

《深入奧卡萬戈》是由Neil Gelinas執導,Neil Gelinas 、Brian Newell編劇紀錄片
深入奧卡萬戈 [1] 
Into The Okavango
類    型
安哥拉 / 博茨瓦納 / 納米比亞 / 南非 / 美國
安哥拉 / 博茨瓦納 / 納米比亞 / 南非 / 美國
導    演
Neil Gelinas
編    劇
Neil Gelinas/Brian Newell
片    長
88 分鐘
2018年4月22日 [2] 
第30屆美國製片人工會獎 最佳紀錄片製片人獎(提名) [3] 



Africa's Okavango River Basin, which covers 125,000 square miles across Angola, Botswana and Namibia, is home to the largest remaining population of African elephants as well as significant populations of lions, cheetahs, wild dogs and hundreds of species of birds. It's also a vital source of water for more than 1 million people and feeds Botswana's majestic Okavango Delta, a World Heritage Site that is now threatened by human activity along the rivers that feed it. In 2015 National Geographic Fellow Dr. Steve Boyes assembled a remarkable team to embark on a four-year project to study this vast and diverse ecosystem to determine how best to protect the delta and its headwaters for generations to come. The first 1,500-mile river expedition of the project brought together local guides and international explorers, storytellers and scientists. The team included 27-year- old marine biologist Adjany Costa, who grew up in the sprawling Angolan capital of Luanda during the country's brutal civil war, as well as an Okavango native, Tumeletso Setlabosha, nicknamed "Water," an expert boatsman who spent his entire life on the delta. Starting in Angola at the source of the Cuito River, one of the three arteries feeding the basin, the explorers traveled by traditional canoe (mokoro), but they soon ran aground when the stream narrowed to a trickle, forcing them to drag their boats across marshland for eight grueling days. As the river again became navigable, the team's hopes of documenting a thriving ecosystem were further deterred when they encountered vast tracts of woodland burned by local hunters. Despite these initial disappointments and setbacks, Boyes and his team continued their journey through the highlands of Angola and soon encountered a dizzying array of wildlife. By journey's end, the scientists collected data from 50,000 locations along the way, chronicling dozens of new scientific discoveries and shedding fresh light on the delicate interconnections that bind humankind with nature.
Directed by National Geographic Society filmmaker Neil Gelinas and featuring stunning wildlife photography and aerial views of rarely seen vistas, National Geographic
Documentary Films' Into the Okavango is a deeply moving chronicle of modern-day explorers forever transformed by the adventure of a lifetime. It is also an attempt to draw the world's attention not only to the Okavango River Basin, one of the most important areas for biodiversity conservation, but to the little-known and vulnerable wilderness area in the Angolan highlands on which it depends. [1] 


非洲的奧卡萬戈河流域佔地125,000平方英里,橫跨安哥拉博茨瓦納納米比亞,是非洲大象中最大的棲息地,以及大量的獅子,獵豹,野狗和數百種鳥類。它也是超過100萬人口的重要水源,併為博茨瓦納雄偉的奧卡萬戈三角洲提供食物,這是一個世界遺產,遭受人類活動的威脅。 2015年,國家地理研究員史蒂夫博伊斯博士組建了一支團隊,開始了一個為期四年的項目,研究這個龐大而多樣化的生態系統,以確定如何最好地保護三角洲及其後代的源頭。該項目的首次1500英里河流探險活動彙集了當地導遊和國際探險家,講故事者和科學家。該團隊成員包括27歲的海洋生物學家Adjany Costa,他在該國殘酷的內戰期間在安哥拉首都羅安達長大,還有一位名叫“Water”的Okavango土生土長的Tumeletso Setlabosha,他是一名專家他在三角洲的整個生活。從安哥拉開始,在Cuito河的源頭,三個動脈之一,探險者乘坐傳統的獨木舟(mokoro),但是當溪流縮小到涓涓細流時,他們很快擱淺,迫使他們拖着他們的船沼澤地有八個艱苦的日子。隨着河流再次成為可通航的,當他們遇到當地獵人燒燬的大片林地時,團隊希望記錄繁榮的生態系統。儘管最初的失望和挫折,博伊斯和他的團隊繼續穿越安哥拉的高地,很快就遇到了令人眼花繚亂的野生動物。在旅程結束時,科學家們從沿途的50,000個地點收集了數據,記錄了數十項新的科學發現,並揭示了人類與自然的微妙相互聯繫。
紀錄片“進入奧卡萬戈”是一部深刻感動的現代探險家編年史,永遠被一生的冒險所改變。它還試圖引起全世界的注意,不僅要關注奧卡萬戈河流域,這是生物多樣性保護最重要的地區之一,而且是安哥拉高地上鮮為人知和脆弱的荒野地區。 [4] 


  • 第30屆美國製片人工會獎 最佳紀錄片製片人獎(提名) [3] 