


郭學軍,1975-,男,博士北京師範大學環境學院環境工程教授 [1] 北京師範大學水環境模擬國家重點實驗室“985”工程研究員,2014年度“京師英才”,2015年獲國家自然科學二等獎(R4) [1] 
郭學軍專業方向為環境化學 [1] 
別    名
國    籍
民    族
性    別
污染控制化學,環境生物效應 [1] 
職    稱


郭學軍,1975-,教授,博士生導師, 2005年1月畢業於南開大學環境科學與工程學院,先後在加拿大阿爾伯特研究所環境技術部(Environmental Unit, Alberta Research Council,Canada)和韓國蔚山大學市政與環境工程系(Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Univesity of Ulsan)韓國教育部“21世紀韓國大腦計劃” (Brain Korean 21 Century Program, BK21) 下從事博士後研究工作。2007年10月到北京師範大學任教。他的研究興趣集中在重金屬和疏水性有機污染物的環境多介質界面過程和工程控制原理。已在《Environmental Science &Technology》、《Water Research》、《Environmental Pollution》、《Journal of Colloid and Interface Science》、《Journal of Nanoparticle Research》、《Journal of hazardous materials》、《 Process Biochemistry》、《Separation Purification and Technology》、《Separation Science and Technology》、《Bioresource Technology》和《環境科學》等國內外著名刊物發表論文共發表50多篇論文,授權12個國家發明專利。榮獲一項國家自然科學二等獎(2015),和三項省部級科學獎勵,包括:北京市科學技術獎一等獎(2011),中國有色工業科學技術一等獎(2014),中國有色工業科學技術一等獎(2016)。主持多項國家自然科學基金,4個重金屬治理技術的專利轉化和技術推廣項目,1項863課題的副組長,1項北師大自主科研基金;作為核心骨幹參與了國家973項目課題,科技部重大專項,國家自然科學基金重點項目,2個環保部公益項目,2個國家科技支撐課題。郭學軍教授一方面致力於開發廉價、高效的鐵基材料和活化技術去除水體中的重金屬,在納米尺度和分子水平上探討重金屬(如砷)在鐵基材料表面的微界面過程及其分子機制;近年他在環境生物化學領域開拓,利用世界上最先進的單分子熒光成像手段,高時空分辨下研究了疏水性有機污染物(HOCs)在水相中分子團簇的粒徑分佈和準布朗運動,並原位跟蹤了HOCs團簇在水-固界面的吸附,以及被細胞吞噬的細胞生物學過程。研究者提出,團簇存在方式將顯著提高HOCs在水體環境中分佈的空間異質性,以及環境過程的隨機和不均一性;除了被動擴散以外,HOCs以胞吞方式進入細胞將顯著提高HOCs在生物體內的富集速率和容量,對HOCs在亞細胞器內的分佈和毒理學特徵產生顯著影響。這些發現填補了傳統環境模擬和毒理研究對HOCs物理聚集形態影響的空白,併為 HOCs 在環境和生物相中的遷移轉化提供更加全面的信息。最後,他還是一個十足的科普愛好者。 [1] 



2001.9-2005.1 南開大學環境科學與工程學院,環境科學專業,獲環境科學博士學位
1998.9-2001.7 華中農業大學資源、環境與農業化學系,環境工程專業,獲環境工程工學碩士學位
1994.9-1998.7 湖南農業大學資源與環境學院,土壤與農業化學專業,獲農學學士學位 [2] 


環境生物效應 [1] 


2011-2016 北京師範大學教代會代表
2016-2019中錦盛唐低碳科技公司 技術專家
2016-2019 北京協同創新研究院 研究員 [1] 


2019.6-2019 北京師範大學環境學院,環境工程教授,
2006.12-2007.7 蔚山大學市政與環境工程系(Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Ulsan Univesity), 韓國,博士後
2005.8 –2006. 12 阿爾伯特研究中心環境技術部(Environmental Unit, Alberta Research Council),加拿大,博士後
2001.9-2004.12 南開大學環境與工程學院,博士研究生
1998-2001 華中農業大學農業微生物國家重點實驗室,碩士研究生 [1] 


  1. 國家自然科學二等獎 流域水沙條件對水質的影響過程及機理 二等獎
  2. 中國有色工業科學技術獎 銻冶煉砷鹼渣高效綜合利用新技術研究與應用 一等獎
  3. 北京市科學技術獎一等獎 高含沙河流中泥沙對水質的影響過程及機理研究 一等獎
  4. 2009年環境學院優秀青年教師獎
  5. 2008年環境學院優質課程特等獎
環境學院青年教師教學比賽三等獎 2008;環境學院教學特等獎 2008;優秀青年教師獎 2009


1,砷和天然有機質(NOM)在金屬(氫)氧化物納米顆粒表面的吸附與解吸研究 國家自然科學基金,2009-2012 主持
2,國家支撐計劃“持久性有機污染物控制與削減的關鍵技術研究與示範”,2009-2012 參與
3,國家支撐計劃“若爾蓋濕地生態需水項目”,2008-2012 參與
4,國家水體污染控制與治理科技重大專項“白洋淀流域污染負荷削減技術與工程示範”,2008-2011 參與 [1] 


[1] Guo, X. *, Chen, F. Removal of arsenic by bead cellulose loaded with iron oxyhydroxide from groundwater. Environmental Science &Technology, 2005, 39, 6808-6818.
[2] Guo,X., Wu, Z., He, M. Removal of Antimony (V) and Antimony(III) from Drinking Water by Coagulation-Flocculation-Sedimentation (CFS). Water Research 2009, 43,4327-4335.
[3] Xuejun Guo,*Xin Jin, Xiaofang Lv, Yingying Pu,and Fan Bai*. Real-Time Visualization of Perylene Nanoclusters in Water and Their Partitioning to Graphene Surface and Macrophage Cells. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49, 7926-7933.
[4] Xin Jin, Xuejun Guo*, Deshu Xu, Yanna Zhao and Fan Bai* Single-cell real-time visualization and quantification of perylene bioaccumulation in microorganisms. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51, 6211-6219
[5] Xuejun Guo*, Zhe Yang, Haiyang Dong, Xiaohong Guan, Qidong Ren, Xiaofang Lv, Xin Jin. Simple Combination of Oxidants with Zero-Valent-Iron (ZVI) Achieved Very Rapid and Highly Efficient Removal of Heavy Metals from Water. Water Research. 2016, 88, 671-680
[6] Guo, X. *, Du, Y., Chen, F., Park, H.-S., Xie, Y. Mechanism of Removal of Arsenic by Bead Cellulose Loaded with Iron Oxyhydroxide (β-FeOOH): EXAFS Study. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2007, 314, 427-433.
[7] Guo, X. *, Zeng, L., Li, X., Park, H. -S. Ammonium and potassium removal for anaerobically digested wastewater using natural clinoptilolite followed by membrane pretreatment. Journal of hazardous materials 2008, 151, 125-133.
[8] Yameng Li, Xuejun Guo⁎, Haiyang Dong, Xiaoyan Luo, Xiaohong Guan, Xiangyuan Zhang, Xinghui Xia⁎. Selenite removal from groundwater by zero-valent iron (ZVI) in combination with oxidants. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 345, 432-440.
[9] Xuejun Guo, Jin Kwon Tak, Richard L. Johnson. Ammonia removal from air stream and biogas by a H2SO4 impregnated adsorbent originating from waste wood-shavings and biosolids. Journal of hazardous materials. 2009,166, 372-376.
[10] Xuejun Guo*, Wei Du, Xuan Wang, Zhifeng Yang. Degradation and Structure Change of Humic Acids Corresponding to Water Decline in Zoige Peatland, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Science of the total Environment, 2013, 231-236.
[11] Xuejun Guo, Zhijun Wu, Mengchang He*, Xiaoguang Meng, Xin Jin, Nan Qiu, Jing Zhang. Adsorption of Antimony onto Iron oxyhydroxides: Adsorption Behavior and Surface Structure. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 276, 339-345.
[12] Xuejun Guo*, Zhe Yang, Hong Liu, Xiaofang Lv, Qiansi Tu, Qidong Ren, Xinghui Xia, Chuanyong Jing. Common Oxidants Activate the Reactivity of Zero-Valent Iron (ZVI) and Hence Remarkably Enhance Nitrate Reduction from Water. Separation and Purification Technology, 2015,146, 227–234.
[13] ZhijunWu, Mengchang He, Xuejun Guo*, Ruijing Zhou. Removal of antimony (III) and antimony (V) from drinking water by ferric chloride coagulation: Competing ion effect and the mechanism analysis. Separation and Purification Technology, 2010, 76, 184-190.
[14] Guo, X. *, Zeng, L., Li, X., Park, H.-S. Removal of ammonium from RO permeate of anaerobically digested wastewater by natural zeolite. Separation Science and Technology 2007, 42, 3169-3185.
[15] Guo, J., Kim, J.-H., Behera, S.K., Park, H.-S. Influence of dissolved oxygen concentration and aeration time on nitrite accumulation in partial nitrification process, Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech., 2008.Vol. 5 (4), 527-534.
[16] Xiongye Zhao, Xuejun Guo*, Zhifeng Yang, Hong Liu, Qingqing Qian. Phase-controlled preparation of iron (oxyhydr)oxide nanocrystallines for heavy metal removal. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2011, 13: 2853–2864.
[17] Mengchang He, Ruijing Zhou, Xuejun Guo*. Behavior of stabilized multiwalled carbon nanotubes in a FeCl3 coagulation system and the structure characteristics of the produced flocs, 2011, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2012, 366, 173-178.
[18] Xuejun Guo*, Xin Jin. Treatment of anaerobically digested cattle manure wastewater by tubular ultrafiltration membrane. Separation Science and Technology, 2013, 48: 1023–1029.
[19] Xuejun Guo*, Larry Zeng, Xin Jin. Advanced regeneration and fixed-bed study of ammonium and potassium removal from anaerobic digested wastewater by natural zeolite. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2013, 25(5) 954-961.
[20] Xuejun Guo, Kunpeng Wang, Mengchang He*, Zhiwei Liu, Sisi Li. Antimony Smelting Process Generating the Solid Wastes and Dust: Characterization and Leaching Behaviors. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2014, 26, 1549-1556.
[21] Xuejun Guo, Xin Jin, Xiongye Zhao, Zhe Yang, Xiaofang Lv, Jing Zhang, Nan Qiu. Nano-adsorptive Effects Manifested in Arsenite Adsorption onto the Nano-sized Goethite. Science of Advanced Materials, 2014, 6(4), 793-802.
[22] Xuejun Guo*, Xin Jin. Purification of UF-treated anaerobically digested manure wastewater by two-pass reverse osmosis Desalination and Water Treatment. 2013,1-8.
[23] Dong Yang, Xuejun Guo⁎, Tian Xie, Xiaoyan Luo. Reactive oxygen species may play an essential role in driving biological evolution: The Cambrian Explosion as an example. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2018, 218-226.
[24] Kim, J.-H., Guo, X., Park, H.-S. Comparison study of the temperature and free ammonia concentration on nitrification and nitrite accumulation. Process Biochemistry, 2008, 43, 154-160.
[25] Huang, Q., Chen, W., Guo, X. Immobilization and species of heavy metals in soils in the absence and presence of bacterial biomass. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2004, 50, 935-939.
[26] Huang, Q., Chen, W., Guo, X. Chemical Fractionation of Copper, Zinc and Cadmium in Two Chinese Soils as influenced by Rhizobia. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2004, 35, 947-960.
[27] Behera, S.K., Kim, J.-H., Guo, X., Park, H.-S. Adsorption equilibrium and kinetics of polyvinyl alcohol from aqueous solution on powdered activated carbon. Journal of hazardous materials, 2008, 153,1207-1214.
[28] Jung-Hoon Kim, Xuejun Guo, Hung-Suck, Park. A unified model of ammonium oxidation rate at various initial ammonium strength and active ammonium oxidizer concentrations. Bioresource Technology. 2009, 100, 2118-2123.
[29] Huang, Q, X.Guo and W. Chen. 2001. Influence of rhizobia on the forms of Cu, Zn and Cd in two Chinese soils. In: Biogeochemical Processes and Cycling of Elements in the Environment (J.Weber, E. Jamroz, J. Drozd and A. Karczewska eds.), pp. 271-272, Polish Society of Humic Substances, Wroclaw, Poland.
[30] Guo, X., Larry Zeng, Xiaomei Li. Removal of ammonium and potassium from RO permeate of anaerobically digested cattle manure by natural zeolite. The Canadian society for Bioengineering, 2006 National Technical Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Paper No: 06-117, 1-10.
[31] Wang H.Y., Shen Z.Y., Guo X.J., Niu J.F., Kang B. Ammonia adsorption and nitritation in sediments derived from the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Environmental Earth Science, 2010, 60: 1653-1660.
[32] Xi Chen, Xinghui Xia, Shan Wu, Fan Wang, Xuejun Guo. Mercury in urban soils with various types of land use in Beijing, China. Environmental Polution, 2009, Environmental Pollution, 2010,158,48-54.
[33] Xiongye Zhao, Liu Hong, Xuejun Guo*. Cost-effective preparation of phase-and size-controlled iron (oxy)hydroxide nanocrystals using amorphous ferrous and ferric hydroxide precursors. The 6th International Conference on Interfaces Against Pollution (IAP2010).
[34] Baotong Zhu, Xinghui Xia*, Na Xia, Shangwei Zhang, Xuejun Guo. Modification of Fatty Acids in Membranes of Bacteria: Implication for an Adaptive Mechanism to the Toxicity of Carbon Nanotubes. Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, 48, 4086-4095.
[35] Cui, Q.; Wang, X.; Li, D.; Guo, X. An ecosystem health assessment method integrating geochemical indicators of soil in Zoige wetland, southwest China. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2012, 1527-1534.
[36] Wang YL, Wang X, Zheng QY, Li CH, Guo XJ. A Comparative Study on Hourly Real Evapotranspiration and Potential Evapotranspiration during Different Vegetation Growth Stages in the Zoige Wetland Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2012, 1585-1594.
[37] Xingyun Hu,Xuejun Guo,Mengchang He,Sisi Li. pH-dependent release characteristics of antimony and arsenic from typical antimony-bearing ores. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2016, 171-179.
[38] Xingyun Hu, Mengchang He, Sisi Li, Xuejun Guo. The leaching characteristics and changes in the leached layer of antimony-bearing ores from China, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2017, 176, 76-84.
[39] Yawei Zhai, Xinghui Xia⁎, Xinyue Xiong, Lingzi Xia, Xuejun Guo, Jay Gan. Role of fluoranthene and pyrene associated with suspended particles in their bioaccumulation by zebrafish (Danio rerio). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 157, 89-94.
[40] Zhijun Wua, Juan Cheng, Xuejun Guo⁎, Chunguang Ding, Xin Jin, Qidong Ren, Min Zheng, Lei Wang, Wenjin Zhao. The processes and mechanism of antimony sequestered by red blood cells and its metabolic conjugation with hemoglobin in rats. Toxicology, 2018, 408, 46-53.
[41] Xiaoyan Luo, Xuejun Guo⁎, Xinghui Xia, Xiangyuan Zhang, Na Ma, Siwen Leng, Sana Ullah, Zinashbizu Mengesha Ayalew Rapid and long-effective removal of phosphate from water by zero-valent iron in combination with hypochlorite (ZVI/NaClO). Chemical Engineering Journal., 2020, 382, 122835
[42] Xue-jun GUO, Dong YANG, Xiang-yuan ZHANG. Epigenetics recording varied environment and complex cell events represents the origin of cellular aging. J Zhejiang Univ-Sci B (Biomed & Biotechnol) 2019 20(7):550-562. IF 1.879
[43 ]Zinashbizu Mengesha Ayalew, Xiangyuan Zhang, Xuejun Guo⁎, Sana Ullah, Siwen Leng, Xiaoyan Luo, Na Ma. Removal of Cu, Ni and Zn directly from acidic electroplating wastewater by Oligo-Ethyleneamine dithiocarbamate (OEDTC). Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 248, 117114.
[45] Sana Ullah, Xuejun Guo, Xiaoyan Luo, Xiangyuan Zhang, Yameng Li, Ziyu Liang. The coupling of sand with ZVI/oxidants achieved proportional and highly efficient removal of arsenic. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 2020, 14(6): 94.
[46] Sana Ullah, Xuejun Guo, Xiaoyan Luo, Xiangyuan Zhang, Siwen Leng, Na Ma, Palwasha Faiz. Rapid and long-effective removal of broad-spectrum pollutants from aqueous system by ZVI/oxidants. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 2020, 14: 89.
[47] Zinashbizu Mengesha Ayalew, Xiangyuan Zhang, Xuejun Guo, Sana Ullah, Siwen Leng, Xiaoyan Luo, Na Ma. Removal of Cu, Ni and Zn directly from acidic electroplating wastewater by Oligo-Ethyleneamine dithiocarbamate (OEDTC) , Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 248, 117114.
[48] Xin Jin, Qiaoyi Hua, Yanan Liu, Zhijun Wu, Deshu Xu, Qidong Ren, Wenjin Zhao, Xuejun Guo* Organ and tissue-specific distribution of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in ApoE-KO mouse. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 286, 117219.
[49] Xiangyuan Zhang, Shaodong Wang, Lan Ling, Guanyu Hou, Siwen Leng, Na Ma, Mantang Qiu, Xiao Li, Xuejun Guo* The distribution and structural fingerprints of metals from particulate matters (PM) deposited in human lungs. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 233 (2022) 113324.
[50] Zinashbizu Mengesha Ayalew, Xuejun Guo∗, Xiangyuan Zhang Synthesis and application of polyethyleneimine (PEI)-based composite/ nanocomposite material for heavy metals removal from wastewater: A critical review. Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances 8 (2022) 100158.
[51] Xiangyuan Zhang, Siwen Leng, Mantang Qiu, Yifan Ding, Lin Zhao, Na Ma, Yue Sun, Zijie Zheng, Shaodong Wang, Yun Li, Xuejun Guo*. Chemical fingerprints and implicated cancer risks of Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from fine particulate matter deposited in human lungs. Environment International 2023,173, 107845.
[52] Bojun Li; Xuejun Guo*; Xiangyuan Zhang; Siwen Leng; Na Ma; Xiaoqiong Wu. A new strategy to stabilize the heavy metals in carbonized MSWI-fly ash using an acid-resistant oligomeric dithiocarbamate (ODTC) chelator. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2024, 467,133686.
[53] Siwen Leng; XuejunGuo;* Na Ma; BojunLi; XiangyuanZhang; YifanDing; Lin Zhao; Bottom-up synthesis of an oligo-dithiocarbamate chelating precipitant and its direct removal of complexed heavy metals from acidic wastewater. ES&T Water. 2023, 3: 2581-2589
[54] Qidong Ren; Xuejun Guo*, Dong Yang*, Chuanfang Zhao, Xiangyuan Zhang, Xinghui Xia. A wide survey of heavy metals-induced in-vitro DNA replication stress characterized by rate-limited replication. Current Research in Toxicology 2024, 6:100152.
[55] 郭學軍,陳甫華. 載鐵(β-FeOOH)棉纖維素吸附劑固定牀去除地下水砷.化工學報. 2005, 56(9), 1757-1764.
[56] 郭學軍,陳甫華. 載鐵(β-FeOOH)球形棉纖維素吸附劑去除地下水As(Ⅴ)的研究.環境科學. 2005, 26(3): 66-72.
[57] 郭學軍,陳甫華. 載鐵(β-FeOOH)球形棉纖維素吸附劑去除地下水砷(Ⅲ)的研究.高等學校化學學報. 2005, 26(7): 1258-1263
[58] 郭學軍, 黃巧雲, 趙振華,陳雯莉. 微生物對土壤環境中重金屬活性的影響. 應用環境與生物學報. 2002. 8(1):105-110
[59] 陳雯莉, 黃巧雲, 郭學軍.2003. 根瘤菌對土壤中Cu, Zn 和Cd形態的影響. 應用生態學報. 14 (8) ∶1278~1282
1. 陳甫華,郭學軍 載鐵球形纖維素吸附劑及其製備和應用. 2005,CN 1593745
2. 郭學軍,楊喆 一種利用零價鐵/氧化劑/沸石協同體系去除水體中硝酸鹽的方法. CN104341055B,ZL201310312657.7.
3.郭學軍,楊喆 一種快速高效去除水體中重金屬的方法. 2014, CN104276646B,ZL201410025072.1.
4.郭學軍,張翔垣 一種水處理系統。申請號:CN201810585725.X;申請日:2018.06.08;公開號:CN108585176A;公開日:2018.09.28. ZL201820884480.6
5. 郭學軍 一種重金屬去除製劑及其合成方法與應用 - CN201811422381.7申請日:2018.11.23;授權公告日: 2020.11.03.授權號:CN110203991B; 專利號:ZL201811422381.7.
6. 郭學軍;夏星輝;馬娜;張翔垣 一種河道水質原位修復系統及方法 - CN201811564935.7 申請日:2018.12.20; 授權公告日:2020.05.19;授權公告號:CN109626634B; 專利號:ZL201811564935.7
7. 郭學軍; 張翔垣;冷思文;孫悦;鄭子傑; 馬娜;夏星輝. 家用污水處理裝置. 申請日:2020.01.10;授權公告日:2020.10.30;授權公告號: CN211814010U; 專利號:ZL202020051848.8
8. 郭學軍 重金屬去除製劑及其合成方法與應用 申請號CN201910739954.7 申請日2019.08.12 公開(公告)號 CN110451622A 公開(公告)日 2019.11.15 專利號:ZL201910739954.7
9. 郭學軍;楊冬 一種加速物種突變的新育種方法。申請號:CN201810596114.5;申請日:2018.06.11;公開號:CN108753814A;公開日:2018.11.06 專利號:ZL201810596114.5
10. 郭學軍,鄭子傑,丁逸凡,馬娜,張翔垣,冷思文,孫悦,趙琳 生活飲用水處理系統 授權公告號:CN214654099U專利號:CN202023058380.4
11. 郭學軍 冷思文 馬娜 張翔垣 一種水質處理系統及方法。授權號:CN110240272B 專利號:ZL201910490895.4
12. 郭學軍;冷思文;馬娜;丁逸凡;趙琳;孫悦;張翔垣;鄭子傑. 一種污酸廢水的處理方法.授權號:CN113184968B 專利號:ZL202110586641.X