

蔡時青,中國科學院上海植物生理生態研究所博士,美國新澤西州立(Rutgers)大學博士後。2009年回國擔任中國科學院腦科學和智能技術卓越創新中心離子通道調控研究組組長。 [6] 
國    籍
中國農業大學 [6] 
性    別




研究方向主要包括: (1)健康衰老的分子生物學機制研究。早期研究發現一些長壽途徑雖然可以延長壽命,但並不能延緩年老動物的神經遞質減少和相應的行為退化(Yin et. al. Journal of Neuroscience,2014)。之後他們以神經遞質系統在衰老中的變化為衰老的標記,通過分析個體之間衰老速度差異的遺傳基礎,發現了一條新的膠質細胞-神經元信號通路調控衰老速度(Yin et. al. Nature 2017); 通過全基因組篩選發現新的抗衰老靶標基因,闡明瞭認知衰老的調控機制 (Yuan et. al. 2020)。(2)離子通道功能調控機制研究。研究組利用線蟲模式動物和哺乳動物細胞系,結合遺傳學、生物化學、電生理等手段系統性地研究鉀離子通道的表達和運輸機制(Li et. al. Mol cell, 2017;Chen et. al. J neurosci, 2015;Bai et. al. J gen physiol, 2018);通過構建線蟲離子通道疾病動物模型,通過小分子化合物篩選尋找促進蛋白運輸、上膜的化學物,致力於離子通道致病突變體的功能糾正及其機制研究(Jiang et. al. Nat Commun, 2018)。 [6] 


2019年8月2日,入選2019年度國家傑出青年科學基金建議資助項目申請人名單。 [1] 
2021年4月,榮獲2020年度第十三屆“談家楨生命科學創新獎”。 [3-4] 


2022年6月,入選國家自然科學基金委員會公佈的2022年度生命科學部國家傑出青年科學基金項目和國家自然科學基金創新研究羣體項目專家評審組名單。 [5] 



  1. W. Tutak, Ki-Ho Park, G. Fanchini, A. Vasilov, Cai SQ, N.partridge, F. Sesti , M. Chhowalla (2009). Toxicity induced enhanced extracellular matrix production in osteoblastic cells cultured on single walled carbon nanotube networks. Nanotechnology, 20 (25): 255101.2. Shi-qingCai*, Wang Yi*, Ki Ho Park*, Xin Tong, Zui Pan and Federico Sesti (2009) Auto-phosphorylation of a voltage-gated K + channel controls non-associative learning. EMBO J. 28 (11):1601-10. (* co-first author)3. Shi-Qing Cai and F. Sesti (2009) Oxidation of a K+ Channel causes progressive decline in sensory function during ageing. Nature Neuroscience, 12 (5): 611-7.4. L. Hernandez, K.H. Park, Shi-Qing Cai, L. Qin, N. Partridge, F. Sesti (2007) The antiproliferative role ofergK+ channels in rat osteoblastic cells. Cell Biochemstrybiophysics47: 199-208.5. Shi-Qing Cai and F. Sesti (2007). A new mode of regulation of N-type inactivation in a Caenorhabditis elegans voltage-gated potassium channel. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 282(25): 18597-601.6. Shi-Qing Cai, W. Li, F. Sesti (2007) Multiple modes of A-type Potassium current regulation. Invited review. Current Pharmaceutical Design 13(31): 3178-84.7. Shi-Qing Cai, Ki Ho Park, Federico Sesti (2006) An evolutionarily conserved family of accessory subunits of K+ channels. Invited review. Cell Biochemstry Biophysics 46(1): 91-100.8. Shi-Qing Cai, Leonardo Hernandez, Yi Wang, Ki Ho Park, Federico Sesti (2005) MPS-1 is a K+ channel b-subunit and a serine/threonine kinase. Nature Neuroscience 8(11): 1503-9.9. Ki Ho Park, Leonardo Hernandez, Shi-Qing Cai, Yi Wang, Federico Sesti (2005) A family of K+ Channel ancillary subunits regulate taste sensitivity in Caenorhabditis elegans. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 280: 21893-21899.10. Shi-Qing Cai, Gen-Yun Chen, Hai-Bo Zhang, Da-Quan Xu (2002). No monomerisation of PSII dimer occurs during reversible inacivation of some photosystem II reaciton centers in soybean leavs. Photosynthetica 40 (2) 215-220.11. Shi-Qing Cai, Da-Quan Xu (2002). Light intensity-dependent reversible down-regulation andirreversibledamage of photosystem II in soybean leaves. Plant Science Vol 163/4 pp 847-853.12. Hai-Bo Zhang, Shi-Qing Cai, Da-Quan Xu (2002). D1 protein phosphorylation/ dephosphorylation alone has no effect on the electron transport activity of photosystem II in soybean leaves. Plant Science 162, 507-511.13. Yue Chen, Xue-Hua Wang, Yi Liao, Shi-Qing Cai, Hai-Bo Zhang, Da-Quan Xu (2002) Effect of Flag Leaf Orientation on its Photosynthetic Capacity in Rice. Acta Phytophysiologia sinica 28 (5) 396-398.14. Gen-Yun Chen, Yi Liao, Shi-Qing Cai, Qing Zeng, Jian-Guo Zhu, Yong Han, Gang Liu, Da-Quan Xu (2002) Photosynthetic acclimation of Echinochloa crusgalli grown in rice field to free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE). Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 13 (10): 1205-1209.15. Yi Liao, Gen-Yun Chen, Shi-Qing Cai, Qing Zeng, Jian-Guo Zhu, Yong Han, Gang Liu, Da-Quan Xu (2002) Responses and acclimation of photosynthesis to free-air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) in rice leaves. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 13(10): 1201-1204.16. Shi-Qing Cai, Da-Quan Xu (2000) Relationship between the CO2 compensation point and photorespiration in soybean leaves. Acta Phytophysiologia sinica, 26 (6): 545-550.


該研究由中國科學院腦科學與智能技術卓越創新中心(神經科學研究所)、上海腦科學與類腦研究中心、神經科學國家重點實驗室蔡時青研究組與中國科學院上海巴斯德研究所江陸斌研究組合作完成 [2] 