


邱琳,女,教授、博士生導師。北京市科技新星人才計劃入選者。長期從事先進材料熱物理性質評價方法、熱管理用納米碳材料以及相變蓄熱新應用等方向的研究。當前研究成果發表一作/通訊SCI論文48篇,其中4篇入選ESI高被引論文(1%),2篇入選ESI熱點論文(0.1%),被引用1300餘次,h因子23,發表專著2章。獲授權國家發明專利12項。任中國高等教育學會工程熱物理專業委員會理事、北京熱物理與能源工程學會青年工作委員會委員、國家自然科學基金通信評審專家、第7屆國際微納技術會議學術委員會委員(2019/4/26-27)、天合科技成果市場轉化成熟度評價系統評價師、Applied Thermal Engineering、Scientific Reports期刊編委、Journal of Thermal Science、Energy特刊及Applied Sciences期刊客座編輯 [1] 
國    籍
民    族
職    稱


1. 2003年9月-2007年7月,北京科技大學機械工程學院,學士
2. 2007年9月-2012年7月,中國科學院工程熱物理研究所,博士(導師: 唐大偉 研究員)
3. 2012年7月-2016年5月,中國科學院工程熱物理研究所,助理研究員(唐大偉研究員團隊)
4. 2015年3月-2016年3月,美國弗吉尼亞大學機械與航空航天工程系,博士後 (導師: Pamela M. Norris教授)
5. 2016年6月-2021年6月,北京科技大學能源與環境工程學院,副教授(馮妍卉教授團隊)
6. 2016年8月-9月,新加坡南洋理工大學電氣與電子工程學院,訪問學者(合作導師: Beng kang Tay教授)
7. 2017年8月,英國利茲大學化學與過程工程學院,訪問學者(合作導師: Dongsheng Wen教授)
8. 2021年7月-至今,北京科技大學能源與環境工程學院,教授(馮妍卉教授團隊) [1] 


1.先進材料熱物理性質評價方法及機理研究 [1] 
2. 熱管理用納米碳材料研發 [1] 
3.相變蓄熱新應用 [1] 


本科生課程:熱工學,Fundamentals of Thermal Engineering [1] 


1. 期刊編委(Editorial Board Member): Scientific Reports、Applied Thermal Engineering [1] 
2. 客座編輯(Guest Editor): Energy特刊、Journal of Thermal Science、Applied Sciences [1] 
3. 分會主席:The 8th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow-2021 [1] 
4. 第7屆國際微納技術會議學術委員會委員(2019/4/26-27) [1] 
5. 中國高等教育學會工程熱物理專業委員會理事 [1] 
6. 北京熱物理與能源工程學會青年工作委員會委員 [1] 
7. 國家自然科學基金通信評審專家 [1] 
8. 天合科技成果市場轉化成熟度評價系統評價師 [1] 
9.“中國鋼鐵工業協會低碳工作推進委員會”專家庫成員 [1] 


[1] 北京科技大學國際學生全英文授課課程建設項目, “熱工基礎” (No. GYW2021023), 5萬, 2021.9-2023.7(主持) [1] 
[2] 北京科技大學全英文教學示範課程建設項目, “熱工學” (No. KC2020QYW03), 3萬, 2020.9-2022.7(主持) [1] 
[3] 北京科技大學本科教育教學改革與研究面上項目, “機械專業熱工學課程產學研用協同育人教學模式探索” (No. JG2018M17), 2萬, 2018.7-2020.7(主持) [1] 
[4] 北京科技大學精品在線開放課程建設項目, “熱工學” (No. KC201902ZXKF09), 10萬, 2020.6-2021.6(參與) [1] 
[5] 北京市教委項目, “傳熱傳質學”, 5萬, 2017.5-2018.4(參與) [1] 


[1] 北京科技大學青年教師國際交流成長計劃項目, “中高温陶瓷基複合相變材料熱測量和熱輸運機理”(No. QNXM20210032), 8萬, 2021.5.14-2021.12.31(主持) [1] 
[2] 北京市科技新星計劃項目, “基於柔性探測器的皮膚體徵熱物性監測及健康診療” (No. Z201100006820065), 40萬元, 2020.9.1-2023.8.31(主持) [1] 
[3] 北京科技大學青年教師學科交叉研究培育項目, “超高導熱金剛石/石墨烯複合材料界面熱輸運性能研究”(No. FRF-IDRY-19-004), 10萬元, 2020.1.1-2021.12.31(主持) [1] 
[4] 北京市自然科學基金面上項目, “超高導熱碳納米管/石墨烯組裝膜材料研究”(No. 3202020), 20萬元, 2020.1.1-2022.12.31(主持) [1] 
[5] 國家自然科學基金面上項目, “纖維形狀記憶複合材料熱增強的界面調控”(No. 51876008), 64.6萬元, 2019.1.1-2022.12.31(主持) [1] 
[6] 國家重點研發計劃子課題, “基於CFD-DEM的移動牀氣固兩相流動換熱機理研究”(No.2017YFB0603603), 90萬元, 2017.7.1-2020.6.30(主持) [1] 
[7] 北京科技大學人才引進項目, “導熱可控的碳納米管微納熱管理器件效能優化”, 30萬元, 2016.7.1-2019.6.30(主持) [1] 
[8] 國家自然科學基金青年項目, “納米顆粒/碳納米管複合纖維的熱輸運機理研究” (No.51306183), 25萬元, 2014.1.1-2016.12.31(主持) [1] 
[9] 橫向項目, “中關村科技園區發展專項資金”, 50萬元, 2014.1.1-2015.6.30 (主持) [1] 
[10] 橫向項目, “熱物性測試服務及儀器開發項目”, 83.2萬元, 2012.9.1-2022.2.27(主持) [1] 
[11] 國家重點研發計劃課題, “等級孔及複合結構聲子波傳遞機理及協同調控強化方法”, 257萬元, 2019.9.1-2024.8.31(參與, 承擔70萬) [1] 
[12] 北京市科學技術委員會, “2018年度科技創新基地培育與發展工程專項實施方案”, 100萬, 2018.9 -2020.3(參與, 承擔3萬) [1] 
[13] 橫向項目—航天材料及工藝研究所, “複合相變材料熱物性仿真優化分析”, 40萬, 2018.8 -2019.12(參與, 承擔10萬) [1] 
[14] 英國皇家化學會(RS)國際交流項目, “Engineered nanoparticle-carbon nanotube fibres with programmable properties”, £12,000, 2016.3.1-2018.2.28(海外合作申請者) [1] 
[15] 國家自然科學基金面上項目, “導熱增強相變温控複合系統效能優化研究”, 76.8萬, 2016.1.1-2019.12.31(參與, 承擔5萬) [1] 
[16] 中國航空工業集團公司, “大功率T/R芯片強化散熱技術研究”, 100萬元, 2014.1.1-2016.12.31(參與, 承擔5萬) [1] 
[17] 國家自然科學基金重點項目, “飛秒、納米時/空尺度熱輸運機理研究”, 300萬元, 2014.1.1-2018.12.31(參與, 承擔40萬) [1] 
[18] 中國科學院儀器設備功能開發技術創新項目, “具有獨立探測器的諧波探測技術可移植化研究”, 30萬元, 2012.9.1-2014.8.31(副組長, 承擔5萬) [1] 
[19] 863計劃, “ ××導熱技術”, ¥65萬, 2012.7.1-2013.12.31(參與, 承擔5萬) [1] 
[20] 航天材料及工藝研究所, “相變温控複合材料性能匹配及温控效能優化”,160萬元, 2012.1.1-2014.12.31(參與, 承擔5萬) [1] 
[21] 國家重大科學研究計劃(973)子課題, “相變微膠囊傳蓄熱研究”, 56萬, 2012.1.1-2013.12.31(參與, 承擔8萬) [1] 
[22] 國家重大科學研究計劃(973)課題, “微納米材料結構、熱傳遞表徵新方法及傳熱基本規律, 579萬, 2011.9.11-2015.8.31(參與, 承擔40萬) [1] 


[1] 邱琳,鄭興華,李大慶,唐大偉. “雙螺旋平面結構諧波法測試材料熱物性參數的裝置”. 發明專利, 中國, ZL 201410078886.1, 2016年6月1日授權 [1] 
[2] 邱琳, 鄭興華, 徐先鋒, 李蘭蘭, 唐大偉. “測試材料熱物性參數的裝置及方法”. 發明專利, 中國, ZL 201310032893.3, 2016年2月24日授權 [1] 
[3] 邱琳, 徐先鋒, 唐大偉, 祝捷, 布文峯. “測量固體熱物性參數的光學系統及方法”. 發明專利, 中國, ZL 201210476747.5, 2014年8月20日授權 [1] 
[4] 邱琳, 鄭興華, 唐大偉. “用於吸熱係數測量的測量裝置及測量方法”. 發明專利, 中國, ZL 201210258346.2, 2014年4月9日授權 [1] 
[5] 邱琳, 馮妍卉, 張欣欣, 張真, 鄒瀚影. “製備高純度高導熱碳納米管陣列熱界面材料的方法及裝置”. 發明專利, 中國, ZL 201611126343.8, 2018年6月1日授權 [1] 
[6] 邱琳, 唐大偉, 馮妍卉, 張欣欣. “節能隔熱材料熱導率現場精確測試的裝置及方法”. 發明專利, 中國, ZL 201610580315.7, 2018年9月14日授權 [1] 
[7] 鄭興華, 邱琳, 唐大偉. “基於獨立型傳感器的諧波法測量材料蓄熱係數裝置及方法”. 發明專利, 中國, ZL 201110138899.X, 2013年2月13日授權 [1] 
[8] 鄭興華, 邱琳, 蘇國萍, 唐大偉. “諧波法單根導電絲狀材料熱物性測試方法及裝置”. 發明專利, 中國, ZL 201010141035.9, 2012年10月31日授權 [1] 
[9] 鄭興華, 邱琳, 蘇國萍, 唐大偉. “諧波法微/納米薄膜熱物性測試方法”. 發明專利, 中國, ZL 201010218390.1, 2012年6月27日授權 [1] 
[10] 鄭興華, 邱琳, 唐大偉. “具有獨立探頭的諧波法固體材料熱物性測試方法及裝置”. 發明專利, 中國, ZL 200910242362.0, 2011年10月5日授權 [1] 
[11] 鄭興華, 嶽鵬, 李玉華, 邱琳, 唐大偉. “螺旋盤管式非相變取熱裝置”. 發明專利, 中國, ZL 201410194345.5, 2017年8月25日授權 [1] 
[12] 鄭興華, 蘇國萍, 唐大偉, 邱琳. “用於各向異性材料導熱係數和熱擴散率的測定方法”. 發明專利, 中國, ZL 201010201486.7, 2013年5月8日授權 [1] 
[13] 邱琳,歐陽裕新,馮妍卉,張欣欣. “一種材料三維各向異性熱導率無損測量裝置” . 實用新型專利, 中國, ZL 20181692160.7, 2019年5月31日授權 [1] 
[14] 邱琳, 馮妍卉, 張欣欣, 張真, 鄒瀚影. “一種高純度高導熱碳納米管陣列熱界面材料製備裝置”. 實用新型專利, 中國, ZL 201621345714.7, 2017年6月27日授權 [1] 
[15] 邱琳, 鄭興華, 唐大偉. “貼面式傳感器及測量裝置”. 實用新型專利, 中國, ZL 201220360421.1, 2013年2月13日授權 [1] 
[16] 鄭興華, 邱琳, 唐大偉. “具有獨立探頭的諧波法固體材料熱物性測試裝置”. 實用新型專利, 中國, ZL 200920277780.9, 2010年7月28日授權 [1] 
[17] 鄭興華, 嶽鵬, 李玉華, 邱琳, 唐大偉. “抗重力型螺旋盤管式非相變取熱裝置”. 實用新型專利, 中國, ZL 201420237565.7, 2014年9月24日授權 [1] 


[1] X Yan, Y Feng*, L Qiu*, X Zhang. Thermal conductivity and phase change characteristics of hierarchical porous diamond/erythritol composite phase change materials. Energy, 2021, 233,121158. (SCI) [1] 
[2] Y Feng*, Z Zhang, J Gao, G Feng, L Qiu*, D Feng, X Zhang, X Zhu. Research status of centrifugal granulation, physical heat recovery and resource utilization of blast furnace slags. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2021, 157, 105220. (SCI) [1] 
[3] H Zou, C Chen, M Zha, K Zhou, R Xiao, Y Feng*, L Qiu*, X Zhang, Z Wang. A neural regression model for predicting thermal conductivity of CNT nanofluids with multiple base fluids. Journal of Thermal Science, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-021-1497-1. (SCI) [1] 
[4] L Qiu, Xiaohua Zhang*, Zhixin Guo, Qingwen Li.Interfacial heat transport in nano-carbon assemblies. Carbon, 2021, 178, 391-412. (SCI) [1] 
[5] L Qiu, Y Ouyang, Y Feng*, X Zhang, X Wang*, J Wu*, Thermal barrier effect from internal pore channels on thickened aluminum nanofilm. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021, 162: 106781. (SCI) [1] 
[6] L Qiu, Y Du, Y Bai, Y Feng*, X Zhang, J Wu*, X Wang, Cg Xu, Experimental characterization and model verification of thermal conductivity from mesoporous to macroporous SiOC ceramics. Journal of Thermal Science, 2021, 30(2), 465-476. (SCI) [1] 
[7] L Qiu*, K Yan., Y Feng*, X Liu, X Zhang. Bionic hierarchical porous aluminum nitride ceramic composite phase change material with excellent heat transfer and storage performance. Composites Communications, 2021, 27,100892.(SCI) [1] 
[8] L Qiu, N Zhu, Y Feng*, E E Michaelides, G Żyła, D Jing, X Zhang, P M Norris, C N Markides, O Mahian*, A review of recent advances in thermophysical properties at the nanoscale: From solid state to colloids. Physics Reports, 2020, 843: 1-81. (ESI熱點&高被引論文) [1] 
[9] L Qiu*, Y Ouyang, Y Feng*, X Zhang, X Wang*, In vivo skin thermophysical property testing technology using flexible thermosensor-based 3ω method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 163: 120550. [1] 
[10] L Qiu*, N Zhu, Y Feng*, X Zhang, X Wang*, Interfacial thermal transport properties of polyurethane/carbon nanotube hybrid composites. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 152: 119565. [1] 
[11] L Qiu*, D Sang, Y Li, Y Feng*, X Zhang, Numerical simulation of gas-solid heat transfer characteristics of porous structure composed of high-temperature particles in moving bed. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 181: 115925. [1] 
[12] L Qiu*, D Sang, Y Feng*, X Zhang, Experimental study on particle flow characteristics of three-dimensional moving bed. Powder Technology, 2020, 374: 399-408. [1] 
[13] J Wu*, Z Wu, H Ding, Y Wei, W Huang, X Yang, Z Li, L Qiu*, X Wang*, Three-dimensional graphene hydrogel decorated with SnO2 for high-performance NO2 sensing with enhanced immunity to humidity. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(2): 2634-2643. [1] 
[14] J Wu*, Z Wu, H Ding, Y Wei, W Huang, X Yang, Z Li, L Qiu*, X Wang*, Flexible, 3D SnS2/reduced graphene oxide heterostructured NO2 sensor. Sensors and Actuators B, Chemical, 2020, 305: 127445. (ESI高被引論文) [1] 
[15] W Chen, Y Feng*, L Qiu*, X Zhang, Scanning thermal microscopy method for thermal conductivity measurement of a single SiO2 nanoparticle. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 154: 119750. [1] 
[16] L Qiu, D Sang, Y Feng*, H Huang, X Zhang, Study on heat transfer of process intensification in moving bed reactor based on the discrete element method. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 2020, 151: 107915. [1] 
[17] H Zou, Y Feng*, L Qiu*, X Zhang, The loaded amount and arrangement of iodine chains affect the interfacial thermal transport of carbon nanotube: A molecular dynamics study. RSC Advances, 2020, 10(72): 44196-44204. [1] 
[18] J Wang, J Zhao, L Qiu, F Li, C Xu, K Wu, P Wang, X Zhang*, Q Li*, Shampoo assisted aligning of carbon nanotubes toward strong, stiff and conductive fibers. RSC Advances, 2020, 10: 18715. [1] 
[19] 陳文璨, 馮妍卉, 邱琳*, 張欣欣. 納米顆粒熱導率的掃描熱顯微鏡方法研究. 工程熱物理學報, 2020, 41(12), 3036-3040. (EI) [1] 
[20] L Qiu, Y Li, Y Feng*, Z Chen, X Zhang, Three-dimensional fluid-solid coupling heat transfer simulation based on the multireference frame for a side-blown aluminum annealing furnace. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2019, 13(1): 1036-1048. [1] 
[21] L Qiu, Y Ouyang, Y Feng*, X Zhang, Review on micro/nano phase change materials for solar thermal applications. Renewable energy, 2019, 140: 513-538. (ESI熱點&高被引論文) [1] 
[22] L Qiu, P Guo, Q Kong, C Tan, K Liang, J Wei, J Tey, Y Feng*, X Zhang, Beng Kang Tay*, Coating-boosted interfacial thermal transport for carbon nanotube array nano-thermal interface materials. Carbon, 2019, 145: 725-733. [1] 
[23] L Qiu, P Guo, X Yang, Y Ouyang, Y Feng*, X Zhang, J Zhao, XZhang*, Q Li, Electro curing of oriented bismaleimide between aligned carbon nanotubes for high mechanical and thermal performances. Carbon, 2019, 145: 650-657. [1] 
[24] L Qiu, H Zou, X Wang, Y Feng*, X Zhang, J Zhao, X Zhang*, Q Li, Enhancing the interfacial interaction of carbon nanotubes fibers by Au nanoparticles with improved performance of the electrical and thermal conductivity. Carbon, 2019, 141: 497-505. (ESI高被引論文) [1] 
[25] Y Feng*, H Zou, L Qiu*, X Zhang, Size effect on the thermal conductivity of octadecanoic acid: A molecular dynamics study. Computational Materials Science, 2019, 158: 14-19. [1] 
[26] Y Feng*, Z Zhang, L Qiu*, X Zhang, Heat recovery process modelling of semi-molten blast furnace slag in a moving bed using XDEM. Energy, 2019, 186: 115876. [1] 
[27] J Wu*, Z Wu, H Ding, X Yang, Y Wei, M Xiao, Z Yang, B Yang, C Liu, X Lu, L Qiu*, X Wang*, Three-dimensional-structured boron- and nitrogen-doped graphene hydrogel enabling high-sensitivity NO2 detection at room temperature. ACS Sensors, 2019, 4(7): 1889-1898. [1] 
[28] J Wu*, Z Wu, H Ding, Y Wei, X Yang, Z Li, B Yang, C Liu, L Qiu*, X Wang*, Multifunctional and high-sensitive sensor capable of detecting humidity, temperature, and flow stimuli using an integrated microheater. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(46): 43383-43392. [1] 
[29] J Wu*, Z Wu, H Ding, Y Wei, W Huang, X Yang, Z Li, L Qiu*, X Wang*, Flexible, 3D SnS2/reduced graphene oxide heterostructured NO2 sensor. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2020, 305: 127445. [1] 
[30] D Feng, Y Feng*, L Qiu, P Li, Y Zang, H Zou, Z Yu, X Zhang, Review on nanoporous composite phase change materials: Fabrication, characterization, enhancement and molecular simulation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019, 109: 578-605. [1] 
[31] 邱琳, 李豔麗, 馮妍卉*, 張欣欣. 多粒徑高爐渣在移動牀內餘熱回收的數值模擬. 工程熱物理學報, 2019, 40(10): 2407-2414. [1] 
[32] 邱琳, 郭璞, 馮妍卉*, 張欣欣.納米塗層增強碳納米管陣列界面熱輸運.工程熱物理學報, 2019, 40(9): 2109-2114. [1] 
[33] 邱琳, 桑大偉, 馮妍卉*, 龔亦輝, 張欣欣. 高爐熔渣流化牀餘熱回收的優化分析. 工程熱物理學報, 2019, 40(5): 1086-1094. [1] 
[34] 鄒瀚影, 馮妍卉*, 邱琳, 張欣欣. 十八烷酸熱傳導機制的尺度效應研究. 化工學報, 2019, 70(S2): 155-160. [1] 
[35] L Qiu, P Guo, H Zou, Y Feng*, X Zhang, S Pervaiz, D Wen, Extremely low thermal conductivity of graphene nanoplatelets using nanoparticle decoration. ES Energy & Environment, 2018, 2: 66-72. [1] 
[36] L Qiu, Y Feng*, Z Chen, Y Li, X Zhang, Numerical simulation and optimization of the melting process for the regenerative aluminum melting furnace. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 145: 315-327. [1] 
[37] L Qiu, N Zhu, H Zou, Y Feng*, X Zhang, D Tang*, Advances in thermal transport properties at nanoscale in China, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 125: 413-433. [1] 
[38] L Qiu, Y Ouyang, Y Feng*, X Zhang, Note: Thermal conductivity measurement of individual porous polyimide fibers using a modified wire-shape 3ω method. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2018, 89(9): 096112. [1] 
[39] L Qiu, H Zou, N Zhu, Y Feng*, X Zhang, X Zhang, Iodine nanoparticle-enhancing electrical and thermal transport for carbon nanotube fibers. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 141: 913-920. [1] 
[40] L Qiu, H Zou, D Tang, D Wen, Y Feng*, X Zhang, Inhomogeneity in pore size appreciably lowering thermal conductivity for porous thermal insulators. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 130: 1004-1011. [1] 
[41] Q Kong, L Qiu*, Y Lim, C Tan, K Liang, C Lu, B Tay*, Thermal conductivity characterization of three dimensional carbon nanotube network using freestanding sensor-based 3ω technique. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2018, 345: 105-112. [1] 
[42] J Zhang, G Song, L Qiu, Y Feng, J Chen, J Yan, L Liu, X Huang, Y Cui, Y Sun, W Xu*, D Zhu*, Highly conducting polythiophene thin films with less ordered microstructure displaying excellent thermoelectric performance. Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2018, 39(16): 1800283. [1] 
[43] W Yu*, C Liu, L Qiu, P Zhang, W Ma, Y Yue, H Xie, L S Larkin, Advanced thermal interface materials for thermal management. Engineered Science, 2018, 2, 95-97. [1] 
[44] Z Li*, Y Peng*, Y Dong, H Fan, P Chen, L Qiu, Q Jiang, Effects of thermal efficiency in DCMD and the preparation of membranes with low thermal conductivity. Applied Surface Science, 2014, 317(30), 338-349. [1] 
[45] 邱琳, 桑大偉, 馮妍卉*, 楊安, 張欣欣. 漏斗形移動牀內顆粒運動特性分析. 工程熱物理學報, 2018, 39(12): 2708-2713. [1] 
[46] 邱琳, 郭璞, 鄒瀚影, 馮妍卉*, 張欣欣, 張驍驊, 趙靜娜, 李清文. 碳納米管纖維的界面設計及熱/電輸運調控. 工程熱物理學報, 2018, 39(6): 1344-1348. [1] 
[47] L Qiu, K Scheider, S Radwan, L Larkin, C Saltonstall, Y Feng*, X Zhang, P Norris*, Thermal transport barrier in carbon nanotube array nano-thermal interface materials. Carbon, 2017, 120: 128-136. [1] 
[48] Q Pham, L Larkin, C Lisboa, C Saltonstall, L Qiu*, J Schuler, T Rupert, P Norris, Effect of growth temperature on the synthesis of carbon nanotube arrays and amorphous carbon for thermal applications. Physica Status Solidi (A), 2017, 214(7): 1600852. [1] 
[49] 邱琳, S Kimberly, R Suhaib, L LeighAnn, S Christopher, 馮妍卉*, 張欣欣, N Pamela. 面向熱界面應用的多壁碳納米管陣列生長優化. 工程熱物理學報, 2017, 38(6): 1323-1326. [1] 
[50] L Qiu, X Wang, D Tang*, X Zheng*, P Norris, D Wen, J Zhao, X Zhang, Q Li, Functionalization and densification of inter-bundle interfaces for improvement in electrical and thermal transport of carbon nanotube fibers. Carbon, 2016, 105: 248-259. [1] 
[51] L Qiu, X Wang, G Su, D Tang*, X Zheng*, J Zhu, Z Wang, P Norris, P Bradford, Y Zhu, Remarkably enhanced thermal transport based on a flexible horizontally-aligned carbon nanotube array film. Scientific reports, 2016, 6: 21014. [1] 
[52] X Zheng, L Qiu*, P Yue, G Wang, D Tang, 3ω slope comparative method for fluid and powder thermal conductivity measurements. Modern Physics Letters B, 2016, 30(25): 1650322. [1] 
[53] Y Sun, L Qiu, L Tang, H Geng, H Wang, F Zhang, D Huang, W Xu*, P Yue, Y Guan, F Jiao, Y Sun, D Tang, C Di, Y Yi*, D Zhu*, Flexible n‐Type High‐Performance Thermoelectric Thin Films of Poly (nickel‐ethylenetetrathiolate) Prepared by an Electrochemical Method. Advanced materials, 2016, 28(17): 3351-3358. [1] 
[54] 曹運濤, 邱琳*, 鄭興華, 唐大偉, 朱羣志, 裴振洪. 3ω微型探測器用於固體材料熱導率的測量. 工程熱物理學報, 2016, 37(4): 803-806. [1] 
[55] L Qiu, X Zheng*, J Zhu, D Tang, S Yang, A Hu, L Wang, S Li. Thermal transport in high-strength polymethacrylimide (PMI) foam insulations. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2015, 36(10-11): 2523-2534. [1] 
[56] L Qiu, X Zheng*, P Yue, J Zhu, D Tang*, Y Dong, Y Peng, Adaptable thermal conductivity characterization of microporous membranes based on freestanding sensor-based 3ω technique. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2015, 89: 185-192. [1] 
[57] P Han, X Zheng*, W Hou, L Qiu*, D Tang, Study on heat-storage and release characteristics of multi-cavity-structured phase-change microcapsules. Phase Transitions, 2015, 88(7): 704-715. [1] 
[58] 邱琳, 鄭興華*, 嶽鵬, 唐大偉, 曹麗莉, 鄧元. 碲化鉍取向納米柱狀薄膜熱導率測量. 工程熱物理學報, 2015, 36(4): 816-819. [1] 
[59] L Qiu, Y Li, X Zheng*, J Zhu, D Tang, J Wu, C Xu, Thermal-conductivity studies of macro-porous polymer-derived SiOC ceramics. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2014, 35(1): 76-89. [1] 
[60] G Su, L Qiu*, X Zheng*, Z Xiao, D Tang, Effective Thermal-Conductivity Measurement on Germanate Glass–Ceramics Employing the 3ω Method at High Temperature. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2014, 35(2): 336-345. [1] 
[61] M Liu, L Qiu*, X Zheng*, J Zhu, D Tang, Study on the thermal resistance in secondary particles chain of silica aerogel by molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 116(9): 093503. [1] 
[62] Z Li*, Y Peng*, Y Dong, H Fan, P Chen, L Qiu, Q Jiang, Effects of thermal efficiency in DCMD and the preparation of membranes with low thermal conductivity. Applied Surface Science, 2014, 317: 338-349. [1] 
[63] P Yue, L Qiu*, X Zheng, D Tang, The Effective Thermal conductivity of porous polymethacrylimide foams. Key Engineering Materials. Trans Tech Publications, 2014, 609: 196-200. [1] 
[64] L Qiu, X Zheng, G Su, D Tang*, Design and application of a freestanding sensor based on 3ω technique for thermal-conductivity measurement of solids, liquids, and nanopowders. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2013, 34(12): 2261-2275. [1] 
[65] L Qiu, X Zheng*, J Zhu, G Su, D Tang, The effect of grain size on the lattice thermal conductivity of an individual polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fiber. Carbon, 2013, 51: 265-273. [1] 
[66] G Su, X Zheng*, L Qiu, D Tang*, J Zhu, Measurement of thermal conductivity of anisotropic SiC crystal. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2013, 34(12): 2334-2342. [1] 
[67] G Zhao*, X Xu, L Qiu, X Zheng, D Tang, Study on the heat conduction of phase-change material microcapsules. Journal of Thermal Science, 2013, 22(3): 257-260. [1] 
[68] W Chen, L Qiu*, S Liang*, X Zheng, D Tang, Measurement of thermal conductivities of DMP/CH3OH and DMP/H2O by freestanding sensor-based 3ω technique. Thermochimica Acta, 2013, 560: 1-6. [1] 
[69] 鄭興華, 邱琳*, 李蘭蘭, 嶽鵬, 王剛, 唐大偉. 相變微膠囊的吸熱係數測量. 工程熱物理學報, 2013, 34(9): 1692-1694. [1] 
[70] 鄭興華, 邱琳, 祝捷, 蘇國萍, 唐大偉. 相變微膠囊的熱導率測量. 工程熱物理學報, 2012, 33(3): 454-456. [1] 
[71] L Qiu, X Zheng, J Zhu, D Tang, Note: Non-destructive measurement of thermal effusivity of a solid and liquid using a freestanding serpentine sensor-based 3ω technique. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2011, 82(8): 086110. [1] 
[72] L Qiu, D Tang*, X Zheng, G Su, The freestanding sensor-based 3ω technique for measuring thermal conductivity of solids: principle and examination. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2011, 82(4): 045106. [1] 
[73] X Zheng*, L Qiu, G Su, D Tang, Y Liao, Y Chen, Thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of SiO2 nanopowder. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2011, 13(12): 6887-6893. [1] 
[74] 邱琳, 鄭興華, 蘇國萍, 唐大偉. 具有獨立探頭的3ω技術測量固體熱導率. 工程熱物理學報, 2011, 32(4): 621-624. [1] 
[75] 鄭興華, 邱琳, 蘇國萍, 唐大偉. 利用3ω法測量納米SiO2粉末熱導率及熱擴散率. 工程熱物理學報, 2011, 32(S1): 190-193. [1] 
[76] 蘇國萍, 唐大偉, 鄭興華, 邱琳, 杜景龍. 3ω方法測量各向異性SiC晶體的導熱係數. 工程熱物理學報, 2011, 32(11): 1885-1888. [1] 
[77] 邱琳, 鄭興華, 李謙, 唐大偉*, 錢楊保, 張偉剛. 陶瓷熱障塗層的熱導率和熱擴散率測量. 功能材料, 2010, 41(S2): 264-267. [1] 


[1] Lin Qiu, Xinghua Zheng, Meng Liu, Peng Yue, Dawei Tang, “Chapter 4: Heat Conduction and Heat Storage Characterizations of Phase-Change Microcapsules.” Phase Change Materials: Characteristics, Industrial Applications and Energy Implications, Nova Science Publisher, New York, pp. 103-120, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-63482-702-7. [1] 
[2] 鄭興華, 祝捷, 邱琳, 唐大偉. “第2章: 微納結構材料的熱物理性能表徵.” 熱能調控微納結構材料, 科學出版社, 北京, pp. 24-87, 2014, ISBN: 978-7-03-041001-6. [1] 


[1] 邱琳, 王剛, 鄭興華, 唐大偉 (2014). “流體及粉體熱物性參數測量軟件(版本號: 1.0.0)”. 計算機軟件著作權, 中國, 登記號: 2014R11S010727, 證書號:軟著登字第0697571號, 3月10日登記 [1] 


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