

研究方向:1. 玉米基因組學;2. 玉米籽粒發育遺傳調控;3. 玉米胚乳基因印跡;4. 玉米基因工程和分子育種。 [2] 
中國農業大學 [2] 
性    別
職    稱


1987/09-1991/07,福建農學院 [1] 


博士研究生seminar [1] 


1. 玉米基因組學
2. 玉米籽粒發育遺傳調控
3. 玉米胚乳基因印跡
4. 玉米基因工程和分子育種 [1] 



(3) 863項目 “玉米功能基因組平台建設和農藝性狀基因克隆”,2006年-2010年,子課題負責人。
(4) 863項目 “玉米產量性狀主效QTL的克隆和鑑定”,2006年-2010年,子課題負責人。
國家自然基金委創新研究羣體項目,玉米籽粒關鍵性狀遺傳學基礎,2015.01-2020.12 ,主持
國家傑出青年基金項目,玉米基因組學與分子育種 , 2013.01-2016.12 ,主持
國家自然基金委重大研究計劃,玉米籽粒性狀關鍵基因克隆和功能分析, 2015.01-2017.12 ,主持
國家轉基因重大專項,抗病蟲、抗除草劑轉基因玉米新品種培育 , 2016.01-2020.12 ,主持 [1] 


1、Mei Zhang, Shaojun Xie, Xiaomei Dong, Xin Zhao, Biao Zeng, Jian Chen, HuiLi, Weilong Yang,Hainan Zhao, Gaokui Wang, Zongliang Chen, Silong Sun, Andrew Hauck, Weiwei Jin,*Lai,Jinsheng.Genome-wide high resolution parental specific DNA and histone methylation maps uncover patterns of imprinting regulation in maize.Genome Research.2013;doi:10.1101/gr.155879.113
2、Jiang,Yi, Zeng,Biao, Zhao,Hainan, Zhang,Mei, Xie,Shaojun, *Lai,Jinsheng.Genome-wide Transcription Factor Gene Prediction and their Expressional Tissue-Specificities in Maize.J Integr Plant Biol. 2012,54(9):616-630
3、Guan,Haiying, Liu,Chaoxian, Zhao,Yuanzeng, Zeng,Biao, Zhao,Hainan, Jiang,Yi, Song,Weibin, *Lai,Jinsheng.Characterization, fine mapping and expression profiling of Ragged leaves1 in maize.Theor Appl Genet. 2012,125(6):1125-1135
4、、Yinping Jiao, Hainan Zhao, Longhui Ren, Weibin Song, Biao Zeng, Jinjie Guo, Baobao Wang,Zhipeng Liu, Jing Chen, Wei Li, Mei Zhang, Shaojun Xie,*Jinsheng Lai.Genome-wide genetic changes during modern breeding of maize.Nature Genetics,2012,44 812-817
5、Xiaomin Lu, Xiaojiao Hu, Yuanzeng Zhao, Weibin Song, Mei Zhang, Zongliang Chen,Wei Chen, Yongbin Dong, Zhenhua Wang and *Jinsheng Lai.Map-Based Cloning of zb7 Encoding an IPP and DMAPP Synthase in the MEP Pathway of Maize.Molecular Plant,2012,5(5):1100-1112
6、Mei Zhang, Hainan Zhao, Shaojun Xie, Jian Chen, Yuanyuan Xu, Keke Wang, Haiming Zhao, Haiying Guan, Xiaojiao Hu, Yinping Jiao, Weibin Song,*Jinsheng Lai. Extensive, clustered parental imprinting of protein-coding and noncoding RNAs in developing maize endosperm. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 2011, 108:20042-20047.
7、Yuanzeng Zhao, Xiaomin Lu, Chaoxian Liu, Haiying Guan, Mei Zhang, Zhongfeng Li, *Hongwei Cai,*Jinsheng Lai. Identification and Fine Mapping of rhm1 Locus for Resistance to Southern Corn Leaf Blight in Maize. J. Integr. Plant Biol.2012
8、Jinjie Guo, Zongliang Chen, Zhipeng Liu,Baobao Wang, Weibin Song, Wei Li, Jing Chen, Jingrui Dai, *Jinsheng Lai Identification of genetic factors affecting plant density response through QTL mapping of yield component traits in maize (Zea mays L.). Euphytica, 2011,182:409-422.
9、Yongbin Dong, Xiaomin Lu, Weibin Song, Lei Shi, Mei Zhang, Hainan Zhao, Yinping Jiao,*Jinsheng Lai. Structural characterization of helitrons and their stepwise capturing of gene fragments in the maize genome.BMC Genomics, 2011,12:609-619
10、Yinping Jiao, Weibin Song, Mei Zhang,*Jinsheng Lai. Identification of novel maize miRNAs by measuring the precision of precursor processing. BMC Plant Biology, 2011,11:141-154.
11、*Jinsheng Lai, Ruiqiang Li, Xun Xu, Weiwei Jin, mingliang Xu, Hainan Zhao, Zhongkai Xiang, Weibin Song, Kai Ying et al., *Patrick S Schnable, *Jun Wang. Genome-wide patterns of genetic variation among elite maize inbred lines. Nature Genetics, 2010,42:1027-1030. [1] 
1. Bruggmann R, Bharti AK, Gundlach H, Lai,Jinsheng, Young S, Pontaroli AC, Wei F, Haberer G, Fuks G, Du C, Raymond C, Estep MC, Liu R, Bennetzen JL, Chan AP, Rabinowicz PD, Quackenbush J, Barbazuk WB, Wing RA, Birren B, Nusbaum C, Rounsley S, Mayer KF, Messing J.2006. Uneven chromosome contraction and expansion in the maize genome. Genome Research 16(10):1241-51
2. Lai,Jinsheng, Li, Y., Messing J. and Dooner H. 2005, Gene movement by Helitrons contributes to the haplotype variability of maize. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102(25):9068-73 (see commentary in PNAS 2005 Jul 19;102(29):9993-4)
3. Ma J., Sanmiguel P., Lai,Jinsheng. Messing J. and Bennetzen J. 2005, DNA rearrangement in orthologous orp regions of the maize, rice and sorghum genomes. Genetics. 2005, 170(3):1209-20
4. McCarty D., Settles M., Suzuki Z., Tan B., Latshaw S., Porch T., Fajardo D., Robin K., Baier J., Avigne W., Wu S., Lai,Jinsheng. Messing J., Koch K., Hannah C. 2005, Steady-state transposon mutagenesis in inbred maize. The Plant Journal 2005, 44(1):52-61
5. Lai,Jinsheng, Ma, J., Swigonova, Z., Ramakrishna, W., Linton E, Llaca V, Tanyolac B, Park YJ, Jeong OY, Bennetzen, J. and Messing, J. 2004, Gene loss and movement in the maize genome. Genome Research 14: 1924-1931
6. Swigonova, Z .*, Lai,Jinsheng*, Ma, J., Ramakrishna, W., Llaca, V., Bennetzen, J., and Messing,J. 2004, Close split of the ancestor genomes of sorghum and maize. Genome Research 14: 1916-1923 (*equally contributed)
7. Lai,Jinsheng, Dey, N., Kim, C.S., Bhart, A., Rudd, S., Mayer, K., Larkins, B., Becraft, B., and Messing, J. 2004, Characterization of the maize endosperm transcriptome and its comparison to the rice genome.Genome Research 14: 1932-1937
8. Swigonova, Z., Lai,Jinsheng., Ma, J., Ramakrishna, W., Llaca, V., Bennetzen, J., and Messing, J. 2004 On the tetraploid origin of the maize genome. Comparative and Functional Genomics. 5: 281-284
9. Lai,Jinsheng, and Messing, J., 2002, Increasing the seed methionine by mRNA stability. The Plant Journal 30(4): 395-402


賴錦盛,趙海銘,宋偉彬,趙海楠,2010 一種抗草甘膦5-烯醇丙酮酰莽草酸-3-磷酸合酶基因及應用 (ZL 201010172220.4)
賴錦盛,董永彬,宋偉彬,趙海銘,2009 人工合成用於轉基因抗蟲植物的Bt殺蟲基因 (ZL 200910082840.6)
Messing, J. and Lai, Jinsheng, issued Feb. 1, 2005. Compositions and methods for producing high-level seed-specific gene expression in corn. (WO0012681; US Patent 6849779)


2022年6月28日,入選2022年度生命科學部國家傑出青年科學基金項目和國家自然科學基金創新研究羣體項目專家評審組名單。 [3] 
2023年5月26日,被授予第三屆全國創新爭先獎狀。 [4] 