學科結合應用,創新研發特種污水和市政污水廠污泥的處理和減量化工作, 優化水處理和污泥處理系統,科學提升污水污泥處理系統的功能表現。




[1] 廢水生物處理過程中微生物代謝產物的作用機制與調控原理,2018,國家基金重點項目子項 (負責)。
[2] 二級出水亞微米有機顆粒生成機制及其膜污染過程,2019,國家自然科學基金面上項目 (負責)。
[3] 吸附劑強化及靜電場活化污水深度處理技術,2018,中石化科研基金 (負責)。
[4] 新型旁流式EBPR工藝生物除磷關鍵技術,2018,陝西省環保廳重點項目 (負責)。
[5] 污泥減量工藝對二級出水亞微米尺寸有機物及超濾膜污染的影響研究,2017, 陝西省國際合作項目 (負責)。
[6] 污水深度處理過程中膜污染過程及其控制,2016,西安理工大學專項 (負責)。
[7] 人類活動干擾下的黃河新型污染物遷移轉化規律及生態風險評估,2018,西北旱區生態水利國家重點實驗室基金 (共同負責)。
[8] 市政污水處理廠污泥減量與磷回收,義烏市“英才計劃”,2017,(負責)浙江省義烏市 (負責)。


[1] Victor Augusto Yangali-Quintanilla, Allan Hjarbæk Holm, Marc Birkner, Sèbastien D´Antonio, Helena Wulff Coco Stoltze, Mathias Ulbricht, Xing Zheng*, A fast and reliable approach to benchmark low pressure hollow fibre filtration membranes for water purification, Journal of Membrane Science, 499, 515-525,2016
[2] Zheng X., Zietzschmann F., Plume S., Paar H., Ernst M., Wang Z., Jekel M., Understanding and Control of Biopolymer Fouling in Ultrafiltration of Different Water Types, Water, 2017, 9(4), 298; IF1.832 doi:10.3390/w9040298
[3] Zheng, X., Khan, T., Croue, J., Contribution of Effluent Organic Matter (EfOM) to Ultrafiltration (UF) Membrane Fouling: Isolation, Characterization, and Fouling Effect of EfOM fractions, accepted by Water Research,Vol. 65, 414-424, 2014
[4] Zheng, X., Plume, S., Ernst, M., Croué, J., Jekel, M., In-line coagulation prior to UF of treated domestic wastewater – foulants removal, fouling control and phosphorus removal, Journal of membrane science, 403-404, 129 – 139, 2012
[5] Zheng, X., Ernst, M., Jekel, M., Stabilizing the Performance of Ultrafiltration in Filtering Tertiary Effluent –Technical Choices and Economic Comparison, Journal of Membrane Science, 366 (1-2) 82 – 91,2011
[6] Zheng, X., Ernst, M., Huck, P.M., Jekel, M., Biopolymer Fouling in Dead-end Ultrafiltration of Treated Domestic Wastewater, Water Research, 44 (18), 5212-5221, 2010
[7] Zheng, X., Ernst, M., Jekel, M., Pilot-scale investigation on the removal of organic foulants in secondary effluent by slow sand filtration prior to ultrafiltration, Water Research, 44 (10) 3203-3213, 2010
[8] Zheng, X., Ernst M., Jekel, M., Identification and Quantification of Major Organic Foulants in Treated Domestic Wastewater Affecting Filterability in Dead-end Ultrafiltration, Water Research, 43 (1) 238-244, 2009
[9] Zheng, X., Mehrez, R., Jekel, M., Ernst, M., Effect of slow sand filtration of treated wastewater as pre-treatment to UF, Desalination, 249 (2) 591-595, 2009
[10] Zheng, X., Croué, J., Contribution of different effluent organic matter fractions to membrane fouling in ultrafiltration of treated domestic wastewater, Vol.2 No.4, 204-209, Water reuse and desalination, 2012
[11] Martin Schulz, Alexander Soltani, Xing Zheng, Mathias Ernst, Effect of inorganic colloidal water constituents on combined low-pressure membrane fouling with natural organic matter (NOM), Journal of Membrane Science, 507, 154-164, 2016
[12] Poorasgari, E.; Larsen, P.; Zheng, X.; Nielsen, P.H.; Keiding, K.; Lykkegaard, C.M., Irreversible fouling of membrane bioreactors due to formation of a non-biofilm gel layer, Water Science and Technology, Vol. 69, No. 8, p. 1641-1647, 2014
[13] Hadj-Romdhane F, Zheng X, Jaouen P, Pruvost J, Grizeau D, Croué JP, Bourseau P., The culture of Chlorella vulgaris in a recycled supernatant: effects on biomass production and medium quality,Vol.132, 285-292, Bioresour Technol. 2013
[14] Zietzschmann, F., Ernst, M., Godehardt, M., Paar, H., Zheng, X., Jekel, M.,Linking UF reversible and irreversible fouling to the water quality of surface water and treated municipal wastewater, Vol.33, 1-11, Water reuse and desalination , 2013
[15] Janota, N., Reillera,P., Zheng, X., Crouéc, J., Benedetti, M., Characterization of humic acid reactivity modifications due to adsorption onto α-Al2O3, Water research, 46 (3) 731 – 740, 2012
[16] Meng, F., Zhou, Z, Ni, B.J., Zheng, X., Huang, G.Z., Jia, X. S., Li, S. Y., Xiong, Y., Sized –based characterization of soluble microbial products (SMP): Tracking their role and fate in a membrane bioreactor (MBR), 45 (15) 4661 – 4671, Water Research, 2011
[17] Huang G, Meng F, Zheng X, Wang Y, Wang Z, Liu H, Jekel M. Biodegradation behavior of natural organic matter (NOM) in a biological aerated filter (BAF) as a pretreatment for ultrafiltration (UF) of river water, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 90(5) 1795-803, 2011
[18] Sperlich, A., Zheng, X., Ernst, M., Jekel, M., An integrated wastewater reuse concept combining natural reclamation techniques, membrane filtration and metal oxide adsorption, Water Science and Technology, 57 (6) 909-914, 2008
[19] Ernst, M., Sperlich, A., Zheng, X., Gan, Y., Hu, J., Zhao, X., Wang, J., Jekel, M., An integrated wastewater treatment and reuse concept for the Olympic Park 2008, Beijing, Desalination, 202 (1-3) 293-301, 2007
[20] Xiao fang Yang, Xing Zheng, LinjieWu, XinCao, Yi Li, Jun feng Niu, Fangang Meng, Interactions between algal (AOM) and natural organic matter (NOM): Impacts on their photodegradation in surface waters, Environmental Pollution, 242, 1185-1197,2018
[21] Zhong Yu, Zhongbo Zhou, Guocheng Huang, Xing Zheng, Linjie Wu, Shanshan Zhao, and Fangang Meng, Two-Dimensional FTIR Spectroscopic Characterization of Functional Groups of NaOCl-Exposed Alginate: Insights into Membrane Refouling after Online Chemical Cleaning, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2018 DOI: 10.1021/acsabm.8b00082
[1] Tong Liu, Dongqi Wang, Zhangjie Yang, Chanyu Yang, Menghan Guo, Yijiang Li, Xin Cao, Wen Cheng, Xing Zheng*, Solvable Microbiological Products under Shock Loading Caused by Heavy Metals and their Fouling Effect in Ultrafiltration (UF), 9th IWA Specialised Membrane Technology Conference and Exhibition for Water and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, Singapore, 05-08. September, 2017
[2] Zheng, X, Zietzschmann Frederik, Plume Stephan, Paar Hendrik, Ernst Mathias, Jekel Martin, The Content of Nitrogenous Biopolymer in Feed Water is not a Generic Fouling Indicator in Ultrafiltration of Different Water Types. IWA regional group in membrane technology, 25-26 Aug. Kunming, China, 2016
[3] Zheng, X., Comparing biopolymer fouling in UF of secondary effluent and surface water, Young membraners in desalination and wastewater reuse, 22. Nov. Nanjing, China, 2015
[4] Poorasgari, E.; Larsen, P.; Zheng, X.; Nielsen, P.H.; Keiding, K.; Lykkegaard, C.M., Irreversible fouling of membrane bioreactors due to formation of a non-biofilm gel layer, 7th IWA Specialised Membrane Technology Conference and Exhibition for Water and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, Toronto, Canada, 26-29 August 2013
[5] Zheng, X., Croue, JP, Contribution of Effluent Organic Matter (EfOM) to UF Membrane Fouling, (oral presentation), 4th Oxford Water and Membranes Research Event, the University of Oxford, Great Britain, September, 2012
[6] Zheng, X., Contribution of Effluent Organic Matter (EfOM) to UF Membrane Fouling, (oral presentation), 8th International Conference on Water Reclamation & Reuse. Barcelona, 26 October, 2011
[7] Zheng, X., Biopolymer Fouling and its Control in Ultrafiltration (UF) of Secondary Effluent and Surface Water, (Poster), 6th IWA Specialist Conference on Membrane Technology for Water & Wastewater Treatment. 4 - 7 October, 2011
[8] Hadj-Romdhane F., Bourseau P., Jaouen P., Pruvost J., Grizeau D., Croué J.P., Zheng X., Recycling Chlorella vulgaris growth medium: effects on biomass production and medium quality, 4th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology – Halifax – 19 to 24 June, 2011
[9] Zheng, X., Fouling in Ultrafiltration of Secondary Effluent and Surface Water: Comparison of Major Foulants and their Control by In-line Coagulation, (oral presentation), 3rd Oxford Water and Membranes Research Event, the University of Oxford, Great Britain, 12-15 September, 2010
[10] Zheng, X., Control of organic fouling in UF of secondary effluent by bio-filtration, (poster), 4th SWITCH Scientific Meeting, Delft, the Netherlands, 4 – 7 October, 2009
[11] Zheng, X., Lab and pilot scale investigation on biopolymer fouling in UF of treated domestic wastewater, (oral presentation) IWA Membrane Technology Conference and Exhibition 2009, Beijing, 1 – 3 September,2009
[12] Zheng, X., Identification of major organic foulants to UF in treated domestic wastewater and its removal through slow sand filtration, (oral presentation) Summer school, Maurach, Germany, 29 September – 1 October, 2008
[13] Zheng, X., Effects of Operational Conditions on the Performance of UF Pilot Plant in filtering tertiary effluent, (oral presentation) IWA Water Conference, Vienna, 8-13 September, 2008
[14] Zheng, X., Slow Sand Filtration of Treated Domestic Wastewater as Pre-treatment to Ultrafiltration, (oral presentation) IWA Specialist Group Particle Separation, Delft, Holland, 6 – 11 July 2008
[15] Zheng, X., Quantification of Biopolymers in Treated Domestic Wastewater as Major Organic Foulants Affecting Fouling Resistance in Dead-end Ultrafiltration, (oral presentation) WASSER 2008 Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft, Trier, Germany, April 2008
[16] Zheng, X., Biofiltration for fouling control of UF in secondary effluents, (oral presentation) work shop Fouling in Water Systems, Haifa, Israel, 06 – 07 April 2008
[17] Zheng, X., Slow Sand Filtration of Treated Domestic Wastewater as a Pre-treatment to Ultrafiltration: Effects of Operational Conditions on the Performance of UF Pilot Plant, (oral presentation) 2nd SWITCH Scientific Meeting, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2007
[18] Zheng, X., Bio-filtration of treated domestic wastewater as a pre-treatment to ultrafiltration: effects on protein and polysaccharide related fouling, (poster presentation) 4th international membranes conference, Harrogate, UK, 2007
Zheng X, Major organic foulants in UF of treated domestic wastewater and their removal by bio-filtration as pre-treatment.
ISBN: 978-3-89720-557-4,
Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany