


王麗,女,山東大學機電與信息工程學院教授 [2] 德國宇航局空間材料物理所訪問學者。
國    籍
民    族
性    別
職    稱


1992,09-1996,06:山東工業大學 鑄造專業 學士學位;
1996,09-1998,12:山東工業大學 材料加工工程專業 碩士學位;
1998,09-2001,06:山東大學 材料加工工程專業 博士學位 [1] 
2009,04-2010,04: 德國宇航局空間材料物理所訪問學者。




共發表第一作者 SCI 論文 30餘篇
部分論文如下: 2008-2009
1. L. Wang, X. F.Han, Y. N. Zhang, Application of modified Lennard–Jones potentials to structural and dynamical studies for liquid Al, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 354 (2008) 4970–4974
2. Li Wang, Chuanxiao Peng, Jianhong Gong, a Molecular dynamics study of the mechanics for Ni single-wall nanowires, European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 28 (2009) 877–881
3. Li Wang, Chuanxiao Peng, Jianhong Gong, , Multishell structure formation in Ni nanowire under uniaxial strain along <001> crystallographic direction: A molecular dynamics simulation, Physica B 405 (2010) 1721–1724
4. Chuanxiao Peng, Jianhong Gong , Li Wang, The structure of ultrathin Ni nanowires, Computational Materials Science 46 (2009) 229–232 (Corresponding author)
5. Yanning Zhang, Li Wang , Weimin Wang, Relaxation, crystallization, and glass transition in supercooled liquid Ni, Physics Letters A 372 (2008) 690–694 (Corresponding author)
In 2007
6. Y. N. Zhang, L. Wang and W. M. Wang, Thermodynamic, dynamic and structural relaxation in supercooled liquid and glassy Ni below the critical temperature Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 19 (2007) 196106 1-12 (Corresponding author)
7. Y. N. Zhang, L. Wang, S. Morioka, and W. M. Wang, Modified Lennard-Jones potentials for Cu and Ag based on the dense gaslike model of viscosity for liquid metals, Physics Review B 75, (2007) 014106 1-9 (Corresponding author)
8. L. Wang, Y. N. Zhang, X. M. Mao, and C. X. Peng, Formation of NiZr2 Binary Metallic Glass: Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Analyses, Chinese Physics Letters, 24 (2007) 2319-2322
In 2006
9. L. Wang, C. X. Peng, Y. Q. Wang and Y. N. Zhang, Vitrification and crystallization of metallic liquid under pressures, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 18 (32) (2006) 7559-7568
10. L. Wang, Y. Q. Wang, C. X. Peng and Y. N. Zhang, Medium-range structural order in liquid Ni20Al80 alloy: experimental and molecular dynamics studies, Physics Letters A, 350 (5-6) (2006) 405-409
11. L. Wang, C. X. Peng, Y. Q. Wang and Y. N. Zhang, Relating nucleation to dynamical and structural heterogeneity in supercooled liquid metal, Physics Letters A, 350 (1-2) (2006) 69-74
12. Y. N. Zhang, L. Wang, W.M. Wang and J. K. Zhou Structural transition of sheared-liquid metal in quenching state, Physics Letters A, 355 (2) (2006) 142-147
In 2005
13. L. Wang, H. R. Cong, Y. N. Zhang and X. F. Bian, Medium-range order of liquid metal in the quenched state, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 355 (1-4) (2005) 140-146
14. Y Chen, J. X. Zhang, L. Wang, Simulation studies on structural evolution of gold clusters during solidification, Materials Letters, 59 (6) (2005) 676-681
In 2004
15. L. Wang, X. F. Bian and J. T. Liu, Discontinuous structural phase transition of liquid metal and alloys (1), Physics Letters A, 326 (5-6) (2004) 429-435
16. L. Wang and J. T. Liu, Discontinuous structural phase transition of liquid metal and alloys (2), Physics Letters A, 328 (2-3) (2004) 241-245
17. L. Wang, X. F. Liu and Y. N. Zhang, The structure and transport property of liquid Al with different EAM model, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 351 (1-2) (2004) 208-212
18. Y. N. Zhang, L. Wang, W. M. Wang, X. F. Liu, X. L. Tian and P. Zhang, Pressure effect on the structural transition of liquid Au, Physics Letters A, 320 (5-6) (2004) 452-458
In 2003
19. L. Wang, Y. N. Zhang, X. F. Bian., Y. Chen, Melting of Cu nanoclusters by molecular dynamics simulation, Physics Letters A, 310 (2-3) (2003) 197-202
20. L. Wang, Y. N. Zhang, H. Yang, Y. Chen, Structural simulation of super-cooled liquid Au–Cu, Au–Ag alloys, Physics Letters A, 317 (5-6) (2003) 489-494
21. L. Wang, X. F. Liu, H. Yang, Y. Chen, and X. F. Bian, The molecular dynamics simulation of structure and transport properties of sheared super-cooled liquid metal, Physics Letters A, 319 (5-6) (2003) 518-522
22. L. Wang, H. R. Cong and X. F. Bian, Medium-range order in liquid Al5Fe2 alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 341 (1-2) (2003) 197-201
1. 鋁合金熔體的微觀不均勻性與非晶力學性能 國家自然科學基金項目,第一負責人;2006,1-2008,12;
2. Al-Ni-Zr合金熔體結構記憶效應與非晶形成能力研究,山東省優秀中青年科學家獎勵基金,第一負責人;2004,1-2006,12;
3. 鐵基非晶中大單胞相的形成及其作用, 國家自然科學基金,第二負責人: 2009,1-1011,12;
4.鋁合金晶粒細化試驗及第一原理研究, 國家博士後特別基金,第一負責人,2009-2011;
5.鋁合金晶粒細化第一原理研究,山東省創新項目, 第一負責人,2009,01-2011,12;
8.微-納米晶核的Al-Ti-C中間合金及其成絲技術 山東省優秀中青年科學家獎勵基金,第二負責人;2003,1-2005,12;
  • 1.    教師  .山東大學(威海)[引用日期2012-11-08]
  • 2.    王麗  .山東大學[引用日期2024-04-14]