


王瑋,男,博士研究生導師,教授,1979年1月出生,仲愷農業工程學院學術委員會委員,獸醫學科帶頭人,校科學技術部副部長,健康養殖創新研究院副院長,廣東省農業科學嶺南重點實驗室雙聘教授,吉林大學、瀋陽農業大學兼職博士生導師,首都醫科大學神經生物學重點實驗室訪問學者,美國北卡羅來那州立大學訪問學者。 [1] 


Ø 1996.09—2000.06: 中國人民解放軍軍需大學 動物科學專業 獲農學學士學位
Ø 2003.09—2007.12:吉林大學動物醫學學院 動物生理生化獲農學碩士學位 導師:歐陽紅生
Ø 2008.09—2014.12: 吉林大學動物醫學學院 基礎獸醫學(動物生理學) 獲農學博士學位 導師:胡仲明
Ø 2011.05—2012.05: 美國北卡羅來那州立大學醫學院 訪問學者
Ø 2015.10—2019.04: 首都醫科大學神經生物學系博士後 導師:王曉民 [2] 


2000.07-2002.03:中國人民解放軍軍需大學 學員旅 助理、政工幹事
2002.03-2004.08:中國人民解放軍軍需大學 軍事獸醫系 教學科研參謀、主任助理
2004.08-2006.08:吉林大學農學部動物醫學學院生理教研室 助教
2006.08-2012.08:吉林大學農學部動物醫學學院生理教研室 講師
2012.08-2019.07:吉林大學動物醫學學院生理教研室 博士生導師、副教授、主任
2019.09-起: 仲愷農業工程學院健康養殖創新研究院 教授、副院長、校科學技術部副部長 [2] 


² 神經退行性疾病動物模型建立及發病機制研究
² 腸道屏障功能調控的分子機制研究
² 腸道微生物調控機理研究
² 鴿子免疫疾病防控究 [1-2] 


1. 國家自然科學基金青年基金,μ-阿片肽受體在人工誘導的IBD大鼠模型中的變化規律及作用 (30901057),2009-2012,主持人
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,GPR109A介導的豬腸道屏障功能調控的分子機制 (31572479),2016-2019,主持人
3. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,GPR109A與變形菌互作在斷奶仔豬腹瀉中的作用研究(31872442),2019-2022,主持人。
4. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,組蛋白丁酰化在斷奶仔豬腸道炎症及腸道屏障調控中的作用及機制研究(32172815),2022-2025,主持人
5. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,疑核對炎症性腸病大鼠相關細胞因子的調控機制(30671535),第一參加。
6. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,IL-21在大鼠炎症性腸病中的作用及其中樞機制(30871840),第一參加。
7. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,NPY在大鼠炎症性腸病中的作用及其機制(31072100),第一參加。
8. 廣東省重點領域研發計劃-精準農業項目-肉鴿免疫機制解析及改善抗病力研究(2020B0202080002),2020-2023,負責人
9. 國家“973”項目子課題,牛奶重要營養品質形成與調控機理研究(2011CB100805),第一參加。 [2] 


[1] Zhang SJ, Li ZH, Zhang YD, Chen J, Li Y, Wu FQ,Wang W, Cui ZJ, Chen GQ*. Ketone Body 3-Hydroxybutyrate Ameliorates Atherosclerosis via Receptor Gpr109a-Mediated Calcium Influx. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2021 Mar 1;8(9):2003410. doi: 10.1002/advs.2020 03410. PMID: 33977048; PMCID: PMC8097358.(醫學1區,IF:16.806) [2] 
[2] Gong Y, Jin X, Yuan B, Lv Y, Yan G, Liu M, Xie C, Liu J, Tang Y, Gao H, Zhu Y, Huang Y,Wang W*. G Protein-Coupled Receptor 109A Maintains the Intestinal Integrity and Protects Against ETEC Mucosal Infection by Promoting IgA Secretion. Frontiers in Immunology. 2021 Jan 8;11:583652. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.583652. PMID: 33488584; PMCID: PMC7821714.(醫學1區,IF:7.561)
[3] Mingming Liu, Boyu Yuan, Xinxin Jin, Mingqiang Zhu, Haidong Xu, Gaijie Xie, Zifan Wang, Xue Zhang, Zhaoyun Xu, Bai Li, Yanhua Huang*, Yantao Lv*,Wei Wang*. Citric acid promoting B lymphocyte differentiation and anti-epithelia cells apoptosis mediate the protective effects of Hermetia illucens feed in ETEC induced piglets diarrhea. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, section Animal Nutrition and Metabolism. Nov.2021. (農學2區,IF:3.4)
[4] Xinxin Jin, Boyu Yuan, Mingming Liu, Mingqiang Zhu, Xue Zhang, Gaijie Xie, Wenxiang Wu, Zifan Wang, Haidong Xu, Yantao Lv*, Yanhua Huang*,Wei Wang*. Dietary Hermetia illucens larvae replacement alleviates diarrhea and improve intestinal barrier function in weaned piglets challenged with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli K88 associated with its modulation of gut microbiota .Frontiers in Veterinary Science, section Animal Nutrition and Metabolism.Nov.2021. (農學2區,IF:3.4)
[5] Liu B, Pan X, Liu Z, Han M, Xu G, Dai X,Wang W*, Zhang H*, Xie L*. Fecal microbiota as a noninvasive biomarker to predict the tissue iron accumulation in intestine epithelial cells and liver. FASEB J. 2020 Feb;34(2):3006-3020. doi: 10.1096/fj.201901635RR. Epub 2020 Jan 7. PMID: 31912587.(生物1區,IF:5.191)
[6] Jingxuan Sun, Boyu Yuan, Yancheng Wu, Yuhong Gong, Wenjin Guo, Shoupeng Fu, Yongxin Luan*,Wei Wang*, "Sodium Butyrate Protects N2a Cells against Aβ Toxicity In Vitro", Mediators of Inflammation, vol. 2020, Article ID 7605160, 9 pages, 2020.(醫學2區,IF:4.711)
[7] Wu Y, Gong Y, Luan Y, Li Y, Liu J, Yue Z, Yuan B, Sun J, Xie C, Li L, Zhen J, Jin X, Zheng Y, Wang X, Xie L,Wang W*. BHBA treatment improves cognitive function by targeting pleiotropic mechanisms in transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. FASEB J. 2020 Jan;34(1):1412-1429. doi: 10.1096/fj.201901984R. Epub 2019 Dec 1. PMID: 31914599.(生物1區,IF:5.191)
[8] Guangxin Chen, Xin Ran, Bai Li, Yuhang Li, Dewei He, Bingxu Huang, Shoupeng Fu,Juxiong Liu*,Wei Wang*, Sodium Butyrate Inhibits Inflammation and Maintains Epithelium Barrier Integrity in a TNBS-induced Inflammatory Bowel Disease Mice Model. EBioMedicine, 2018 Apr 30 (2018) 317–325. (醫學1區,IF:8.143)
[9] Chen G, Huang B, Fu S, Li B, Ran X, He D, Jiang L, Li Y, Liu B, Xie L, Liu J,Wang W. G Protein-Coupled Receptor 109A and Host Microbiota Modulate Intestinal Epithelial Integrity During Sepsis. Front Immunol. 2018 Sep 13;9:2079. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.02079. PMID: 30271409; PMCID: PMC6146091. (醫學1區,IF:6.429)
[10] Wenqian Feng, Yancheng Wu, Guangxin Chen, Shoupeng Fu, Bai Li, BingxuHuang, Dali Wang,Wei Wang*, Juxiong Liu*. Sodium Butyrate Attenuates Diarrhea in Weaned Piglets and Promotes Tight Junction Protein Expression in Colon in a GPR109A-Dependent Manner. Cell Phy chem 2018;47:1617-1629.(生物2區,IF:5.104) [2] 
[11] Bingxu Huang*, Juxiong Liu, Tianyu Meng, Yuhang Li, Dewei He, Xin Ran, Guangxin Chen1,3, Wenjin Guo, Xingchi Kan, Shoupeng Fu, Wei Wang and Dianfeng Liu*.Polydatin Prevents Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-Induced Parkinson's Disease via Regulation of the AKT/GSK3β-Nrf2/NF-κB Signaling Axis. Front. Immunol., 05 November 2018, fimmu.2018.02527(醫學1區,IF:7.561)
[12]Bingxu Huang, Juxiong Liu, Dongxu Ma, Guangxin Chen,Wei Wang, Shoupeng Fu.Myricetin prevents dopaminergic neurons from undergoing neuroinflammation-mediated degeneration in a lipopolysaccharide-induced Parkinson’s disease model,Journal of Functional Foods,Volume 45,2018,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jff.2018.04.018 (食品1區,IF:4.451)
[13]Bingxu Huang, Dewei He, Guangxin Chen, Xin Ran,Wenjin Guo,Xingchi Kan,Wei Wang, Dianfeng Liu,Shoupeng Fu*and Juxiong Liu*. α-Cyperone inhibits LPS-induced inflammation in BV-2 cells through activation of Akt/Nrf2/HO-1 and suppression of the NF-κB pathway. Food &Function. DOI https://doi.org/10.1039/C8FO00057C. Issue 5, 2018(農學1區,IF:5.396)
[14]Chen G, Fu S, Feng W, Huang B, Xu S, Wang W*, Liu J*, AMP010014A09 in Sus Scrofa Encodes an Analog of G Protein-Coupled Receptor 109A, Which Mediates the Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Beta-Hydroxybutyric Acid. Cell Physiol Biochem, 2017 Jul 17;42(4):1420-1430.(生物2區,IF:5.104) [2] 