





2006.09-2010.07 北京師範大學 地理學與遙感科學學院 理學學士
2010.09-2016.07 清華大學 地球系統科學系 理學博士
其中:2012.05-2012.08 國際應用系統分析研究所(IIASA) 青年科學家暑期項目
2013.01-2014.01 多倫多大學 地理系 聯合培養博士生
2014.09-2014.10 智利大學 地理信息與景觀生態學實驗室 訪問學者 [1] 


2016.10-2017.09 清華大學 地球系統科學系 博士後
2017.10-2018.09 加州大學伯克利分校 環境設計學院 博士後
2018.10-2019.03 清華大學中國城市研究院 助理研究員 [1] 
1. 大尺度土地覆蓋/利用遙感製圖
2. 遙感環境監測與公眾健康 [1] 



1. Yuanyuan Zhao, Duole Feng, Le Yu, Yuqi Cheng, Meinan Zhang, Xiaoxuan Liu, Yidi Xu, Lei Fang, Zhiliang Zhu, Peng Gong. 2019. Long-term land cover dynamics (1986–2016) of Northeast China derived from a multi-temporal Landsat archive. Remote Sensing, 11(5): 599.
2. Peng Gong, Han Liu, Meinan Zhang, Congcong Li, Jie Wang, Huabing Huang, Nicholas Clinton, Luyan Ji, Wenyu Li, Yuqi Bai, Bin Chen, Bing Xu, Zhiliang Zhu, Cui Yuan, Hoi Ping Suen, Jing Guo, Nan Xu, Weijia Li, Yuanyuan Zhao, Lianchun Song. 2019. Stable classification with limited sample: transferring a 30-m resolution sample set collected in 2015 to mapping 10-m resolution global land cover in 2017. Science Bulletin, 64. 10.1016/j.scib.2019.03.002.
1. Yuanyuan Zhao, Duole Feng, Durai Jayaraman, Daniel Belay, Heiru Sebrala, John Ngugi, Eunice Maina et al. 2018. Bamboo mapping of Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda for the year 2016 using multi-temporal Landsat imagery. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 66: 116-125.
2. Duole Feng, Le Yu, Yuanyan Zhao, Yuqi Cheng, Yidi Xu, Congcong Li, and Peng Gong. 2018. A multiple dataset approach for 30-m resolution land cover mapping: a case study of continental Africa. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39(12): 3926-3938.
3. Le Yu, Xiaoxuan Liu, Yuanyuan Zhao, Chaoqing Yu and Peng Gong. 2018. Difficult to map regions in 30 m global land cover mapping determined with a common validation dataset. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39(12): 4077-4087.
4. Jun Yang, José Siri, Justin Remais, Qu Cheng, Han Zhang, Karen Chan, Zhe Sun, Yuanyuan Zhao, Na Cong, Xueyan Li et al. 2018. Tsinghua-Lancet Commission on Healthy Cities in China. Healthy Cities: unlocking the power of cities in building a healthy China. The Lancet, 391(10135): 2140-2184.
1. Yuanyuan Zhao, Duole Feng, Le Yu, Linda See, Steffen Fritz, Christoph Perger, and Peng Gong. 2017. Assessing and Improving the Reliability of Volunteered Land Cover Reference Data. Remote Sensing, 9(10): 1034.
2. Yuqi Cheng, Le Yu, Yuanyuan Zhao, Yidi Xu, Kwame Hackman, Arthur P. Cracknell, and Peng Gong. 2017. Towards a global oil palm sample database: design and implications. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38(14): 4022-4032.
3. Yidi Xu, Le Yu, Yuanyuan Zhao, Duoleng Feng, Yuqi Cheng, Xueliang Cai, and Peng Gong. 2017. Monitoring cropland changes along the Nile River in Egypt over past three decades (1984–2015) using remote sensing. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38(15): 4459-4480.
4. Le Yu, Xuecao Li, Congcong Li, Yuanyuan Zhao, Zhenguo Niu, Huabing Huang, Jie Wang et al. 2017. Using a global reference sample set and a cropland map for area estimation in China. Science China Earth Sciences, 60(2): 277-285.
1. Yuanyuan Zhao, Duole Feng, Le Yu, Xiaoyi Wang, Yanlei Chen, Yuqi Bai, H. Jaime Hernández, Mauricio Galleguillos, Cristian Estades, Gregory S. Biging, John D. Radke, Peng Gong. 2016. Detailed dynamic land cover mapping of Chile: Accuracy improvement by integrating multi-temporal data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 183: 170-185.
2. Duole Feng, Yuanyuan Zhao, Le Yu, Congcong Li, Jie Wang, Nicholas Clinton, Yuqi Bai, Alan Belward, Zhiliang Zhu, and Peng Gong. 2016. Circa 2014 African land-cover maps compatible with FROM-GLC and GLC2000 classification schemes based on multi-seasonal Landsat data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37(19): 4648-4664.
1. Linda See, Dmitry Schepaschenko, Myroslava Lesiv, Ian McCallum, Steffen Fritz, Alexis Comber, Christoph Perger, Christian Schill, Yuanyuan Zhao, Victor Maus et al. 2015. Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and geographically weighted regression. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 103: 48-56.
2. Jie Wang, Yuanyuan Zhao, Congcong Li, Le Yu, Desheng Liu, and Peng Gong. 2015. Mapping global land cover in 2001 and 2010 with spatial-temporal consistency at 250 m resolution. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 103: 38-47.
3. Jie Wang, Congcong Li, Luanyun Hu, Yuanyuan Zhao, Huabing Huang, and Peng Gong. 2015. Seasonal land cover dynamics in Beijing derived from Landsat 8 data using a spatio-temporal contextual approach. Remote Sensing, 7(1): 865-881.
1. Yuanyuan Zhao, Peng Gong, Le Yu, Luanyun Hu, Xueyan Li, Congcong Li, Haiying Zhang et al. 2014. Towards a common validation sample set for global land-cover mapping. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35(13): 4795-4814.
2. Luanyun Hu, Yanlei Chen, Yue Xu, Yuanyuan Zhao, Le Yu, Jie Wang, and Peng Gong. 2014. A 30 meter land cover mapping of China with an efficient clustering algorithm CBEST. Science China Earth Sciences, 57(10): 2293-2304.
3. Fangdi Sun, Yuanyuan Zhao, Peng Gong, Ronghua Ma, and Yongjiu Dai. 2014. Monitoring dynamic changes of global land cover types: fluctuations of major lakes in China every 8 days during 2000–2010. Chinese Science Bulletin, 59(2): 171-189.
4. Le Yu, Lu Liang, Jie Wang, Yuanyuan Zhao, Qu Cheng, Luanyun Hu, Shuang Liu et al. 2014. Meta-discoveries from a synthesis of satellite-based land-cover mapping research. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35(13): 4573-4588.
5. Le Yu, Jie Wang, Xuecao Li, Congcong Li, Yuanyuan Zhao, and Peng Gong. 2014. A multi-resolution global land cover dataset through multisource data aggregation. Science China Earth Sciences, 57(10): 2317-2329.
1. Peng Gong, Jie Wang, Le Yu, Yongchao Zhao, Yuanyuan Zhao, Lu Liang, Zhenguo Niu et al. 2013. Finer resolution observation and monitoring of global land cover: first mapping results with Landsat TM and ETM+ data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(7): 2607-2654.
2. Xianwei Wang, Peng Gong, Yuanyuan Zhao, Yue Xu, Xiao Cheng, Zhenguo Niu, Zhicai Luo, Huabing Huang, Fangdi Sun, and Xiaowen Li. 2013. Water-level changes in China's large lakes determined from ICESat/GLAS data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 132: 131-144.
1. Liqiang Zhang, Yumin Tan, Zhizhong Kang, Xiaoping Rui, Yuanyuan Zhao, and Liu Liu. 2009. A methodology for 3D modeling and visualization of geological objects. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 52(7): 1022-1029. [1] 


1. 全球變化研究評論(第三輯). 高等教育出版社, 2013, 參編.
2. 全球變化研究評論(第二輯). 高等教育出版社, 2011, 參編.
3. 中國高等教育發展地圖集. 高等教育出版社, 2009, 參編. [1] 