

民    族


王奎華教授 王奎華教授 [1]
1984.9-1988.6 中國地質大學水工系學習(本科);1988.7-1990.8江蘇地礦局工作;
1999年7月起在浙江大學岩土工程研究所工作至今,歷任副教授、教授(2003)、博士生導師(2004)。(2006.8-11 澳大利亞西悉尼大學高級訪問學者)




[1]Wu J, El Naggar M H, Wang K, et al. Lateral vibration characteristics of an extended pile shaft under low-strain integrity test[J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 126: 105812.
[2]Wu, Juntao, Kuihua Wang, and M. Hesham El Naggar. "Dynamic response of a defect pile in layered soil subjected to longitudinal vibration in parallel seismic integrity testing."Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering121 (2019): 168-178.
[3]Wu, Juntao, Kuihua Wang, and M. Hesham El Naggar. "Dynamic soil reactions around pile-fictitious soil pile coupled model and its application in parallel seismic method."Computers and Geotechnics110 (2019): 44-56.
[4] Liu Gao, Kui-hua Wang, Juntao Wu, et al. Analytical solution for the dynamic response of a pile with a variable-section interface in low-strain integrity testing[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2017:328–340.
[5] Liu Gao, Kui-hua Wang, Si Xiao, et al. Vertical Impedance of Tapered Piles Considering the Vertical Reaction of Surrounding Soil and Construction Disturbance[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, published online, 2017. (SCI)
[6] Zhenya Li, Kui-hua Wang. Vertical dynamic impedance of large-diameter pile considering its transverse inertia effect and construction disturbance effect[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2017, 35(2): 256-265. (SCI)
[7] Zhenya Li, Kui-hua Wang, Wenbing Wu, et al. Vertical vibration of a large-diameter pipe pile considering the radial inhomogeneity of soil caused by the construction disturbance effect[J]. Computers & Geotechnics, 2017, 85:90-102. (SCI)
[8] Zhenya Li, Kui-hua Wang, Wenbing Wu, et al. Longitudinal Dynamic Impedance of a Static Drill Rooted Nodular Pile Embedded in Layered Soil[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, published online, 2016. (SCI)
[9] Zhenya Li, Kui-hua Wang. Wenbing Wu, et al. Vertical vibration of a large diameter pile embedded in inhomogeneous soil based on the Rayleigh-Love rod theory[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE, 2016, 2016: 11-10. (SCI)
[10] Liu Gao, Kui-hua Wang, Si Xiao, et al. An analytical solution for excited pile vibrations with variable section impedance in the time domain and its engineering application[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2016, 73: 170-178. (SCI)
[11] Zhenya Li, Kui-hua Wang, S.H. Lü, et al. A new approach for time effect analysis in the settlement of single pile in nonlinear viscoelastic soil deposits[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2015, 16(8):630-643. (SCI)
[12] S.H. Lü, Kui-hua Wang, W.B. Wu, et al. Longitudinal vibration of pile in layered soil based on Rayleigh-Love rod theory and fictitious soil-pile model[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2015, 22(5):1909-1918. (SCI)
[13] S.H. Lü, Kui-hua Wang, Peng Zhang. Wu, et al. Nonlinear analysis of pile load-settlement behavior in layered soil[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2015, 22(9):3615-3623. (SCI)
[14] S.H. Lü, Kui-hua Wang, W.B. Wu. Dynamic Behavior of Beam–Pile Structure Under Vertical Transient Excitation[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2016, 34(6): 550-558. (SCI)
[15] S.H. Lü, Kui-hua Wang, W.B. Wu, et al. Longitudinal vibration of a pile embedded in layered soil considering the transverse inertia effect of pile[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2014, 62: 90-99. (SCI)
[16] Ning WANG, Kui-hua WANG, Wen-bing WU. Analytical model of vertical vibrations in piles for different tip boundary conditions: parametric study and applications[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering), 2013, 14(2): 79-93. (SCI、EI)
[17] W.B. Wu, Kuihua WANG, Z.Q. Zhang, et al. Soil-pile interaction in the pile vertical vibration considering true three-dimensional wave effect of soil[J]. International Journal for Numerical & Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2013, 37(17):2860-2876. (SCI, EI)


1. 虛土樁法及其在樁基礎動、靜特性分析中的應用研究,國家自然科學基金項目(面上項目50879077),項目負責人,2009.1~2011.12,32萬。
2. 考慮固結時成層地基中變阻抗樁振動特性與應用研究,國家自然科學基金項目(面上項目50279047),項目負責人,2003.1~2005.12,21萬。
3. 成層飽和軟粘土地基大應變非線性流變固結理論研究,國家自然科學基金項目(面上項目50079026),第2完成人,2001.1~2003.12,16萬。
4. 軟粘土地基非單調壓縮固結理論研究(20030335027),教育部博士點基金,第二完成人,20040101~20061231。
5. 考慮土體動力固結時樁基水平振動特性研究,省自然科學基金(面上),(y104413),第3完成人,20050101~20061230。
6. 工程抗震參數設計地基動力參數研究,浙江省自然科學基金項目,(597036),第4完成人,1998.1-2000.12。


1. 樁的縱向振動理論與外插並口式檢測系統(EPPDS) 浙江省科技進步三等獎 2000年
2. 軟土地基基坑工程環境影響及控制方法 浙江省科技進步二等獎 2003年


[1] 王奎華, 高柳, 肖偲, 等. 雙傘式預應力管樁分段靜荷載試驗方法及裝置. 2017. 1, 中國, CN104652498 B.
[2] 王奎華, 高柳, 肖偲, 等. 轉動式預應力管樁分段靜載荷試驗方法及裝置. 2016. 3, 中國, CN 104652500 B.
[3] 王奎華, 徐禮閣, 陳鑫,等. 無探杆箱式動力觸探儀及其觸探方法. 2014. 12, 中國, CN103306255B.
[4] 王奎華, 李振亞, 呂述暉,等. 無探杆自行式靜力觸探儀. 2015. 5, 中國, CN103437335B.
[5] 王奎華, 呂述暉, 李振亞,等. 虛擬隔離單樁法檢測既有結構物下高承台樁完整性的方法. 2015. 9, 中國, CN103774701B.
[6] 王奎華, 呂述暉, 李振亞,等. 泛頻響函數法檢測既有建構築物下高承台樁完整性的方法. 2015.7, 中國,CN103774700B.
[7] 錢錚, 王奎華. 一種提高基坑雙排支護樁整體性和側向剛度的施工方法. 2014. 10, 中國,CN103046554B.
[8] 王奎華, 武登輝, 吳文兵, 馬少俊. 灌注樁樁底沉渣性能超聲波測試裝置. 2011. 7, 中國, CN201909776U.
[9] 王奎華, 馬少俊, 武登輝, 吳文兵, 羅永健, 王寧. 應變梁式土壓力傳感器. 2011. 12, 中國, CN202066629U.
[10] 王奎華, 黃博滔, 張鵬, 周寶民, 彭俊傑, 吳文兵. 基於電磁場強度測試的灌注樁鋼筋籠長度檢測裝置. 2012. 9, 中國, CN202430752U.