


職    務
性    別


苗龍 博士 研究員 博士生導師


1999年 博士畢業於中國農業大學
1999-2000年 加州大學(戴維斯)博士後
2001-2006年 佛羅里達州立大學生物系 博士後
2007年至今 中國科學院生物物理研究所 研究員
中國細胞生物學會 會員(2007-至今)
中國生物物理學會 會員(2007-至今)
美國細胞生物學會 (ASCB) 會員(2000-至今)
美國科學促進會 (AAAS)會員(2004-至今)


精子發生過程中,精子細胞變形成為精子,精子向卵子運動並與卵細胞融合實現遺傳物質的傳遞。這一過程涉及細胞極性建立、細胞定向運動等生物學現象。 本研究組結合線蟲Ascaris suum和 Caenorhabditis elegans的優勢,利用生物化學、細胞生物學、遺傳學、生物電鏡等方法研究精子變形、精子運動的分子機理。同時,我們集中研究既是精子運動骨架又是胞外信號分子的精子主要蛋白 MSP發揮雙重功能的分子機理,以及MSP同源蛋白質在人類神經退行性疾病——肌萎縮性側索硬化症中發揮功能的可能機理。


3、C. elegans遺傳學


1. Liu Z , Wang B , He R , Zhao Y , and Miao L. (2014) Calcium signaling and the MAPK cascade are required for sperm activation in Caenorhabditis elegans
2. Ma X , Zhu Y , Li C , Xue P , Zhao Y , Chen S , Yang F , and Miao L. (2014) Characterisation of Caenorhabditis elegans sperm transcriptome and proteome
3. Chen D , Jian Y , Liu X , Zhang Y , Liang J , Qi X , Du H , Zou W , Chen L., Chai Y , et al. (2013) Clathrin and AP2 are required for phagocytic receptor-mediated apoptotic cell clearance in Caenorhabditis elegans
4. Liu Z , Chen L , Shang Y , Huang P , and Miao L. (2013) The micronutrient element zinc modulates sperm activation through the SPE-8 pathway in Caenorhabditis elegans
5. Huang P , Ma X , Zhao Y , and Miao L. (2013) The C. elegans homolog of RBBP6 (RBPL-1) regulates fertility through controlling cell proliferation in the germline and nutrient synthesis in the intestine
6. Shang Y , Chen L , Liu Z , Wang X , Ma X , and Miao L. (2013) Cytosolic Ca(2+) as a multifunctional modulator is required for spermiogenesis in Ascaris suum
7. Ma X , Zhao Y , Sun W , Shimabukuro K , and Miao L. (2012) Transformation: how do nematode sperm become activated and crawl
8. Dou J , Chen L , Hu Y , and Miao L. (2012). Cholesterol and the biosynthesis of glycosphingolipids are required for sperm activation in Caenorhabditis elegans
9. Ma X , Zhao Y , Sun W , Shimabukuro K , and Miao L. (2012) Transformation: how do nematode sperm become activated and crawl
10. Ma, X., Zhao, Y., Sun, W., Shimabukuro, K., and Miao, L. (2012). Transformation: how do nematode sperm become activated and crawl
11. Dou J, Chen L, Hu Y, Miao L. (2012) Cholesterol and the biosynthesis of sphingolipids are required for sperm activation in Caenorhabditis elegans
12. Zhao Y, Sun W, Zhang P, Chi H, Zhang M, Song C, Ma X, Shang Y, Wang B, Hu Y, Hao Z, Hühmer A, Meng, F, L'Hernault S, He S, Dong M, Miao L. (2012) Nematode sperm maturation triggered by protease involves sperm-secreted serine protease inhibitor (Serpin)
13. Ma X, Zhu Y, Li C, Shang Y, Meng F, Chen S, Miao L. (2011) Comparative transcriptome sequencing of Germline and Somatic Tissues of the Ascaris suum Gonad
14. Chen D, Xiao D, Zhang K, Wang B, Gao Z, Jian Y, Qi X, Sun J, Miao L, Yang C. (2010) Retromer Sorting Complex Regulates Apoptotic Cell Clearance by Phagocytic Receptor Recycling
15. Zhang Y, Yan L, Zhou Z, Yang P, Tian E, Zhang K, Zhao Y, Li Z, Song B, Han J, Miao L,Zhang H. (2009) SEPA-1 Mediates the Specific Recognition and Degradation of P Granule Components by Autophagy in C
16. Miao L, Vanderlinde O, Liu J, Grant RP, Wouterse A, Philipse A, Stewart M, Roberts TM. (2008) The role of filament packing dynamics in powering amoeboid cell motility
17. Wang B, Liu Z, Miao L. (2008) Recent Advances in the study of spermatogenesis and fertilization in Caenorhabditis elegans
18. Miao L. (2007) Recent progresses on the cellular motility, cell migration and cytoskeleton
19. Miao L, Yi K, Mackey JM, Roberts TM. (2007) Reconstitution in vitro of MSP-based filopodium extension in nematode sperm
20. Wolgemuth C, Miao L, Vanderlinde O, Roberts TM, Oster G. (2005) MSP dynamics drives nematode sperm locomotion
21. Miao L, Vanderlinde O, Stewart M, Roberts TM. (2003) Retraction in amoeboid cell motility powered by cytoskeletal dynamics
22. Su S, Liu Z, Chen C, Zhang Y, Wang X, Zhu L, Miao L, Wang X, Yuan M. (2010) Cucumber Mosaic Virus Movement Protein Severs Actin Filaments to Increase the Plasmodesmal Size Exclusion Limit in Tobacco
23. Meng FX, Miao L, Zhang SQ, Lou CH. (2004) Ca2+ is involved in muscarine- acetylcholine- receptor-mediated acetylcholine signal transduction in guard cells of Vicia faba L
24. Provencher LM, Miao L, Sinha N, and Lucas WJ. (2001) Sucrose export defective1 encodes a novel protein implicated in chloroplast to nucleus signaling
25. Meng FX, Miao L, Leng Q, Zhang SQ. (2001) Incubation of Fluo-3 AM for measuring cytosolic Ca2+ in guard cells of Vicia faba
26. Miao L, Wang XC, Zhang WC. (1999) The symplasmic connection of root cap in Zea mays and its response to the external signal
27. Miao L, Wang XC, Zhang WC. (1997) Osmotic stress decreases the activity of ATPase associated with plasmodesmata in root cap in Zea mays [1] 
  • 1.    苗龍  .中國科學院生物物理研究所.2016-10-06[引用日期2016-10-06]