


王鐵成,男,漢族,1984年8月生,湖北荊州人,博士西北農林科技大學副教授 [1] 
國    籍
民    族
職    業
性    別
職    稱


2003/09 - 2007/07,三峽大學,本科;2007/09 - 2009/09,大連理工大學,碩士(提前攻博);2011/10 - 2012/09,東京大學,國家公派聯合培養博士;2013/04 -2015/12,西北農林科技大學,資源環境學院環境科學與工程系,講師;2016/01–至今,西北農林科技大學,資源環境學院環境科學與工程系,副教授。 [1] 


Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Chemical Engineering Journal等國際期刊審稿人。
中國化學會會員。 [1] 


(3)有機污染場地土壤修復 [1] 


主要承擔本科生《環境監測》、《環境監測實驗》課程的教學。 [1] 


主要從事環境污染控制方面的研究工作。近幾年主持了國家自然科學基金面上項目、國家重點研發計劃子課題、國家自然科學基金青年項目、陝西省自然科學基金、中國博士後基金、陝西省博士後特等資助、中科院水土保持研究所青年人才培育專項、楊淩示範區科技專項等科研項目十餘項,入選西北農林科技大學“青年英才”支持計劃。發表學術論文70餘篇,其中以第一作者或通訊作者發表SCI論文40餘篇,其中5篇發表在環境領域國際頂級期刊 Environmental Science & Technology 、Water Research 上。 [1] 


(1)國家自然科學基金面上項目,21976143, 等離子體氧化去除水中抗性細菌及其攜帶的抗性基因的效應與機制,2020/01~2023/12,主持。
(3)國家自然科學基金青年項目,51608448, 放電等離子體耦合鐵屑內電解-沉澱法去除水中重金屬絡合物的效應和機制,2017/01~2019/12,主持。
(5)西北農林科技大學“卓越人才”支持計劃,放電等離子體對污泥的減量效應與機制,Z109021802, 2018/01-2020/12,主持。
(7)技術服務橫向項目,水體及沉積物樣品中全氟化合物PFASs 的含量分析,2018/08~2018/12,主持。
(15)西北農林科技大學博士科研啓動基金,脈衝放電等離子體-催化協同淨化增塑劑污染廢水研究,2014/01~2015/12,主持。 [1] 


[1] Wang Tiecheng, Cao Yang, Qu Guangzhou, Sun Qiuhong, Xia Tianjiao, Guo Xuetao, Jia Hanzhong*, Zhu Lingyan,Novel Cu(II)-EDTA decomplexation by discharge plasma oxidation and coupled Cu removal by alkaline precipitation: Underneath mechanisms.Environ. Sci. Technol., 2018,52, 7884–7891
[2] Wang Tiecheng*, Qu Guangzhou, Ren Jingyu, Yan Qiuhe, Sun Qiuhong, Liang Dongli, Hu Shibin, Evaluation of the potentials of humic acid removal in water by gas phase surface discharge plasma, Water Research, 2016, 89: 28-38
[3] Wang Tiecheng*, Qu Guangzhou, Sun Qiuhong, Liang Dongli, Hu Shibin, Evaluation of the potential of p-nitrophenol degradation in dredged sediment by pulsed discharge plasma, Water Res earch , 2015, 84: 18-24
[4] Wang Tiecheng, Lu Na, Li Jie*, Wu Yan, Evaluation of the potential of pentachlorophenol degradation in soil by pulsed corona discharge plasma from soil characteristics, Environ . Sci . Technol ., 2010, 44(8): 3105-3110.
[5] Wang Tiecheng, Lu Na, Li Jie*, Wu Yan, Plasma-TiO2catalytic method for high-efficiency remediation of p -Nitrophenol contaminated soil in pulsed discharge, Environ . Sci . Technol . , 2011, 45(21): 9301-9307
[6] Jia HZ, Zhao S, Shi YF, Fan XY, Wang TC*.Formation of environmentally persistent free radicals during the transformation of anthracene in different soils: Roles of soil characteristics and ambient conditions.Journal of Hazardous Materials 2019;362:214-23.
[7]Yang Cao, Xuecong Qian, Yuxuan Zhang, Guangzhou Qu, Tianjiao Xia, Xuetao Guo, Hanzhong Jia,Tiecheng Wang,**Decomplexation of EDTA-chelated copper and removal of copper ionsby non-thermal plasma oxidation/alkaline precipitation,Chem Eng J 362 (2019) 487–496
[8] Wang Tiecheng, Qu Guangzhou, Yin Xianqiang*, Sun Qiuhong, Liang Dongli, Guo Xuetao, Jia Hanzhong,Dimethyl phthalate elimination from micro-polluted source water by surface discharge plasma: performance, active species roles and mechanisms,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 357, 279-288
[9]Wang Tiecheng, Ren Jingyu, Qu Guangzhou, Liang Dongli, Hu Shibin, Glyphosate contaminated soil remediationbyatmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge plasma and its residual toxicity evaluation, J . Hazard . M ater . 2016, 320, 539-546
[10] Wang Tiecheng, Qu Guangzhou, Ren Jingyu, Sun Qiuhong, Liang Dongli, Hu Shibin, Organic acids enhanced decoloration of azo dye in gas phase surface discharge plasma system, J . Hazard . M ater . , 2016, 302: 65-71
[11] Wang Tiecheng, Qu Guangzhou, Li Jie, Liang Dongli, Evaluation of the potential of soil remediation by direct multi-channel pulsed corona discharge in soil,J.Hazard.Mater., 2014, 264: 169-175
[12] Wang Tiecheng, Lu Na, Li Jie, Wu Yan, Degradation of pentachlorophenol in soil by pulsed corona discharge plasma, J . Hazard . M ater ., 2010, 180(1): 436-441.
[13] Wang Tiecheng, Lu Na, Li Jie, Wu Yan,Enhanced degradation of p -Nitrophenol in soil in a pulsed discharge plasma-catalytic system, J . Hazard . M ater . , 2011, 195: 276-280.
[14] Hongshuai Kan, Tiecheng Wang*, Zhengshuang Yang, Renren Wu, Jing Shen, Guangzhou Qu, Hanzhong Jia,High frequency discharge plasma induced plasticizer elimination in water: Removal performance and residual toxicity. Journal of Hazardous Materials 383 (2020) 121185
[15] Wang Tiecheng, Jia Hanzhong, Guo Xuetao, Xia Tianjiao, QuGuangzhou,Sun Qiuhong,Yin Xianqiang*, Evaluation of the potential of dimethyl phthalatedegradation in aqueous using sodium percarbonateactivated by discharge plasma. Chem. Eng.J.2018, 346, 65-76.
[16] Jia Hanzhong, Cao Yang, Qu Guangzhou,WangTiecheng*, Guo Xuetao, Xia Tianjiao, Dimethyl phthalatecontaminated soil remediation by dielectric barrier discharge: performance and residual toxicity, Chem. Eng.J.2018,351,1076-1084
[17] Wang Tiecheng, Qu Guangzhou, Li Jie, Liang Dongli, Hu Shibin, Depth dependence of p -nitrophenol removal in soil by pulsed discharge plasma, Chem . Eng . J ., 2014, 239: 178-184
[18] Tiecheng Wang, Qi Wang,Heng Soklun, Guangzhou Qu, Tianjiao Xia, Xuetao Guo, Hanzhong Jia*, Lingyan Zhu**, A green strategy for simultaneous Cu(II)-EDTA decomplexation and Cu precipitation from water by bicarbonate-activated hydrogen peroxide/chemical precipitation, Chemical Engineering Journal 370 (2019) 1298–1309
[19]Tengfei Li, Haoran Wei, Hanzhong Jia, Tianjiao Xia, Xuetao Guo, Tiecheng Wang*, Lingyan Zhu*, Mechanisms for highly-efficient mineralization of bisphenol A by heterostructured Ag2WO4/Ag3PO4 under simulated solar-light. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2019, 7, 4177-4185
[20] Qi Wang, Jinxian Yu, XueYao Chen, Danting Du, Renren Wu, Guangzhou Qu, Xuetao Guo, Hanzhong Jia, Tiecheng Wang,Non-thermal plasma oxidation of Cu(II)-EDTA and simultaneous Cu(II) elimination by chemical precipitation,Journal of Environmental Management, 2019,248, 109237-109244
[21] Qiao Guo, Ying Wang, Haoran Zhang, Guangzhou Qu, Tiecheng Wang*,QiuhongSun, Dongli Liang,Alleviation of adverse effects of drought stress on wheat seed germination using atmospheric dielectric barrier discharge plasma treatment, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 16680.
[22] Huang, D; Wang, TC; Zhu, KC; Zhao, S; Shi, YF; Ye, M; Wang, CY; Jia, HZ. Low-molecular-weight organic acids impede the degradation of naphthol in iron oxides/persulfate systems: Implications for research experiments in pure conditions. Chemosphere 2019, 225, 1-8.
[23] Hongshuai Kan,Heng Soklun, Zhengshuang Yang, Renren Wu*, Jing Shen, Guangzhou Qu, Tiecheng Wang**, Purification of dye wastewater using bicarbonate activated hydrogen peroxide: Reaction process and mechanisms,2019 Separation and Purification Technology 232 (2020) 115974
[24] Wang Tiecheng, Qu Guangzhou, Sun Qiuhong, Liang Dongli, Hu Shibin, Formation and roles of H2O2during soil remediation by direct multi-channel pulsed corona discharge in soil, Sep . Purif . Technol ., 2015, 147: 17-23
[25] Wang Tiecheng, Qu Guangzhou, Li Jie, Liang Dongli, Remediation of p -Nitrophenol and Pentachlorophenol mixtures contaminated soil using pulsed corona discharge plasma, Sep . Purif . Technol . , 2014, 122: 17-23
[26] Wang Tiecheng, Lu Na, An Jiutao, Zhao Yan, Li Jie, Wu Yan, Multi-tube parallel surface discharge plasma reactor for wastewater treatment, Sep . Purif . Technol . , 2012, 10: 9-14.
[27] Yujuan Li, Guangzhou Qu, Luyu Zhang, Tiecheng Wang*, Qiuhong Sun, Dongli Liang, Shibin Hu*, Humic acid removal from micro-polluted source water using gas phase surface discharge plasma at different grounding modes, Sep Purif. Technol. 2017, 180, 36-43
[28] Qianrou Zhang,Guangzhou Qu, Tiecheng Wang*, Chungang Li, Hong Qiang, Qiuhong Sun, Dongli Liang, Shibin Hu,Humic acid removal frommicro-polluted sourcewater in the presence of inorganic salts in a gas-phase surface discharge plasmasystem. Sep Purif. Technol. 2017,187, 334-342
[29] Tiecheng Wang*, Yujuan Li, Guangzhou Qu, Qiuhong Sun, Dongli Liang, Shibin Hu, Lingyan Zhu, Enhanced removal of humic acid from micro-polluted source water in a surface discharge plasma system coupled with activated carbon, ESPR, 2017, 24, 21591-21600
[30]WangTiecheng,Qu Guangzhou,Pei Shuzhao,Liang Dongli,Hu Shibin, Research on dye wastewater decoloration by pulse dischargeplasma combined with charcoal derived from spent tea leaves, Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2016, 23, 13448-13457
[31] WangTiecheng, Ma Tianzhuo, Qu Guangzhou, Liang Dongli, Hu Shibin, Performance evaluation of hybrid gas-liquid pulsedischarge plasma-induced degradation of polyvinylalcohol-containing wastewater, Plasma Chem . Plasma Process ., 2014, 34: 1115-1127
[32] YiranMeng, GuangzhouQu, TiechengWang*,QiuhongSun, DongliLiang, ShibinHu, Enhancement of Germination and Seedling Growth of Wheat Seed Using Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma with Various Gas Sources,Plasma Chem Plasma Process (2017). 37, 1105-1119
[33] Yujuan Li, Tiecheng Wang*,Yiran Meng,Guangzhou Qu, QiuhongSun, Dongli Liang, Shibin Hu*, Air atmospheric dielectric barrier discharge plasma induced germination and growth enhancement of wheat seed, 2017, Plasma Chem Plasma process, 37, 1621-1634
[34] WangTiecheng, Qu Guangzhou, Li Jie, Liang Dongli, Evaluation and optimization of multi-channel pulsed discharge plasma system for soil remediation, Vacuum , 2014, 103: 72-77
[35] Wang Tiecheng, Qu Guangzhou, Li Jie, Lu Na, Transport characteristics of gas phase ozone in soil during soil remediation by pulsed discharge plasma, Vacuum , 2014, 101: 86-91
[36] Tiecheng Wang,Yujuan Li, Guangzhou Qu, Dongli Liang,Shibin Hu, Photocatalytic degradation of acid orange II using activatedcarbon fiber-supported cobalt phthalocyanine coupledwith hydrogen peroxide, Water Air Soil Pollut.2016,227, 464-472.
[37] Qiao Guo, Yiran Meng, Guangzhou Qu, Tiecheng Wang*, Fengning Yang, Dongli Liang, and Shibin Hu, Improvement of wheat seed vitality by dielectric barrier discharge plasma treatment,Bioelectromagnetics,2018, 39, 120-131
[38] Wang Tiecheng, Qu Guangzhou, Yan Qiuhe, Sun Qiuhong, Liang Dongli, Hu Shibin, Optimization of gas-liquid hybrid pulsed discharge plasma for p-nitrophenol contaminated dredged sediment remediation, J . Electrostat ics, 2015, 77: 166-173.
[39] Wang Tiecheng, Qu Guangzhou, Li Jie, Lu Na, Kinetics studies on pentachlorophenol degradation in soil during pulsed discharge plasma process, J . Electrostatics , 2013, 71(6): 994-998
[40] Ren Jingyu, Wang Tiecheng*, Qu Guangzhou, Liang Dongli, Hu Shibin, Evaluation and optimization of electrode configuration of multi-channel corona discharge plasma for dye-containing wastewater treatment, Plasma Sci . Technol ., 2015, 17: 1-8
[41] Yang Cao, GuangzhouQu,Tengfei Li, Nan Jiang,Tiecheng Wang*,Review on reactive species in water treatment using electrical discharge plasma: formation, measurement, mechanisms and mass transfer.Plasma Sci. Technol., 2018, 20,103001
[42] Wang Tiecheng, Lu Na, Li Jie, Wu Yan, Degradation characteristics of pentachlorophenol in soil under different plasmas using pulsed electrical discharge, Int er. J. Plasma Environ . Sci . Technol ., 2010, 4(2): 101-107. [1] 
  • 1.    教師  .西北農林科技大學[引用日期2019-11-03]