


民    族




近年來主持和參加科研項目15項,在國際學術期刊上發表研究論文20餘篇,申請國家發明專利4項, 其中2項獲得授權。已培養碩士和博士10餘名;正在指導博士後2名、博士生和碩士生7名。 [2] 


乾旱脅迫嚴重影響植物生長和發育。“復甦植物”在長期的進化過程中形成了獨特的適應機制,可以忍耐>95%水分的喪失,並可在重新供水時復甦。為揭示其適應機理,我們對復甦植物旋蒴苣苔 (Boea hygrometrica) 展開了系統的組學研究,分析在其耐旱復甦過程中的重要基因和蛋白質,重點研究乾旱信號轉導途徑及與激素調節、氣孔調控、和滲調保護相關的基因在植物乾旱適應反應中的功能和作用機制,發掘抗旱基因資源,創制抗旱植物材料。


王智,劉永秀,魏建華,鄧馨*。2012。復甦植物牛耳草中棉子糖系列寡糖及棉子糖合酶基因的研究。植物學報,47(1): 44-54.
吳仁花,王麗麗,王智,商海紅,劉霞,朱燕,亓崬東,胡志昂,鄧馨*。2008。 復甦植物牛耳草引導蛋白基因的克隆與表達。 自然科學進展, 18:1111-1118


[1]“作物適應乾旱脅迫的基因轉錄調控網絡”,科技部973項目子課題 資助金額100萬元。
[3]“基於大片段基因組 DNA 植物表達文庫的復甦植物牛耳草耐脱水功能基因組學研究”,國家自然科學基金面上項目 資助金額88萬元。
[4]“喀斯特地區植物適應高鈣方式的多樣性及分子基礎”,國家自然科學基金面上項目( 2010.01-2012.12),資助金額28萬元;主持人。
[5]“作物抗旱、耐鹽基因克隆與功能驗證”,轉基因專項“作物抗旱、耐鹽基因克隆與功能驗證”子課題( 2009.6-2010.12),資助金額110萬元;主持人。
[6]“高通量驗證玉米、水稻轉錄因子的功能”,轉基因專項“高通量基因克隆技術體系的研究” 子課題( 2008.07-2010.12),資助金額86萬元;主持人。
[7]“特殊植物耐乾旱功能基因的開發與利用”,科技部863重點項目“特殊生境植物資源的開發利用技術” 子課題( 2007.07-2010.12),資助金額102萬元;主持人。
[8]“喀斯特山地石漠化地區植物適應的分子機制”,科技部973子課題“西南喀斯特山地石漠化與適應性生態系統調控”子課題( 2006.9-2010.9),資助金額25萬元;主持人。
[10] “更蘇植物牛耳草耐旱基因的鑑定與功能分析”,國家自然科學基金面上項目(2005.01-2007.12),資助金額22萬元;主持人。


[1] 鄧馨、朱燕。與植物抗逆相關的熱激因子蛋白及其編碼基因與應用,國家發明專利
[2] 鄧馨、楊豔歌,呂維濤。轉錄因子ZmbZIP17及編碼基因與其在響應逆境中的應用,國家發明專利
[3] 鄧馨、李美靜。一種與植物耐旱相關的蛋白及其編碼基因與應用,國家發明專利
[4] 鄧馨、趙燕。植物耐旱耐鹼相關的DNA片段及其應用,國家發明專利
[5] 鄧馨、張振南。蛋白BhHSP70-1及其編碼基因與應用,國家發明專利
[6] 鄧馨、亓崬東。一種與植物抗旱相關的蛋白及其編碼基因與應用。國家發明專利
[7] 鄧馨, 馬克平, 王智,王麗麗.旋蒴苣苔肌醇半乳糖苷合成酶基因及其編碼蛋白與應用:中國
[8] 鄧馨, 馬克平, 王麗麗, 王智, 劉霞.. 一個旋蒴苣苔的抗旱、耐鹽相關基因及其編碼蛋白與應用: 中國 [1] 
[9] 鄧馨、王策、呂維濤。OsPYL9蛋白及其編碼基因和應用:中國,201310530002.7.
[10] 鄧馨、陳世璇。一種可提高植物耐旱鹽鹼性的蛋白BhDNAJC2及其編碼基因與應用:中國,201410176146.1.
[11] 鄧馨, 陳世璇. 與植物抗逆性相關的蛋白BhDNAJC2及其編碼基因與應用. 申請號: 201410176146.1. 授權日期: 2018.07.30. [2] 


Sun RZ*, Lin CT, Zhang XF, Duan LX, Qi XQ, Gong YH, Deng X*. 2018. Acclimation-induced metabolic reprogramming contributes to rapid desiccation tolerance acquisition in Boea hygrometrica. Environ. Exp. Bot., 148: 70-84.
Liu J§, Moyankova D§, Lin CT§, Mladenov P§, Sun RZ, Djilianov D*, Deng X*. 2018. Transcriptome reprogramming during severe dehydration contributes to physiological and metabolic changes in the resurrection plant Haberlea rhodopensis. BMC Plant Biol., 18: 351.(§為共同第一作者)
Wang B, Du H, Zhang ZN, Xu WZ*, Deng X*. 2017. BhbZIP60 from resurrection plant Boea hygrometrica is an mRNA splicing-activated endoplasmic reticulum stress regulator involvedin drought tolerance. Front. Plant Sci., 8: 245.
Lin Sen, Zhao Yuanyuan, Zhu Yingfang, Gosney Michael, Deng Xin, Wang Xiaohua, Lin Jinxing*. 2016. An effective and inducible system of TAL effector-mediated transcriptional repression in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant, 9(11): 1546-1549.
劉傑, Lin Chih-Ta, 鄧馨*. 2016. 復甦植物耐脱水機制研究進展. 生物技術通報, 32(10): 42-51.
Zhu Y, Wang B, Phillips J, Zhang ZN, Du H, Xu T, Huang LC, Zhang XF, Xu GH, Li WL, Wang Z, Wang L, Liu YX, Deng X*. 2015. Global transcriptome analysis reveals acclimation-primed processes involved in the acquisition of desiccation tolerance in Boea hygrometrica. Plant and Cell Physiology, doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcv059
陳世璇,張振南,王波,朱燕*,龔月樺*,孫冬梅,鄧馨. 2015. 復甦植物旋蒴苣苔J結構域蛋白編碼基因BhDNAJC2的克隆、表達與功能。植物學報,50(2): 180-190
Xiao L, Yang G, Zhang L, Yang X, Zhao S, Ji Z, Zhou Q, Hu M, Wang Y, Chen M, Xu Y, Jin H, Xiao X, Hu G, Bao F, Hu Y, Wan P, Li L, Deng X, Kuang T, Xiang C, Zhu JK*, Oliver MJ*, He Y*. 2015. The resurrection genome of Boea hygrometrica: A blueprint for survival of dehydration. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 5,112(18): 5833-5837
Li W, Xu F, Chen S, Zhang Z, Zhao Y, Jin Y, Li M, Zhu Y, Liu Y, Yang Y, Deng X* 2014. A comparative study on Ca content and distribution in two Gesneriaceae species reveals distinctive mechanisms to cope with high rhizospheric soluble calcium. Frontiers in Plant Science, 5: 647
王策,楊豔歌,呂維濤*,周春菊*,孫冬梅,鄧馨. 2014. 玉米A亞族bZIP轉錄因子基因ZmbZIP81的克隆、表達與功能分析。作物學報40: 1549-1556
張曉飛,段禮新,龔月樺*鄧馨*. 2014. 基於GC-MS的復甦植物牛耳草代謝物提取方法的比較。生物工程學報,30(2): 294-304
Zhao Y, Xu T, Shen CY, Xu GH, Chen SX, Song LZ, Li MJ, Wang LL, Zhu Y, Lv WT, Gong ZZ, Liu CM, Deng X*. 2014. Identification of a retroelement from the resurrection plant Boea hygrometrica that confers osmotic and alkaline tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS ONE, 9(5): e98098, doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0098098
Zhao Y, Shen CY, Xu T, Chen SX, Li WL, Deng X*. 2014. A 30-kb genomic DNA fragment of resurrection plant Boea hygrometrica enhances Arabidopsis osmotic and alkaline tolerance. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 12(1): 210-215
Li WL, Duan HK, Chen FY, Wang Z, Huang XQ, Deng X, Liu YX*. 2014. Identification of quantitative trait loci controlling high calcium response in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS ONE, 9(11): e112511. doi:10.1371/journal.pone. 0112511
Yang YG, Lv WT, Li MJ, Wang B, Sun DM*, Deng X*. 2013. Maize membrane-bound transcription factor Zmbzip17 is a key regulator in the crosstalk of ER quality control and ABA signaling. Plant and Cell Physiology, 54(12): 2020–2033
Mitra J, Xu G, Wang B, Li M and Deng X*. 2013. Understanding desiccation tolerance using the resurrection plant Boea hygrometrica as a model system. Frontiers in Plant Science, 4: 446
楊豔歌,呂維濤,孫冬梅*,凌毅*,鄧馨*. 2013. 玉米D亞族bZIP轉錄因子基因的數據庫挖掘、分析、克隆與表達. 作物學報,39 (12): 2115-2122
Zhang ZN, Wang B, Sun DM* & Deng X*. 2013. Molecular cloning and differential expression of sHSP gene family members from the resurrection plant Boea hygrometrica in response to abiotic stresses. Biologia , 68( 4)
Wang Z, Cao H, Sun YZ, Li XY, Chen FY, Carles A., Li Y, Ding M, Zhang C, Deng X, Soppe WJJ, Liu YX*. 2013. Arabidopsis paired amphipathic helix proteins SNL1and SNL2 redundantly regulate primary seed dormancy via abscisic acid-ethylene antagonism mediated by histone deacetylation. Plant Cell, 25:149-166.
Duan HK, Zhu Y, Li WL, Qi DD, Liu YX, Deng X*. 2012. Comparative study on the expression of genes involved in carotenoid and ABA biosynthetic pathway in response to salt stress in tomato. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 11(7): 1093-1102.
Zheng J, Chen FY, Wang Z, Cao H, Li XY, Deng X, Soppe Wim JJ, Li Y and Liu YX*.2012.A novel role for histone methyltransferase KYP?SUVH4 in the control of Arabidopsis primary seed dormancy. New Phytologist 193: 605–616.
王智,劉永秀,魏建華,鄧馨*. 2011. 復甦植物牛耳草中棉子糖系列寡糖及棉子糖合酶基因的研究. 植物學報,47(1):44-54
張蘭軍,姬飛騰,王麗麗,亓崬東,朱燕,鄧馨*. 2011. 復甦植物旋蒴苣苔C2結構域小蛋白BhC2DP1以依賴於Ca2+的方式參與植物對ABA的反應. 植物學報,47(1):11-27
Duan HK, Zhu Y, Li WL, Qi DD, Liu YX, Deng X *. 2011. Comparative study on the expression of genes involved in carotenoid and ABA biosynthetic pathway in response to salt stress in tomato. Agricultural Sciences in China, 11(7): 1093-1102
Wang Z, Zhu Y, Wang LL, Liu X, Liu YX, Phillips J, Deng X *. 2009. A WRKY transcription factor participates in dehydration tolerance in Boea hygrometrica by binding to the W-box elements of the galactinol synthase (BhGolS1) promoter. Planta, 230: 1155-1166
Zhu Y, Wang Z, Jing YJ, Wang LL, Liu X, Liu YX, Deng X *. 2009. Ectopic over-expression of BhHsf1, a heat shock factor from the resurrection plant Boea hygrometrica, leads to increased thermotolerance and retarded growth in transgenic Arabidopsis and tobacco. Plant Molecular Biology, 71: 451-67
Wang LL, Shang HH, Liu YX, Zheng MZ, Wu RH, Phillips J, Bartels D, Deng X *.2009. A role for a cell wall localized glycine-rich protein in dehydration and rehydration of the resurrection plant Boea hygrometrica. Plant Biology. 11: 837-848
姬飛騰,李楠,鄧馨*. 2009. 喀斯特地區植物鈣含量特徵與高鈣適應方式分析. 植物生態學報,33:926-935
Wu RH, Wang LL, Wang Z, Shang HH, Liu X, Zhu Y, Qi DD, Deng X *. 2009. Cloning and expression analysis of a dirigent protein gene from the resurrection plant Boea hygrometrica. Progress in Natural Science, 19: 347-352
Liu X, Wang Z, Wang LL, Wu RH, Phillips J, Deng X *.2008. LEA 4 group genes from the resurrection plant Boea hygrometrica confer dehydration tolerance in transgenic tobacco. Plant Science, 176: 90–98
劉霞,鄧馨*. 2008. 復甦植物牛耳草BhLEA2基因啓動子的分離和基因表達模式研究. 自然科學進展,19:39-44
吳仁花,王麗麗,王智,商海紅,劉霞,朱燕,亓崬東,胡志昂,鄧馨*. 2008. 復甦植物牛耳草引導蛋白基因的克隆與表達. 自然科學進展,18:1111-1118
Jiang GQ, Wang Z, Shang HH, Yang WL, Hu ZA, Phillips J, Deng X*. 2007. Proteome analysis of leaves from the resurrection plant Boea hygrometrica in response to dehydration and rehydration. Planta, 225 (6):1405-1420
Deng X, Phillips J, Brautigam A. Engstr?m P, Johannesson H, Ouwerkerk P, Ruberti I, Salinas J, Vera P, Iannacone R, Meijer A, Bartels D*. 2006. A homeodomain leucine zipper gene from Craterostigma plantagineum regulates abscisic acid responsive gene expression and physiological responses. Plant Molecular Biology. 61(3): 469-489
Deng X, Hu ZA*, Wang HX, Wen XG, Kuang TY. 2003. Changes in Photosynthetic Functions of a Resurrection Angiosperm Boea hygrometrica (Bunge) R.Br. (Gesneriaceae) during desiccation and rehydration. Plant Science, 165(4): 851-861
Deng X, Phillips J, Meijer A, Salamini F, Bartels D*. 2002. Characterization of five novel dehydration-responsive homeodomain leucine zipper genes from the resurrection plant Craterostigma plantagineum. Plant Molecular Biology, 49 (6): 601-610. [2] 

