


2013年11月博士研究生畢業於德國弗萊貝格工業大學(Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg)岩土工程專業獲工學博士學位,博士論文德國評分獲得“magna cum laude”(優秀)。近年來以第一及通訊作者在SCI/EI學術期刊上發表及接收論文40餘篇。
職    務



2006年6月本科畢業於中南大學土木工程專業獲工學學士學位;2009年6月碩士研究生畢業於中南大學橋樑與隧道工程專業獲工學碩士學位;2013年11月博士研究生畢業於德國弗萊貝格工業大學(Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg)岩土工程專業獲工學博士學位。 [1] 


2018.01 ~至今,湖南大學土木工程岩土與地下工程系,副教授,博士生導師
2014.03 ~2017.12,湖南大學土木工程岩土與地下工程系,助理教授,研究生導師
2015.01 至今,湖南大學土木工程學院交通與運輸博士後流動站,博士後 [1] 


International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 審稿人
International Journal of Geomechanics 審稿人
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 審稿人
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 審稿人
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 審稿人
湖南省岩石力學與工程學會理事 [1] 


岩土、混凝土破裂過程仿真分析(連續與非連續介質) [1] 


(1)Xin Tan* (譚鑫), Zhengbo Hu(胡政博), Changfu Chen(陳昌富), Minghua Zhao (趙明華). 3D DEM-FDM Coupled Analysis of the Behavior of an Isolated Geogrid-Encased Stone Column under Axial Loading[J]. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. 2021, 147(6):04021028.
(2)Xin Tan(譚鑫), Ya-kun Ren(任亞坤), Teng-long Li(黎騰龍), Shu-hua Zhou*(周蘇華), et al. In-situ direct shear test and numerical simulation of slate structural planes with thick muddy interlayer along bedding slope[J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2021,143:104791.
(3)Tan, X.* (譚鑫), Feng, L.(馮龍健), Hu, Z.(胡政博), Zhao, M. (趙明華). Failure modes and ultimate bearing capacity of the isolated stone column in soft soil[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 2021, 80:2629–2642.
(4)Tan, X.* (譚鑫), Feng, L.(馮龍健), Hu, Z(胡政博). Syed Muntazir Abbas. The equivalent shear strength properties of the composite soil reinforced by stone columns: an FDM-DEM-coupled numerical evaluation[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2021. 80:125.
(5)Zhou, S.* (周蘇華), Zhang, Y., Tan, X (譚鑫), et al. A comparative study of the bivariate, multivariate and machine-learning-based statistical models for landslide susceptibility mapping in a seismic-prone region in China. Arab J Geosci, 2021,14:440.
(6)譚鑫*,胡政博,馮龍健,趙明華. 軟土中碎石樁模型試驗的三維離散-連續介質耦合數值模擬[J]. 岩土工程學報. 2021, 43(2):347-355.
(7)譚鑫*, 馮龍健, 胡政博, 趙明華. 豎向荷載下軟土中碎石單樁破壞模式及承載力計算[J]. 湖南大學學報(自然科學版), 2021, 48(09):10-19.
(8)黃明華*,呂昌,杜義康,譚鑫. 圍巖變形作用下全長錨固錨杆受力特性非線性分析[J]. 安全與環境學報. (網絡首發)
(9)趙寶華,金建偉,王光輝,黃明華,譚鑫*. 隧道圍巖中全長粘結式錨杆受力的非線性分析[J]. 金屬礦山. (網絡首發)
(10)黃勇軍, 周利金, 潘世強, 譚鑫, 馮龍健. 微型樁加固多級路塹邊坡穩定性分析[J]. 湖南交通科技, 2021,47(03):6-10+34.
(1)Tan, X. (譚鑫), Hu, Z.(胡政博), Wengui L., Suhua Z.* (周蘇華), Tenglong L.(黎騰龍). Micromechanical Numerical Modelling on Compressive Failure of Recycled Concrete using Discrete Element Method (DEM)[J]. Materials. 2020, 13:4329.
(2)Tan, X.* (譚鑫), Hu, Z.(胡政博), Cao, M. (曹明), Chen C.* (陳昌富). 3D discrete element simulation of a geotextile-encased stone column under uniaxial compression testing[J]. Computers and Geotechnics.2020, 126:103769.
(3)Tan, X.* (譚鑫), Zhao, M. (趙明華), Hu, Z.(胡政博), Feng, L(馮龍健). Failure Process of a Single Stone Column in Soft Soil Beneath Rigid Loading: A Numerical Study.[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics. 2020, 20(8): 04020130
(4)Tan, X.* (譚鑫), Feng, L.(馮龍健), Hu, Z.(胡政博), Zhao, M. (趙明華). A DEM-FDM coupled numerical study on the deformation and failure process of the isolated stone column in soft soil[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 2020. 79:1693–1705.
(5)Wengui Cao(曹文貴), Ke Chen, Xin Tan* (譚鑫), He Chen. A novel damage-based creep model considering the complete creep process and multiple stress levels[J]. Computers and Geotechnics. 2020, 124(8):103599.
(6)Wengui Cao(曹文貴), Huijie Zhang, Tao Liu, Xin Tan* (譚鑫). Analytical solution for the active earth pressure of cohesionless soil behind an inclined retaining wall based on the curved thin-layer element method[J]. Computers and Geotechnics. 2020, 128:103851.
(7)Zhou, S.(周蘇華); Zhou, S.; Zhang, J.; Tan, X.* (譚鑫); Chen, D. Relationship between Moisture Transportation, Efflorescence and Structure Degradation in Fly Ash/Slag Geopolymer[J]. Materials 2020, 13, 5550.
(8)Zhou, S.(周蘇華); Zhou, S.; Tan, X* (譚鑫). Nationwide Susceptibility Mapping of Landslides in Kenya Using the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Model[J]. Land 2020, 9, 535.
(9)譚鑫*,曹明,馮龍健,趙明華. 土工織物包裹碎石樁力學特性的數值模擬研究[J]. 中國公路學報. 2020, 33(9):136-145.
(10)譚鑫* ,金宇軒,趙明華. 錨杆與圍巖共同作用的圍巖特性曲線修正分析[J]. 地下空間與工程學報, 2020,16(03):812-819.
(11)巢萬里,馮龍健,譚鑫. 微型樁單樁抗彎承載力計算公式的推導及驗證[J]. 湖南工業大學學報. 2020. 34(2):31-36.
(12)周蘇華,陳昌富,譚鑫,劉曉明 一種基於無人機的溶洞內部結構探測方法和裝置. 發明專利:ZL201910868902X.
Tan X* (譚鑫), Konietzky H.Numerical simulation of permeability evolution during progressive failure of Aue granite at the grain scale level[J].Computers and Geotechnics. 2019, 112(8):185-196.
譚鑫*, 趙明華, 金宇軒, 馮龍建. 碎石樁單樁受荷模型試驗的離散單元法數值模擬[J]. 湖南大學學報(自然科學版).2019,(1):101~108.
Xin Tan(譚鑫), Wengui Li, Minghua Zhao, Vivian W. Y. Tam. Numerical Discrete-Element Method Investigation on Failure Process of Recycled Aggregate Concrete[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2019. 31(1):04018353-1-14.
Wengui Cao (曹文貴), Xin Tan* (譚鑫), Chao Zhang, Min He. A constitutive model to simulate the full deformation and failure process for rocks considering initial compression and residual strength behaviors[J].Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2019, 56(5): 649-661.
Tan, X.* (譚鑫), Zhao, M. (趙明華), Chen, W. Numerical Simulation of a Single Stone Column in Soft Clay Using the Discrete-Element Method[J].International Journal of Geomechanics. 2018, 18(12):04018176-1-12.
Tan, X.* (譚鑫), Zhao, M. (趙明華), Zhu, Z. et al. Elastic Properties Calibration Approach for Discrete Element Method Model Based on Voronoi Tessellation Method[J]. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. 2018, 37(3), 2227-2236.
Chen W, Konietzky H, Liu C, Tan X (譚鑫). Hydraulic fracturing simulation for heterogeneous granite by discrete element method[J]. Computers & Geotechnics, 2018, 95:1-15.
Tan, X.* (譚鑫), Zhao, M.(趙明華). Deformation and Failure Behavior of the Isolated Single Stone Column with and Without Geosynthetic Encasement[C]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Asia Urban GeoEngineering. 2018. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-6632-0_42.
陳君煒, 譚鑫. 考慮鼓脹變形影響的散體材料樁單樁極限承載力修正計算[J]. 西部交通科技, 2018(8):6-10.
趙明華, 牛浩懿, 劉猛, 譚鑫. 柔性基礎下碎石樁複合地基樁土應力比及沉降計算[J]. 岩土工程學報, 2017, 39(9):1549-1556.
Tan X* (譚鑫), Konietzky H. Numerical Study of Biot’s Coefficient Evolution During Failure Process for Aue Granite Using an Empirical Equation Based on GMR Method[J]. Rock Mechanics & Rock Engineering, 2017:1-7.
Tan X* (譚鑫), Konietzky H, Chen W. Numerical Simulation of Heterogeneous Rock Using Discrete Element Model Based on Digital Image Processing[J]. Rock Mechanics & Rock Engineering, 2016, 49(12):4957-4964.
譚鑫*, 傅鶴林, 陳琛,等. 層狀巖體中隧道穩定性數值分析[J]. 鐵道科學與工程學報, 2016, 13(6):1108-1113.
Chen W, Konietzky H, Tan X (譚鑫), et al. Pre-failure damage analysis for brittle rocks under triaxial compression[J]. Computers & Geotechnics, 2016, 74:45-55.
Tan X* (譚鑫), Konietzky H, Frühwirt T. Experimental and Numerical Study on Evolution of Biot’s Coefficient During Failure Process for Brittle Rocks[J]. Rock Mechanics & Rock Engineering, 2015, 48(3):1289-1296.
Tan X* (譚鑫), Konietzky H, Frühwirt T, et al. Brazilian Tests on Transversely Isotropic Rocks: Laboratory Testing and Numerical Simulations[J]. Rock Mechanics & Rock Engineering, 2015, 48(4):1341-1351.
譚鑫*, Konietzky H, FRüHWIRT T. Numerical simulation of triaxial compression test for brittle rock sample using a modified constitutive law considering degradation and dilation behavior[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2015, 22(8):3097-3107.
譚鑫*, 傅鶴林, 趙明華,等. 層狀巖體中隧道穩定性數值分析[C]// 2015綠色生態隧道建設與管理論壇暨中國土木工程學會隧道及地下工程分會建設管理與青年工作者專業委員會2015年會論文集. 2015.
Tan X* (譚鑫), Konietzky H. Numerical study of variation in Biot's coefficient with respect to microstructure of rocks[J]. Tectonophysics, 2014, 610(5):159-171.
Tan X (譚鑫). Hydro-mechanical coupled behavior of brittle rocks[D]. TU Freiberg. 2014.
Tan X* (譚鑫), Konietzky H, Frühwirt T. Laboratory observation and numerical simulation of permeability evolution during progressive failure of brittle rocks[J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, 2014, 68:167-176.
譚鑫*, HEINZ Konietzky. 含層理構造的非均質片麻岩巴西劈裂試驗及離散單元法數值模擬研究[J]. 岩石力學與工程學報, 2014, 33(5):938-0946.
袁海清, 傅鶴林, 馬婷, 譚鑫. 隧道管棚加預注漿超前支護數值模擬分析*[J]. 鐵道科學與工程學報, 2012, 9(6):24-29.
Tan X* (譚鑫), Konietzky H. A modified constitutive law for brittle rocks considering the degradation and dilation behaviour[C]// The, International Flac/dem Symposium. 2012.
傅鶴林, 郭磊, 歐陽剛傑, 譚鑫. 考慮流固耦合效應的瀏陽河水下隧道台階法開挖數值模擬[C]// 中國土木工程學會年會. 2010.
郭磊, 傅鶴林, 歐陽剛傑, 譚鑫. 考慮流固耦合效應的水下隧道岸坡深基坑開挖數值模擬[J]. 現代隧道技術, 2010, 47(4):12-19.
譚鑫*, 傅鶴林, 郭明香,等. 塊體理論與數值模擬結合應用於塊裂巖質邊坡穩定性分析[J]. 金屬礦山, 2009(3):24-27.
譚鑫*. 考慮流固耦合影響的水下隧道施工力學效應研究[M]. 中南大學, 2009. [1] 


國家重點研發計劃: 建築垃圾再生滲蓄功能材料的製備及應用關鍵技術研究與示範
2017 中鐵二十局集團懷邵衡鐵路項目:袁逢隧道下穿牌樓-長陽鋪 II 回 500kV 送電線路工程 236#高壓鐵塔專項施工方案穩定性分析與可行性評估
2016 湖南省交通科學研究院:武靖高速K11+700-K11+800右側邊坡處治工程
2016湖南卓工建材科技有限公司: 離心法預應力高強混凝土空心支護樁產品設計參數計算 [1] 