


王帥,男,1978年生,博士,教授,現任中南大學化學化工系主任,錳資源高效清潔利用湖南省重點實驗室副主任,礦冶工程化學虛擬仿真工作室(中南大學校級創客空間)負責人。主要從事選冶藥劑的分子設計與綠色合成技術、錳資源高效分離與過程強化技術、功能高分子材料等方面的研究,近年來,主持國家自然科學基金、教育部博士點基金、湖南省自然科學基金項目、中南大學中央高校基本科研業務費項目以及企業合作項目10餘項,參加國家自然科學基金項目3項,國家863計劃項目2項;發表學術論文30餘篇,參與編寫學術專著1本,申請專利20餘項,授權12項,擁有計算機軟件著作權2項。主講化工過程分析與合成、計算機在化學化工中的應用等課程。指導研究生及大學生創新創業訓練計劃項目6項,其中國家級3項,校級3項。獲國家技術發明二等獎、湖南省技術發明二等獎、中南大學優秀班導師、蔡田碹珠獎勵金優秀教師獎、中南大學創新創業項目優秀指導教師各1項,2013年入選中南大學"531"人才工程第三層次人才計劃。 [1] 
Shuai Wang
國    籍
民    族
職    業


[1]2003.9-2008.3 中南大學| 化學工藝| 博士學位| 博士研究生畢業
[2]2001.9-2003.6 中南大學| 化學工藝| 碩士學位| 碩士研究生畢業
[3]1997.9-2001.6 中南大學| 化學工程與工藝| 學士學位| 大學本科畢業


[1]2011.9-至今 中南大學 | 化學化工學院 | 教授
[2]2008.7-2011.8 中南大學 | 化學化工學院 |講師


[1] Jianrong Xue, Hong Zhong*, Shuai Wang*, Changxin Li, Fangfang Wu. Influence of tetraborate anions on manganese electrodeposition in an anion-exchange membrane electrolysis reactor[J]. Ionics, 2017, 23: 177–189
[2] Jianrong Xue, Shuai Wang*, Hong Zhong*, Changxin Li, Fangfang Wu. Influence of sodium oleate on manganese electrodeposition in sulfate solution [J]. Hydrometallurgy, 2016, 160: 115-122
[3] Xin Ma, Yuan Hu, Hong Zhong*, Shuai Wang*, Guangyi Liu, Gang Zhao. A novel surfactant S-benzoyl-N,N-diethyldithiocarbamate synthesis and its flotation performance to galena [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 365: 342–351
[4] Jianrong Xue, Hong Zhong*, Shuai Wang*, Changxin Li, Jinzhong Li, Fangfang Wu. Influence of oxalate anions on manganese electrodeposition in sulfate solution [J]. Ionics, 2016, 22: 683–693
[5] Xia Wu, Dan Zhang, Feipeng Jiao*, Shuai Wang*. Visible-light-driven photodegradation of Methyl Orange using Cu2O/ZnAl calcined layered double hydroxides as photocatalysts [J]. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2016, 508: 110-116
[6] Gang Zhao, Jing Peng, Hong Zhong*, Shuai Wang*, Guangyi Liu. Synthesis of novel ether thionocarbamates and study on their flotation performance for chalcopyrite [J]. Minerals, 2016, 6: 97
[7] Jianrong Xue, Hong Zhong*, Shuai Wang*, Changxin Li, Jinzhong Li, Fangfang Wu. Kinetics of reduction leaching of manganese dioxide ore with Phytolacca americana in sulfuric acid solution [J]. Journal of Saudi Chemical Society, 2016, 20: 437–442
[8] Fang-Fang Wu, Shuai Wang*, Shuai-Yi Guo, Hong Zhong*. Adsorption of methylene blue by porous ceramics prepared from electrolytic manganese residues [J]. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2016, 57: 27627–27637
[9] FangFang Wu, XuePing Li, Hong Zhong*, Shuai Wang*. Utilization of electrolytic manganese residues in production of porous ceramics [J]. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technolog, 2016, 13: 511–521
[10] Changxin Li, Hong Zhong*, Shuai Wang*, Jianrong Xue, Zhenyu Zhang. A novel conversion process for waste residue: Synthesis of zeolite from electrolytic manganese residue and its application to the removal of heavy metals [J]. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2015, 470: 258-267
[11] Gang Zhao, Shuai Wang*, Hong Zhong*. Study on the Activation of Scheelite and Wolframite by Lead Nitrate [J]. Minerals, 2015, 5(2): 247-258
[12] Changxin Li, Hong Zhong*, Shuai Wang*, Jianrong Xue, Zhenyu Zhang. Removal of basic dye (methylene blue) from aqueous solution using zeolite synthesized from electrolytic manganese residue [J]. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2015, 23: 344-352
[13] Gang Zhao, Qing Wang, Shuai Wang*, Chunjie Zhou, Hong Zhong*. Adsorption of silver ions using an ethoxycarbonyl thiourea chelating resin [J]. Materials Research Innovations, 2015, 19(10): 350-355
[14] Changxin Li, Hong Zhong∗, Shuai Wang∗, Jianrong Xue, Haibo Wang. Reaction process and mechanism analysis for CaS generation in the process of reductive decomposition of CaSO3 with coal [J]. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2015, 50: 173-181
[15] Changxin Li, Hong Zhong∗, Shuai Wang∗, Jianrong Xue, Fangfang Wu, Zhenyu Zhang. Preparation of MnO2 and calcium silicate hydrate from electrolytic manganese residue and evaluation of adsorption properties [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2015, 22(7): 2493-2502
[16] Haifeng Xu, Hong Zhong*, Shuai Wang*, Yanan Niu, Guangyi Liu. Synthesis of 2-ethyl-2-hexenal oxime and its flotation performance for copper ore [J]. Minerals Engineering, 2014, 66-68: 173-180


[1]硫化礦新型高效捕收劑的合成技術與浮選應用,國家技術發明獎,2013年 [2] 