


蔡青年 個人簡介

近幾年,一直作為科技部農業專家協助科技部《黨員幹部現代遠程教育專題教材製播》工作。隨着農業產業結構的調整和提高農業生產一線技術人員水平要求,還廣泛參與植保技術培訓工作,先後在北京、河南、四川、內蒙古的烏蘭察布市和人力與社會保障部組織的“西藏特培科技服務活動”等為生產一線的種植户和技術人員開展技術培訓,提高種植户和技術人員準確識別作物病蟲害及其防治水平。 [2] 



2000.1至今 中國農業大學副教授
2008.01-2008.08 美國加州大學河濱分校訪問學者
1993.07-1999.12 中國農業大學講師
1984.07-1993.08湖北農學院(現長江大學農學院) [1] 


1980.09-1984.06 湖北農學院植物保護專業本科
1990.09-1993.07 北京農業大學(現中國農業大學)碩士
1997.09-2002.06 中國農業大學博士 [1] 


日本應用昆蟲和動物學會會員 [1] 
2009-Present: 科技部農業專家 Agriculture expert of Ministry of Science and Technology
2009-present: 應用生態學報 (Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology) 審稿專家 The Reviewer invited by Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology.
2010: 國際化學生態學會主辦的“化學生態學雜誌(Journal of Chemical Ecology)” 審稿專家 the Reviewer invited by Journal of Chemical Ecology
2011: 英國“農林昆蟲學雜誌(Agricultural and Forest Entomology)”審稿專家 the Reviewer invited by Agricultural and Forest Entomology [2] 


3.植物保護專業實習(2) [1] 


根據農田生態系統的特點,重點研究耕作方式和種植制度對作物系統中有益和有害生物的影響,並以此為基礎,探究其影響機制,為作物害蟲種羣生態調控提供優化模式。 [1] 



1.國家重點研究計劃“馬鈴薯化肥農藥減施技術集成研究與示範”(2018YFD0200803), 2018-2020。
2.國家重大基礎研究項目;糧食作物豐產增效資源配置機理與種植模式優化;(2016YFD0300200), 2016-2020。
3.農業公益性行業科研專項:作物蚜蟲綜合防控技術研究與示範推廣;(201103022) 2011-2015。
4.農業部;現代農業產業技術體系建設-甜菜;(CARS-210202), 2011-2015。
5.農業公益性行業科研專項:主要農作物有害生物種類與發生危害特點研究;(200903004) 2009-2013。
6.農業部;現代農業產業技術體系建設-甜菜;(nycytx-25-07), 2008-2010
7.農業公益性行業科研專項:蚜蟲防控技術研究和示範;(200803002) 2008-2010
8. 973項目;農業生物多樣性控制病蟲害和保護種質資源的原理和方法;(2006CB100206), 2006-2010
9. “十一五”國家支撐計劃重點項目;小麥重大病蟲害防控技術;(2006BAD08A05), 2006-2010
12.湖北省自然科學基金項目 “土壤肥力及施肥對抗蟲棉蚜蟲種羣的影響”(2002AA301C107), 2005-2007
13.國際合作項目 “FAO IMARK漢化項目”, 2004-2005
14.科技部項目 “有機農業發展體系及支持保障措施研究”, 2004-2005
15.國家十五科技攻關項目 “棉花重大病蟲害可持續控制技術研究”, 2001-2005
16.國家“攀登計劃”項目 “棉鈴蟲突變規律及其寄主植物互作關係研究”, 1996-2000 [1] 


Yang, J., Sun, X. Q., Yan, S. Y., Pan, W.J., Zhang, M. X.,Cai, Q.N.* 2017. Interaction of ferulic acid with Glutathion S-transferase and carboxylesterase genes in the brown planthopper,Nilaparvata lugens. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 43:693-702. DOI 10.1007/s10886-017-0859-3
Wang, Q.,Diao,Q., Dai,P., Chu,Y., Wu, Y., Zhou,T.Cai, Q.N. *2017.Exploring poisonous mechanism of honeybee,Apis melliferaligusticaSpinola, caused by pyrethroids. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 135: 1-8., Doi:10.1016/j.pestbp.2016.07.005
Sun, X.Q., Zhang, M.X., Yu, J.Y., Jin, Y., Ling, B., Du, J.P., Li, G.H., Qin, Q.M.Cai, Q.N.*2013.Glutathione S-transferase of brown planthoppers is essential for their adaptation to gramine-containing host plants. PLOS One, 8(4): e64026, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0064026.
Zhang, M.X., Fang, T.T., Pu, G.L., Sun, X.Q., Zhou, X.G.,Cai, Q.N.*2013. Xenobiotic metabolism of plant secondary compounds in the English grain aphid. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology,107:44-49.DOI: 10.1016/j.pestbp.2013.05.002
Ai, T.C., Liu, Z.Y., Li, C.R., Luo, P., Zhu, J.Q. Jin, W.B. andCai, Q.N.*2011. Impact of fertilization on cotton aphid population in Bt-cotton production system. Ecological Complexity 8: 9-14.DOI 10.1016/j.ecocom.2010.08.002.
Cai, Q.N., Han, Y., Cao, Y. Z., Hu, Y., Zhao, X. and Bi, J.L. 2009. Detoxification of Gramine by the cereal aphid, Sitobion avenae. Journal of Chemical Ecology 35: 320-325. DOI 10.1007/sy. (SCI, IF=1.94)
Han, Y., Wang Y., Yang, X. Q., Huang, Y.,Zhao, X., Hu, Y., Bi, J. L. and Cai, Q. N.* 2009. Constitutive and induced activities of defense-related enzymes in selected wheat cultivars. Journal of Chemical Ecology 35:176-182. (SCI, IF=1.94)
Cai, Q. N.*, Ma, X. M., Zhao, X., Cao, Y. Z., Yang, X.Q. 2009. Effects of host plant resistance on insect pests and its parasitoid: A case study of wheat-aphid–parasitoid system. Biological Control 49: 134-138 doi:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2008.12.009 (SCI, IF=1.57)
Zhao, X., Lin, C.-W., Xu, M.-Q., Huang, J.J., Chen, Y.B., Li, C.R., Cai, Q.-N.* 2009. Effect of film-mulched treatment on weed diversity in rice field (水稻覆膜處理對稻田雜草多樣性影響的研究). Biodiversity Science 17: 194-199.
Yang, X., Zhao, X., Hu, Y., Fang, D. and Cai, Q. N.* 2009. Effect of methyl jasmonate on the tyrosine ammonia-lyase activity in aphid-resistant and -susceptible wheat varieties (茉莉酸甲酯對不同抗蚜小麥品種體內酪氨酸解氨酶活性的影響). Journal of Triticeae Crops (In press).
Wu, Y.H., Cai, Q.N., Lin, C.W., Chen, Y.B., Li Y.Y., Cheng, X. 2009. Community structure of soil macrofauna under different land-use systems in the purple hilly areas of Sichuan Basin (四川紫色土丘陵區不同土地利用方式下大型土壤動物羣落結構). Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture (中國生態農業學報) 17(1): 34−40
Wu, Y.H., Cai, Q.N., Lin, C.W., Zhao, X, Cheng, X. 2009. Community structure of soil mesofauna under different land use patterns in the purple hilly areas of Sichuan Basin (四川紫色土丘陵區不同土地利用方式下中型土壤動物羣落結構). Chinese Journal of Ecology (生態學雜誌) 28(2): 277-282.
Hu, Y., Han, Y., Zhao X., Yang, X., Huang, Y., Luo P. and Cai, Q. N.* 2008. Dynamic and effect evaluation of three phenolic compounds contents in wheat varieties with different resistance to Sitobion avenae (F.) (小麥不同抗蚜品種體內三種酚酸類化合物含量的差異及作用評價). Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology 14: 753-756.
Cai, Q. N., Sun, X., Meng, F., Hu, M. and Yuan, X. 2008. Techniques of IPM in organic agriculture overseas (國外有機農業生產中的IPM技術研究). World Agriculture 2: 54-57.
Cai, Q. N., Zhao, X., Hu, Y., 2007. The factors influencing population colonization and control methods of codling Moth (蘋果蠹蛾入侵的影響因素及檢疫調控措施). Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin 23(11): 279-283.
Meng, Y., Xu, H., Chen, X. and Cai, Q. N. 2007. Pollination efficiency of the main bee pollinators of Hedysarum leave, a legume in Mu Us sandland, Inner Mongolia (塔落巖黃芪主要傳粉蜂的傳粉效率研究). Biodiversity Science 15(6): 633-638.
Gu, P., Xiong, Y., Zhu, Y., Yang, Z., Peng, C., Du, J., Li, X., Cai, Q. N.* 2007. The occurrence of curled ear of maize during maize growth in Leshan City, Sichuan Province in China (玉米雌穗彎曲病在樂山市發生原因初報). Plant Protection 33(3):142. (Note)
Gu, P., Peng, C., Du, J., Zhao, X., Cai, Q. N.* 2007. Occurrence and damage of Nezara viridula (L.) in maize field in Sichuan province, China (綠蝽在四川玉米田的發生與危害). In: Plant protection and modern agriculture, Z. Cheng (Ed.). Annual symposium of Plant Protection Association of China, China Agricultural Science and Technology Press, pp 855-856.
Wang, Y., Cai, Q. N.*, Zhang, Q. and Han, Y. 2006. Effect of the secondary substances from wheat on the growth and digestive physiology of cotton bollworm. European Journal of Entomology 103(1): 255-258. (SCI)
Ma, X. M., Liu, X., Zhang, Q. Zhao, J. Z., Cai, Q. N., Ma, Y. & Chen, D. M. 2006. Assessment of cotton aphids, Aphis gossypii, and their natural enemies on aphid-resistant and aphid-susceptible wheat varieties in a wheat–cotton relay intercropping system. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 121: 235–241. (SCI)
Liu, X., Zhang, Q., Zhao, J. Z., Cai, Q. N., Xu, H. & Li, J. 2006. Effects of the Cry1Ac toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis on Microplitis mediator, a parasitoid of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 114: 205–213. (SCI)
Fu, J., Zhang, Q., Cai, Q. N., Xu, J., Ma, X. and Zhang, L. 2005. Observations on mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of the beet armyworm, Spodopter aexigua Hübner (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) (甜菜夜蛾細胞分裂期染色體的觀察). Acta Entomologica Sinica 48(1):135-138.
Ma, X., Yang, H., Liu, X., Zhang, Q., Cai, Q. N., Li, J. and Jiang, Z. 2005. Influences of weed strips at cotton field edges on population dynamics of cotton spider mites (Bt棉田邊緣雜草帶對棉田內葉蟎發生的影響). Acta Entomologica Sinica 48(5): 699-705.
Cai, Q. N., Zhang, Q., Zhou, M. 2004. Contribution of indole alkaloids on Sitobion avenae (F.) resistance in wheat. Journal of Applied Entomology, 128(8): 517~521. (SCI)
Cai, Q. N., Hu, M., Wang, Y. and Gu, P. 2004. Influence factors and molecular basis of the genetic diversity of aphid populations (蚜蟲種羣遺傳多樣性的影響因素及分子基礎). Entomological Knowledge 40(4): 291-297
Cai, Q. N., Wang, Y., Zhang, Q. and Cheo, M. 2004. Content variation of indole alkaloids in the wheat varieties with various resistances to the wheat aphid, Sitobion avenae (小麥不同抗蚜品種(系)中吲哚生物鹼的含量變化). Chinses Journal of Applied Ecology 35(3):537~539
Cai, Q. N. and Hu, M. 2004. Integrated utilization on locusts resource, realizing the sustainable control for the plague of locusts (合利用蝗蟲資源,實現蝗災可持續治理). Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin 20(2): 184~185.189.
Ma, X., Cai, Q. N., Zhang, Q., Lu, G., Fu, J. and Yang, H. 2004. A study on control technique of Lygus Lucorum Meyer-Dur on transgenic Bt cottons (Bt棉田中綠盲蝽防治技術的研究). Plant Protection 30(4): 35-38.
Liu, X., Zhang, Q., Cai, Q. N., Li, J. and Dong, J. 2004. Effect of Bt protein on development of different strains of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) and the parasitoid, Microplitis mediator (Haliday) (Bt殺蟲蛋白對不同品系棉鈴蟲和中紅側溝繭蜂生長髮育的影響). Acta Entomologica Sinica 47(4): 461-466.
Zhang, L., Zhang, Q., Cai, Q. N., Xu, H., Xu, J. and Fu, J. 2004. Study on the meiosis of spermatocytes of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (棉鈴蟲精母細胞減數分裂研究). Plant Protection 30(2):33-36.
Zhang, L., Zhang, Q., Cai, Q.N., Xu, H., Xu, J. and Fu, J. 2004. Spermatocytes monoploid and karyotype of Helicoverpa assulta (煙青蟲精母細胞減數分裂及單倍體核型研究). Journal of China Agricultural University 9(4):18-23.
Fu, J., Zhang, Q., Xu, J. and Cai, Q. N. 2004. Studies on Karyotype of Beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua Hübner (甜菜夜蛾染色體核型研究). Plant Protection 30(5):32-35.
Yun, G., Deng, S., Zhang, Q., Xu, H. and Cai, Q. N. 2004. The resistance of Bt corn (MG95) to Pseudaletia separate (Bt玉米(MG95)對粘蟲的抗性和拒食作用). Entomological Knowledge 41(5):422-426.
Yun, G., Deng, S., Zhang, Q., Xu, H. and Cai, Q. N. 2004. Effect of Bt corn on development and behavior of Microplitis mediator (haliday) (Bt玉米對中紅側溝繭蜂發育的間接影響及室內行為研究). Plant Protection 30(5): 23-26.
Deng, S., Yun, G., Zhang, Q., Xu, H. and Cai, Q. N. 2004. Morphological resistance of false flax (Camelina sativa L.) to Plutella xylostella L. (亞麻薺對小菜蛾形態抗蟲性的研究). Plant Protection 30(3): 39-42.
Deng, S., Yun, G., Zhang, Q., Xu, H. and Cai, Q. N. 2004. Effect of false flax (Camelina sativa) on larval feeding and adult behavioral response of the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) (亞麻薺對小菜蛾幼蟲取食和成蟲行為反應的影響). Acta Entomologica Sinica 47(4): 474-478.
Zhang, L., Zhang, Q., Cai, Q. N., Xu, J. and Cheo, M. 2003. Insect chromosome research in China:Status and perspective (中國昆蟲染色體研究現狀與展望). Acta Entomologica Sinica 46(6):773-782。
Cai, Q. N., Zhang, Q., Gao, X., Wang, Y. and Zhou M. 2003. Effects of the secondary substances on wheat resistance to Sitobion avenae (小麥體內次生物質對麥蚜抗性作用的研究). Scientia Agricultura Sinica 36(8): 910~915.
Cai, Q. N., Zhang, Q., Wang, Y. and Zhou, M. 2003. Effect of biochemicals in wheat plant on wheat resistance to aphids (小麥體內生化物質在抗蚜中的作用). Entomological Knowledge 40(5): 391-395.
Cai, Q. N., Zhang, Q. and Zhou, M. 2002. Correlation between indole alkaloid content in flag leaves and ears of wheat and its resistance to Sitobion avenae (小麥旗葉和穗部吲哚生物鹼含量與抗麥長管蚜關係的研究). Plant Protection 28(2): 11-13.
Li, P., Zhang, Q. and Cai, Q. N. 2000. Effect of plumularaxis cutted cotton on growth and development of cotton bollworm (胚軸切斷法誘導棉株對棉鈴蟲生長髮育的影響). Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 11(3): 425-427.
小麥體內生化物質在抗蚜中的作用。昆蟲知識,2003,40(5): 391~395
不同性狀的棉花及其雜交F1代對棉鈴蟲的抗性。昆蟲學報,1997,40 (增刊):103~108。
防治棉鈴蟲的殺蟲抗生素篩選及其作用方式。植物保護學報,1996,23(4):349~354。 [1] 


副主編,《甜菜主要病蟲害簡明識別手冊》,中國農業出版社(北京),2014. [1] 


2006高效施藥技術與機具研究開發,教育部一等獎 [1] 